Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Open Hand

A secret society with agents from all corners of the galaxy, united by one common goal: The extermination of Force use, in all its forms.

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The Open Hand is a secretive radical syndicate comprised of individuals from a variety of backgrounds and affiliations. Together, they have aligned under the common ideology of ending all Force use across the galaxy. Their work is clandestine, and achieved through a variety of methods that vary from cell to cell. Only very recently have the Open Hand begun to concentrate their efforts as part of a more unified plot.

Their main compound now lies on Myrkr. But their membership is entrenched in numerous systems, organizations, and even governments.

To some, the Open Hand is a religion. A cult who believes that Force Users manipulation of the Force throws it into flux, and therefore must be put to an end. To others, the Open Hand is more secular. A political pursuit, which holds that Force Users are the greatest threat to a stable and peaceful galaxy. Like any diverse body, the Open Hand hosts a spectrum of interpretations and fanaticism to its philosophy.

The Open Hand is broadly divided into two denominations. The choice of one’s Path is less an official matter, and more a self-proclaimed one. The distinctions are largely based on methodology. Being a part of one Path does not inherently preclude a member from partaking in actions that stereotypically befit the other. But they are considered a precedent for one’s general strategy and approach to the Open Hand’s goals.

The Path of the Open Hand is the standard approach taken by most members of the organization. Their methods are generally more passive, so to speak. Scientists, theologians, and politicians, who seek to undermine Force users through invention, discord, and subterfuge. Civilians who do not take up an active role in the fight, but nonetheless hold themselves to the creed, also fall under this Path.

The Path of the Closed Fist is the Open Hand's more aggressive counterpart. These are soldiers, agents, and terrorists, who take the fight directly to their enemies. They conduct the bulk of the Open Hand’s field operations.

For roleplay, the Open Hand takes inspiration from a number of sources. Namely, the actual Path of the Open Hand from Star Wars canon, from which the faction has directly evolved. Non-Star Wars inspiration includes HYDRA from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the Inquisition, and the Illuminati.

Many character concepts can find a place in the Open Hand, provided they ultimately are committed to the faction’s prime objective of ending all Force use throughout the galaxy. And are willing to accept the inevitable casualties.

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