

Adilynne spent most of her time albeit in th gym, studying in the library, as well as focusing on honing her skills in the force and learning new abilities. Lately Adilynne has spent most of her free time at the academy studying and researching new force abilities, since her former master up and left. As of yet no one has heard from him in quite some time. Adelynne felt completely and utterly alone, which is odd she has been pretty much alone her whole life. Searching her feelings herself she no longer had anyone to train her leaving her with feelings of abandonment. Nonetheless she was determined to finish her training to become a master. At any cost she would finish her training.

Adilynne being night owl, so to speak. For starters she doesn't like crowds of people and prefers to be left alone, especially when training in the gym. One reason is she hates the looks that people give her while she is lifting weights. And then the questions start asking how she does it lifting heavy and what not. Some have even gone so far to ask why she does this to herself and questioning her identity. Which is one of many ways why she hates people, forcing her to keep to herself. Adilynne sometimes struggles keeping her composure, sometimes she just wants to give into her rage and destroy them. This is why she trains early without any disruptions and can just be herself. Most people just fail to understand her, and Adelynne being an introvert rarely let's anyone in. Her own plylosphy,; instinct is to trust none. And she has already been reprimanded for leaving an acolyte on their death bed on two separate occasions.

Another part of her training is Adelynne needs to practice control of her emotions. Although she is a Knight she has alot to work on.



Adilynne couldn't sleep, for what ever reason she could not for the life of her just close her eyes and just sleep. Rolling over and looking at the clock It was late and was about one o'clock in the morning. She was up now, crawling out of bed After a quick shower she just grabbed what ever was in her closet paying little attention to what she was wearing. Being really early in the morning she wasn't in the mood to impress anyone.

Slipping into an old pair of Jean shorts; smiling mind you they did over emphasize the size of her legs.She did hope one day someone would appreciate her hard work. Caressing each thigh she did love the size of her legs. Adilynne trained hard to become where she was now.

Only wearing a sleevless belly shirt. Adilynne didnt care if they showed off her arms and legs. She wasn't expecting to meet anyone of great importance this mornin.

She had only wished Azlyn Ike was with her she was the only who appreciates her, she would have been all googled eyed over her right now. Unfortunately they were on different sides of the galaxy.

Often when she couldn't sleep Adilynne went to the gym; during these times when no one was around she would lift as heavy as she could.Today she wanted to push herself and break her record and lift as mush she possibly lift before falling asleep.Tonight she was going to concentrate on her arms and curl as heavy as she coul. If she was going to be honest with herself, she wanted Azlyn Ike to help train, but they haven't spoken in awhile. She missed her.

Sitting down as a man walked in sitting next to her. Usually she worked out in the back away from the main area. But tonight she took the first bench closest to the weight rack , she wanted to be able to add and remove weight as easy as possible.

Seeing him around Adilynne didn't take him for someone who worked out. Judging by his size he didn't look like he worked out or he had just started lifting weights.. Possibly he had the same reason to come at night as he tried to put on muscle.

With a mischievous smile while he tried to curl a 25lbs dumb bell. Smiling she could have curled That with her pinky if she wanted. Attempting to lift his weights,beginning his work out; sitting on a bench much like her own. He didn't say much only looking at her a few times as he struggled to curl a few reps with a 25 lbs dumb bells. Smirking Adyline easily curled one 50 pound dumbbell ; licking her lips holding the dumbbell for a pose.

Seductively licking her lips as she easily held the weight flexing withba bicep pose. Enjoying every moment as he watched her. Holding each curl just a little longer. Smiling how easy it was for her to Flex and curl the 25 pound dumbbell . Adyline did a few more reps before placing the weights back on the rack.

Taking two dumb bells each one was 75lbs, licking her lips as though she wanted him to see her lift even more, she loved curling each one slowly while alternating each arm. Flexing after each curl until she could felt it burn. Adilynne kept pushing herself curling each one. She kept eying her biceps with each curl while he stared at her while she curled each dumbbell.Giving him a wink as she eyed her arm while she curled the 75 pound weight.

He stopped lifting his weights as he starred at her curling the 75lbs with little effort.

Now curling with each arm Smirking as she placed each dumbbell back. Making sure she had his full attention. The rack of weights she was using sat between them.

Her fingers tracing the next weight,, 80 then 85 90, 100.

His eyes became wide as saucers as she went even bigger taking two 115lbs weights instead of sitting on her bench Adeline sat right down in front of him inching closer. "Dont be scared, I'm not going to kill … you yet" Slowly curling each bell and holding it for a pose showing off her arms. Adyline curling both in the same fashion as a double bicep pose. Giving him a wink as she held the weight in a bicep pose. She curled both 115 lbs holding them in a magnificent bicep pose.

"Don't you wish you had arms like these?" licking her lips holding each curl a moment longer. Adyline licking her lips, curling the two weights. Flexing as she curled borh weights

Azlyn Ike would have enticed her to crush him, she would have caressed her arms whispered in her to slowly break him

Taking his two 25lbs dumbells and placing them back on the rack. "Paper weights" she⁹ smirked. Giving the man a side bicep pose." You only wish you had arms like these" A mischievous grin.Ay least Azlyn Ike would have adored her.