Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Elysium Empire

Monarchy with a council and senate, Imperial-Alliance Mixed Ideology, Goal is to unite The Galaxy and end The Chaos.

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Heath Valhoun: Owner
Rex Valhoun: Owner's Subaccount
Vice Admiral Burtch: Administrator
Var-Sulis: Moderator

The Basics:
The Elysium Empire is a collection of refugees, Imperial descendants rescued from the Unknown Regions, and Imperial Revisionists that follow King Heath Rex Valhoun in an effort to unite the galaxy and end the seemingly eternal warfare across the galaxy by any means necessary.

The Government:

The Elysium Empire is a Monarchy, with several ways to limit the monarch if the need arises. The Elysium Empire practices an ideology designed by Heath Valhoun that contains both Imperial and Alliance beliefs. The Elysium Empire believes that a strong leader is needed to guide the nation, and a strong military is needed to defend it. However The Elysium Empire is also very diverse, and believes in freedoms such as the right to become a Jedi, or Sith, and the right for a planet to keep its' own militia and judicial system.


With Spindle VI as its' capital, The Empire is currently located in the south of the galaxy, occupying ex CIS, and ex First Order territory. The Empire also has a colony in The East. This colony works in The Scar Worlds to help rebuild the devastated planets and finish The Bryn'adul once and for all.

IC Objectives:

"Look what has happened since the fall of the Empire years ago..." -Heath Valhoun
The Elysium Empire proclaimed itself as The Second Galactic Empire. However it follows a new ideology that introduces more liberal, New Republic-like policies alongside the traditional Imperial ideology. For example The Elysium Empire gives planets a great deal of autonomy, allowing planetary militias and judicial systems. It also supports the right of individuals to practice any religion they want, including The Jedi and Sith Orders.

Together, we will rise, and never again will the galaxy be divided! We will snuff out the forces of Chaos. We will bring an end to the false Imperial factions that so obviously wish to be the heirs of the Empire. We will restore the conquered planets, repopulating and rebuilding them. We will end the CIS, and crush its windpipe before it draws its' final breath. We will burn Bespin to the ground for its' rebellion that began the chain of destruction that made the once great Empire implode. Finally, we will break the pathetic Outer Planetary Alliance that we have observed over the past seven years!

And then...with the galaxy already on it's knees, we will pick it up, and put it back on solid ground!" -Heath Valhoun

Under Heath Valhoun, The Elysium Empire, being The True heir to The Galactic Empire, did not tolerate splinter groups and Warlords, such as The New Imperial Order, and The Shadow Triumvirate. Furthermore it did not recognize The Galactic Alliance, and was hostile with The Confederacy of Independent Systems seeing them as enemies of The Empire. The Elysium Empire has official statements declaring war on The Bryn'adul for their crusade against The Galaxy, and declaring The Sith Empire and Brotherhood of The Maw as enemies due to the destruction of Csilla.

However, Under Rex Valhoun, many of these "wars" have ceased, and relations have been at least somewhat restored with most major nations.

"Unity. Order. Freedom."-The Elysium Empire Official Mission Statement

OOC Objectives:
Our goal is to create an active, friendly, and unique place for writers of all kinds to develop their characters. We will help minor factions start off by interacting with them when other major factions may not.

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