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The Kainate

A hermetic shadow state led by Darth Carnifex and Darth Prazutis, Dark Lords of the Sith.

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Born from conspiracy and contingency, the Kainate was the amalgamated powerbases of Darth Carnifex and Darth Prazutis, both Dark lords of the Sith and former Emperors of the Sith Empire. Though primarily centered on the world-craft Malsheem, the Kainate was not bound to any world or star system in the traditional sense. Rather, the Kainate exercised power and influence through a vast shadow network comprised of corrupt world leaders, swayed criminal syndicates, loyal Dark Side cults, and greedy tech-magnates from every corner of the galaxy.

Buoying this shadow network was a strong Grand Army, completely engineered through the marriage of dark science and occult magic, and an equally powerful Shadow Armada that could move around the galaxy through strange and esoteric means. Strand-Casts, artificially created soldiers harvested from genetic material, formed the backbone of the Kainate's military. Each one was bred for unwavering fidelity from the moment they began gestating, forgoing the need for costly and time consuming conscription and conventional training.

The ruling ideology of the Kainate was Eternal Rule, a synthesized belief formulated by Darth Carnifex and Darth Prazutis following His ideological experiments in the Sith Empire. It postulated that the Sith needed course-correction after many years of deviation, and that only they were capable of doing so. It was this belief that set them against the rising tide of Eternalism, and alienated old friends and allies alike.

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sith zambrano

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