Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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League of Autonomous Worlds

An alliance of independent worlds and systems banding together to protect their freedom. Join the rebellion and help fight for a better, brighter Outer Rim!

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"There will be times when the struggle seems impossible. I know this already. Alone, unsure, dwarfed by the scale of the enemy. Remember this. Freedom is a pure idea. It occurs spontaneously and without instruction." ―Karis Nemik

With the threat of the Sith Order realized and the bulk of the Rimward Trade League in flames, the future of the Outer Rim and the welfare of its people have fallen to those still brave enough to challenge the forces of darkness. Further attacks from the Sith Empire are not a matter of if, but when. Lingering Imperial remnants claim more territory by the day for their exiled warlords. Pirates and slavers prowl along trade routes and hyperlanes, terrorizing spacers as they flee for safety. No more. Under a new banner, brave beings fight for the future of a nation born from the seeds of rebellion: the League of Autonomous Worlds. The LAW is a supranational state composed of dozens of independent systems, neutral worlds, and spacer fleets that have agreed to support one another financially, politically, and militarily. Its primary goals are to liberate fallen League worlds and systems from Sith control, restore local power structures, connect isolated communities together, and safeguard their sphere from threats both domestic and foreign.

The LAW is a successor state to the Rimward Trade League. It is a dedicated effort to establish a unified nation in the Outer Rim Territories that is perfect for characters of good or neutral alignment. The LAW's vision is a new, free state on the edge of the galaxy, an effort to carve a chunk of the galactic Wild West and make it just a tad less wild. Some OOC inspirations include the canon Rebel Alliance and Resistance, and historical Chaos factions such as the RTL and ORC.

In the League, we welcome characters of all backgrounds and origins! Civilians, merchants, traders, and explorers will find themselves at home either as independent contractors or members of the Spacers Alliance and Outer Rim Development Corps (ORDC). Bounty hunters, mercenaries, and guns-for-hire may be attracted to the notorious Bounty Hunters Guild. Pilots, solders, resistance fighters, and rebels are of great need in the mighty Civil Defense Force. Jedi, Jensaarai, and Force users of Light or Grey alignment defend the League in the Rimward Jedi Coalition. Planetary governors and delegates may represent their worlds in the League Council. No matter who you are or where you come from, there is room in the League of Autonomous Worlds for all who venture into the Outer Rim.

Government Type:Supranational union
Founding Document:Free Planets Charter
Government Structure:Democratically elected administrative council
Head of State:First Administrator
Governing Body:League Council
Law Enforcement:ORION, Rimward Rangers
Defense Structure:Multilateral defense treaty
Military:League Civil Defense Force, Planetary Defense Fleets
Economy:Market socialism
Commercial Focuses:Interstellar trade, manufacturing, shipbuilding, mining, agriculture
Currencies:Aliance Credit, League Talon
Official Languages:Galactic Basic, Meese Caulf
Force Order:Rimward Jedi Coalition
Spice:Legal; regulated


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