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The Western Cluster

A western inspired sandbox setting for roleplay

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The Western Mintaati Cluster is a long way from the nearest hyperspace route to the core. It consists of three main star systems in orbit around a single black hole. The gravitational shear makes hyperdrive use complicated and so travel between systems usually takes a few days at sublight speeds.

It is named for the race of Mintaani that originally discovered the system, but never settled permanently. Many planets and moons are hospitable to life and many species have settled here. The planets are almost all independent with no faction controlling the Western Cluster. Life can be hard out in the Outer Rim, but there is also opportunity.

  • Red Denbie and Blue Wallace (binary system)
    • Whittaker: Relatively civilised world
    • Riley’s Moon: Frontier landscape, bronzium mines
    • Zennox: Cold arid world. Coaxium mines.
    • Stryx:
    • Farox Station: Ex-imperial space station
  • Kosack
    • Atera: Salvage world and trading hub
    • Nyria:
    • Veliri:
    • Curia: Small planet just outside the asteroid belt. Pirate haven
  • Hychelle
    • Balora: Home of the royal family
    • Selara:
    • Eoqinia:
    • Tamonine:
    • Cidian Moon: water world with interconnected flotilla cities


The self-styled Magistrate Kennings commands what is left of a New Imperial Order Taskforce out of Farox Station. Their gear is worn and tired, but they are still resourced through protection money and by the galactic corporations that pay for them to safeguard shipments of resources out of the system. Whilst they can be heavy-handed, Kennings is known to be a reasonable man and without the former-imperial presence the system would be truly lawless

Farox is stationed close to the usual arrival point of any hyperspace jumps to monitor traffic and protect the system. Most starships are registered on arrival, but there are plenty of lesser known jumps into the system to avoid detection.

Imperial Cruiser
There is almost always an Imperial Cruiser over every planet and moon ready to respond to trouble. They can deploy TIE Fighters and Stromtroopers within minutes. Several planets have garrisons in place, particularly the Coaxium mines of Zennox. Often local marshals are employed directly by Kennings.


Balora is about as civilised as planets come in the Western Cluster. The world is green and wealthy, but run through an old fashioned feudal monarchy of humans. Power passes down the female line.

Queen Kintara has been in power for almost fifteen years, though her niece is currently in exile to a Archipelago for trying to steal power five years ago. There is talk of another civil war being possible. Peasants keep their heads down, the nobility revel in their wealth.

Outsiders are often closely monitored if they stray outside of the major port cities.


Atera has become a dumping group for starships waiting to be mothballed. Siren City is also a popular trading hub. Lots of goods from the Unknown Regions flow through this world. There are plenty of salvageable vehicles and starships that can be picked up for a fair price.

If you’re looking for work the mirialan brothers Wynn and Dalton always have odd jobs that need picking up, both legal and not-so-legal. Rumours are that there is a Hutt gangster operating out of Atera.

Being a world full of salvage, several colonies of Jawa had made their way here.


Law Enforcers rarely stray beyond the western edge of Kosack’s asteroid belt. These regions are home to many pirate organisations that prey on cargo vessels in the black. Curia orbits just beyond these asteroids, there Gannis Deloy has self-styled himself as a king of Port Thul, almost in mockery of the Balorrans. He entertains visitors from all walks of life, as long as they are happy to look up at him on his throne. Weapons of any kind can be bought and sold here, as can slaves and narcotics.

Throughout the systems of the Western Cluster, various organisations and dangers have made homes. From Nikto biker gangs to several arms of the nefarious Kanjiklub.
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