The Arceneau Kuhn family is a galactic household business family name with intergalactic and Otherspace reach across several industries with Arceneau Trade Company and its subsidiaries: PharmaTech, MaraTibx Fuels, Southern Systems Business Bazaar, Browncoat Arms & Industrial, Haven Shipyards, Aurum Sacs Bank, Orian Guildhouse, The Eve Foundation, Yum Bunnies, and Arkun Medical. Affiliate companies are Alric Kuhn's Vanir Technologies, Kvas Mining Corporation, Sif Shipping Corporation, Saeva Incorporated, and Void Genetics. Stockholder of Mohc Extractives, Beast Hunter's Guild, Brightstar Entertainment, Silk Holdings, and the Tion Trade Nexus and board member of Intergalactic Solutions.
Share Holdings
- Silk Holdings - Owns 5% of Silk Holdings
- Mohc Extractives - Owns 46%.
- Tion Trade Station -Owns 10%
- Suvian Sciences - 25% of Stock
- The Beast Hunter's Guild - Owns 29%
- Tenloss Casinos - Takes 20% of profits.
- Bright Star Entertainment - Takes 30% of casino profits.
- Aurum-Saccs Bank - 60%