Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Legion of the Crimson Star

Dark Side cult born from the aftermath of the Second Great Hyperspace War. Focusing on the destruction of the conflict between Jedi and Sith by annihilating both orders, and establishing a new order meant to rule the galaxy through strength and brutality.

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The Story so far!
The end of the Second Great Hyperspace War was only the beginning as the Maw fell on Exegol the galaxy was left in a state of quiet following the end of the War. Many presume that all that remains were the Galactic Alliance and the Sith Order. Little did anyone realize that a giant was resting and soon when it awakens would unleash Hell on all the galaxy. Formed from what was left of the Knights of Ren that escaped Exegol and led by a mysterious and enigmatic leader only known as the "Crimson Archon" They retreated to the world of Malachor where they hid and grew stronger. Following the Ren's philosophy only known as the Shadow, slowly the Archon would start to recruit followers all across the galaxy some made of Mawites that escaped the destruction of Exegol and others who had prior dealings with Jedi and Sith where public resentment towards both orders are at an all time high.

With his powers of persuasion and the visions granted from consuming the Ashes of Malachor. The Crimson Archon would quickly amass a legion of dedicated and loyal followers with a strong adherence to the 'Shadow' as the Archon teaches that only enlightenment can be successfully achieved by embracing our darkest selves what the Ren views as the 'Shadow' With the insignia of a red star with the ancient rune for the Ren placed in the center of the blood red star to show the way to ultimate power. The Archon spreads the belief that true power and strength comes from within denying the selfish views of the Sith that represent a horde like mentality that offers little power to all in focus of one embodiment of that power. The Jedi teach the rejection of such notions of any kind, they are seen as weak for only practicing the light while at the same time is at fault for all the suffering in the galaxy. Both orders are the source of all the wrong which the Archon preaches that by wiping out both orders and with the empowerment of the self from within that together the Legion will be able to offer strength, peace, and justice to all the wrong that has plagued the galaxy since the end of the Four Hundred Year Darkness.

Building the strength needed to challenge the galaxy, through the downtrodden, outcasts, rebels, all those that have suffered at both Jedi and Sith seek a change in the in the natural order of things. The Archon encourages a call for arms and a call for revolution. as the Dark Side takes another evolutionary step this time the goal is to forever end the Jedi and Sith and impose a new dark vision that would govern the galaxy under the benevolent rule of the Archon. Operating the shadows with the resentment growing and the cries for a savior growing louder all across the galaxy, the Archon is ready to give them the man of vision the people so desperately needs.

Now after decades of hiding and operating within the darkest corners of the galaxy, the Legion awaits for the right moment to reveal themselves to the galaxy and usher in the crimson age of change by bringing what they perceive as the ultimate balance to the Force brought about through strength.



The Legion's mantra cries out for change. Are you ready to be part of history? Are you ready to start tearing down old orders in favor of a new one that will give all peace? The Shadow it calls to you now will you answer what you deny yourself for so long? Join the Legion as we cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war! For the Legion!!!

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