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Sons of Khaeus

A xenophobic cult from the reaches of the Outer Rim and Wild Space. They worship the tenants of the Bryn'adûl and its Draelvasier

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The Sons of Khaeus is a fervent, militaristic cult founded by Hastor Trosk Hastor Trosk , emerging from his profound disillusionment with the failures of the Silver Jedi on Jabiim. Trosk, a charismatic and ruthless leader, established the group to revive and emulate the martial practices and ideologies of the Draelvasier, a powerful and warlike species. The cult venerates the Bryn'adûl's ethos of strength and unity, striving to mirror their might and resilience in their own actions.

The primary purpose of the Sons of Khaeus is to create a force that embodies the principles of the Bryn'adûl, attracting followers who are disenchanted with the prevailing Human-dominated governments. They conduct raids on settlements, spreading their doctrine of power and anti-Human sentiment. The group is deeply invested in recovering Bryn'adûl artifacts, which they believe hold the key to reinforcing their vision of dominance and superiority. Through these efforts, the Sons of Khaeus aim to build a formidable, unified front that challenges the established order and promotes their creed of strength and unity.

The Sons of Khaeus are a subfaction of The Bryn’adul-Xaelesh Protectorate

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