Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Wild Space Republic

Remnants of the Republic, formed around Wild Space worlds.

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Years ago a Republic covered much of the galaxy. There was peace within its borders. People prospered. Corporations thrived. People wanted for naught.

But as with all good things, that came to an end.

The Republic fell, and when it did, it burned. Some of the people who survived the fall fled to wild space, where they found people sympathetic to their cause, people who'd been dealing with criminal organizations and various outlaw groups with no help for all of time. A remnant of the fallen Republic set itself up in the worlds of Wild Space and for a time there was peace and prosperity there as well. Until a new enemy, the Bryn'adul, threatened and the Republic collapsed under the weight of assault. Even one of it's nearest neighbor worlds fell under the onslaught of this terrible foe.

Now, with things calmed down in Wild Space once more, old members of that Remnant once again strive to bring some semblance of the Republic back together, even if solely to serve a handful of worlds working together for mutual protection and to form a force capable of keeping the Hutts, pirates, and other outlaws at bay.

THIS is the Wild Space Republic, a small but tight-knit community of worlds that wants to live in peace, to bring prosperity to its people, and keep those safe who cannot protect themselves.

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