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The Jensaarai

The Jensaarai is a grey Force order dedicated to understanding the galaxy by using the whole Force as a tool, rather than pitting Dark and Light against one another.

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Code of the Jensaarai:
To walk the path between Light and Dark without succumbing to the extremes;
The relentless pursuit of understanding the deeper mysteries of the Force;
Living in harmony with the Force, recognizing its presence in all things;
Understanding the motivations and feelings of others, regardless of their alignment.


In a galaxy filled with the constant clash of the Light and Dark sides, the Jensaarai reemerges as a unique and enigmatic order. They are a group of force-sensitive individuals who reject the binary opposition of the Jedi and Sith, seeking instead to uncover the hidden truths that lie beyond this manufactured dichotomy. The Jensaarai believe that the Force is a spectrum, not a simple duality of good and evil. They view both the Light and Dark sides as necessary components of a greater whole. By embracing both aspects, they strive for a balance that allows them to transcend the limitations imposed by traditional doctrines. Their philosophy is one of integration and understanding, rather than exclusion and opposition.

Jensaarai dedicate a significant portion of their time to meditation and reflection. This practice helps them maintain internal balance and clarity, allowing them to navigate the complexities of their path effectively. Members of the order are encouraged to explore the galaxy, seeking out ancient texts, artifacts, and locations that might offer insight into the true nature of the Force. They believe that knowledge is not bound by any one tradition or teaching but is instead a vast tapestry waiting to be unraveled. In addition to their intellectual pursuits, Jensaarai are skilled combatants. They train in a unique style that incorporates elements of both Jedi and Sith techniques, allowing them to adapt to various combat scenarios. Their fighting style reflects their belief in balance, utilizing both defensive and offensive maneuvers as needed.


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