Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Hutt Cartel

The Hutt Cartel - The ruling crime syndicate throughout the galaxy.

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The Hutt Cartel is an expansive criminal enterprise governed by wealth, cunning, and ruthless ambition. Emerging from the shadows of Nal Hutta, the Cartel is a conglomerate of slavers, smugglers, bounty hunters, spice runners and other crime syndicates who answer only to the mighty council. While centralized on the swampy moons of Hutt Space, their influence stretches far beyond, with tendrils infiltrating the Outer Rim and encroaching into the Galactic Core through bribery, blackmail, and outright warfare.

The Cartel thrives in the galaxy's gray areas, profiting from the chaos left behind by fractured empires, ambitious warlords, and corrupt bureaucracies. Credits flow freely through their hands, whether earned through the trafficking of illicit goods, orchestrating gladiatorial games, or seizing control of hyperspace trade routes. To the Cartel, morality is a weakness, and loyalty is reserved only for those who bring profit.

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