Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Galactic Alliance

Spiritual successor to the Republic, the Alliance strives to bring peace and order to all corners of the galaxy through the power of the Light Side.

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Dayjer Haspar
Hey y’all, new here, just dropped a character, not sure if there’s any extra steps to joining.
Dayjer Haspar
Dayjer Haspar
Also, just skimmed over the defense force article, not sure where a fighter pilot would fit in, didn’t see a Starfighter Corps option
Welcome in Dayjer. The only extra step is optional, which is joining our discord at the bottom of the "about" section - but it can be helpful for planning stories. We do have a starfighter corps as well, under Navy. Tren Chaar is currently writing Revenant Squadron in the invasion thread.
Dayjer Haspar
Dayjer Haspar
Nevermind, read a little more, might have to rework things a little to fit, I guess
You may also find our GADF guide useful:
Dayjer Haspar
Dayjer Haspar
That’s what I was reading, happened to see Starfighter Corps listed as a Navy Subgroup
Yes, typically the fleets work with the Starfighter Corps. Feel free to direct message me if you need a sound board. Always happy to help.
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