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Clan Ruus

A new faction designed to bring together those in Mando culture who oppose the crusade, and seek to find a new way.

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Our brothers, the ones who we swore our blood to, have become monsters. Demagolka who seek only blood for blood's sake.

Many of us still remember the previous war, still remember fighting alongside the jetiise and the soldiers of the GA. Clan Ruus plans to continue that, and secure a longevity of Mandalorian culture.

The Enclave will label us Dar'manda. Do not let them dissuade you. We are not here to supplant them. We simply wish to fight on the right side of history.

This will be our cin vhetin. No longer tied to the politics of the GA or the Enclave. Where we go from here is our choice.

OOC Info:

This is meant to be an Anti-Enclave, Pro-GA Mando clan, started by Drego, Minerva Fhirdiad and Selle Skern Selle Skern as a way to strike out away from just becoming part of the GADF, and maintain their belief that Mandalorians are not what the Enclave makes them out to be. Anyone willing to join will be treated with the same respect as their peers.

This isn't meant as a rival to the Enclave, more as a small offshoot that could, in theory, grow to become something more and do it's own thing.

This isn't a subfaction, nor is it meant to be seen as one.

You can find us here

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