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Tingel Arm Coalition

A planetary alliance in the Outer Rim created to fend off Imperial occupation and bring freedom back to oppressed planets.

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Who We Are: Our Vision for the Future

Mission Statement:
The Tingel Arm Coalition (TAC) was founded by the displaced governor of the Lothal Protectorate, Fynch Fynch after the Empire of the Lost seized control of his planet. What began as a local rebellion has since evolved into a formidable alliance committed to defending the sovereignty and freedom of planets throughout the Tingel Arm.
The TAC unites corporate interests, battle-hardened mercenaries, Mandalorian warriors, Jedi Knights, and local forces from oppressed systems. By working closely with local bodies and empowering them to take control of their destinies, the TAC combines the resolve of its members with vast resources and military expertise. Together, we stand resilient against the Empire's oppression and are prepared to strike back with force.

At its core, the coalition is driven by a shared commitment to independence, justice, and mutual cooperation. We envision a galaxy where each system governs itself, free from imperial control. Through uniting local resistance efforts with corporate backing and the strength of our warriors and Jedi, the TAC aims to ensure peace and prosperity flourish across the Outer Rim.

Setting the Record Straight: Clearing Up Misconceptions About the Tingel Arm Coalition

Debunking Myths:
The Tingel Arm Coalition (TAC) is often misunderstood as just another band of rebels, hastily assembled from a desperate uprising on Lothal. Many assume we are an underdog resistance, made up of small, isolated cells scattered across the Outer Rim, lacking the organization and resources to pose a serious threat. This couldn't be further from the truth.

While our origins lie in a local rebellion, the TAC has grown into a highly organized and structured coalition. A coalition is an alliance of different factions that come together to achieve a shared goal. In the case of the TAC, we unite corporate sponsors, battle-hardened mercenaries, Mandalorian warriors, Jedi Knights, and local militias, pooling our resources, skills, and efforts to fight for freedom. People are often surprised to learn the full extent of our backing, as we now have access to advanced technology, vast resources, and military expertise that rival any imperial force.

Our strength lies not only in our diversity but in our unity. Each system in the TAC governs itself with equal representation, contributing to the collective defense and shared prosperity of all. We are not anarchists seeking chaos but a coalition dedicated to peace, justice, and self-determination. Every member of the TAC shares the goal of securing freedom for the Outer Rim, ensuring that each system can chart its own course, free from the tyranny of imperial rule.

How Can I Help?

The Tingel Arm Coalition (TAC) is more than just an alliance of warriors and leaders—it's a movement, and movements need people from all walks of life. Whether you're a skilled fighter, a pilot, an engineer, or someone with a passion for freedom, there's a place for you in the TAC.

  • Join the Fight: If you're ready to take up arms, we welcome skilled fighters, pilots, and those with tactical expertise. Our battle-hardened mercenaries, Mandalorian warriors, and local militias are always in need of brave souls to protect their homes.
  • Lend Your Expertise: The TAC relies heavily on engineers, strategists, medics, and intelligence experts to support the war effort. Your skills behind the scenes can be just as vital as those on the frontlines.
  • Support the Cause: Even if you aren't directly fighting, you can help by providing resources or support through corporate backing or by assisting local forces. Whether it's technology, supplies, or funding, every contribution makes a difference.
  • Spread the Word: The more systems that join the coalition, the stronger we become. Help us by spreading our message and rallying others to the cause. The fight for the Outer Rim's freedom depends on all of us working together.
No matter your role, your contribution strengthens our fight against imperial oppression. Join us, and together, we can build a future where every system is free to govern itself.

Planetary Militia: Armed forces are local volunteers, those from planets who have allied themselves with The Arm and wish to free their homes. These individuals may be more structured, proper soldiers, or farmboys looking to make a difference, because freedom lays in the hands of the brave who step forward.

League of Planets: All worlds have equal standing in this Coalition, governing the movement on common ground. The brightest minds have stepped forward to lead their home worlds to a prosperous future, working to establish trade routes, political alliances, and prepare the people for war.

Force Users: The Outer Rim is home to various Force Traditions, people who have been deemed as vital for survival. Tales of the old Rebelion speak of Jedi folk heroes who stood up to tyranny. Many still want to believe in these tales. Be they Jedi, Witch, or something more self-taught, those looking to defend the weak rise to the challenge.


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