Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Latharran Republic

Planetary government ripe for political drama. Focused on the planet Latharra.

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First established around 70 years ago, the Latharran Republic fights to free itself of the various crime syndicates that had ruled over the years. It is not currently affiliated with any other faction, as it is finally an autonomous planet. Though there are military positions, the main focus of the society remains both political and economic in how it interacts with the rest of the galaxy.
The government is a representative democracy and consists of:
The Triumvirate - The three consuls each overseeing one branch of government; the military, internal government affairs, and external government affairs. Each term lasts two years, a maximum of two terms. Voted in by the Senate.
The Senate - Each senator represents a city-state of Latharra. Each term lasts four years, a maximum of two terms. Voted in by the Assembly.
The Assembly - The name given to the overall people of Latharra. All citizens (and dual-citizens) of Latharra over 18 (adjust for species) are able to vote.

I firmly believe the political aspects of Star Wars are the most interesting, and I wanted to bring some of those aspects here for everyone else too. Feel free to join and become a citizen (or dual-citizen) of Latharra. If you want to be part of and/or create one of the smaller crime syndicates that remain, feel free to do that too!

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