Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Nihil

Marauders who take what we want and keep what we take. The Storm will rise.

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All things are derived from it. Life. Death. The Force, even. Some people seek to bring order to it, attempting to force their will upon the natural order of the galaxy. They create governments and attempt to control others, to take from them and keep for themselves. In that way, we are no different. We take from others and keep what we take. The difference? The difference is that we don't pretend to care about people. We don't pretend that chaos can be tamed by rules and regulations. We don't want to tame the galaxy. We don't want to rule it.

We just want what you have, and we're going to take it, and kill you when we do. We bring the Storm.


THE NIHIL is a band of marauders and pirates whose base of operations is the Great Hall, located in No-Space. We do not occupy worlds, we plunder them. While most crime syndicates aim to take advantage of the chaos, we seek to create it. We attack worlds, or convoys, or space stations, or anything else we wish, take what we want, and kill everyone who stands in our way.

This faction is ideal for those who enjoy chaos, who might be considered crazy by other groups, who want to slaughter and take. Marauders and pirates fit in well here, as do slicers and people who lean towards the dark side of the Force.

We welcome all who want to ride the Storm.

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