Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Galactic Alliance

Spiritual successor to the Republic, the Alliance strives to bring peace and order to all corners of the galaxy through the power of the Light Side.

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Roxuli Dominion

After the failure of the Stygian Campaign and rumors of rogue Jedi on the battlefield, the people of the Alliance were loath to trust the Jedi. Yet, the ever stalwart supporter of the nascent Order, Chancellor Adhira Chandra, agreed that a push into the Unknown Regions was a necessity. An impending refugee crisis, a byproduct of their earlier campaigns against the Sith with the New Imperial Order, along with resettlement efforts like those on Coruscant, meant the Alliance needed new member worlds and potential new sites of colonization. The Unknown Regions were the only option open to them-- and so despite the dangers of the relatively unexplored region, Chandra led the way, lighting a beacon of hope for those without a home.

Chancellor Chandra and the Senate voted to initiate plans for expansion and colonization of the Unknown Regions, a feat that even the great Galactic Empire of Palpatine did not accomplish. In agreement with the Alliance, the newly inducted Circle of the New Jedi Order were convinced they needed to push towards the unknown, towards Illum. However, with growing threats in the regions beyond the core, the Alliance and the Jedi required a bastion to ensure the success of their expansion efforts. The Roxuli system was widely considered the last stop on the way into the unfamiliar and undiscovered. Rich with ore from its immense asteroid field, Roxuli was known to provide ore to over half the sector and thus the perfect place to establish a new station, a beacon for all explorers and settlers who find themselves in times of trouble.

Objective I

Today was supposed to be a happy day. The first step of the Alliance into the Unknown Regions. However, as soon as the station was activated, they received a distress call from Ilum. A group of Yuuzhan Vong reformists, dedicated to protecting the legacy of the Jedi, have been trying to reach any Jedi. The Brotherhood of the Maw has been stripping the caverns of kyber crystals, potentially to recreate the devastating weapon revealed at Csilla. However, aware that the Jedi were on their way to Ilum, they lashed out first, striking at the station in the Roxuli system.

Defend the station from the Brotherhood!

Objective II: Old Iron

Over a decade ago, outsiders came to the Chiss Ascendency. Unwilling to offer these new conquerors legitimacy, a splinter faction of the Chiss Ascendency fled and began raiding the Iron Empire, leading to an assassination attempt. In retaliation, the old Iron Empire came to the sector for revenge they eradicated the rebel group, leaving their camps and bases in ruins. However,it wasn’t just terrorists that had fled to the sector; The families of these rebels were caught in the crossfire. Now, the remnants of the group manage to eke out a meager existence working for local mining cartels and guilds, barely earning enough to survive. Due to Roxuli joining the Alliance, however, many of these Chiss’ contracts have been voided and the Guilds refuse to hire them back on without cutting their pay even more. Though it pains them to trust outsiders again, they have reached out to both the New Jedi Order and the Alliance Senate to help them facilitate new fair contracts. Without access to transportation, the Chiss have asked the delegation to meet with them in their communities to hear their story. On the other hand, the mining guilds have come to Coruscant to argue for the opposite.

Bring Your Own Objective

I swear if any of you start a beach day I will burn this faction to the ground.


Event date

Event begin
Apr 17, 2021 at 3:30 PM
Event end
Apr 17, 2021 at 7:55 PM
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