Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Isla Draellix-Kobitana

    Dominion  Disaster relief mission | AC dominion of Ruuria hex

    Ashlan Disaster relief on Reelin - dominion of the Ruuria Hex Following the collapse of The Sith Empire, planets have returned to mostly autonomous rule, whilst the freedom from Sith oppression is by and large, very welcome, lack of contact with the wider galaxy has its downsides when a planet...
  2. Valiens Nantaris

    Annihilation  End of an Era: AC Annihilation of Korriban - Results

    Here again we have the second Annihilation for the forum. This one was a much less frenetic affair, but has provided a good second data point for our analysis of this thread type. In the end despite some good writing the judges felt the thread was quite conclusive. Drama: An easy result...
  3. Heinrich Faust

    Annihilation  End of an Era: AC Annihilation of Korriban

    The house of cards has finally collapsed. One by one, each of the Sith states have fallen in upon themselves, pressures from within and without proving to be too much for the disparate nations that once claimed sovereignty over the east. Some worlds sought independence, whilst others descended...
  4. Cedric Grayson

    Annihilation  End of An Era | AC Annihilation of Korriban - OOC Thread

    The Sith are beaten, but in time they will return. This has often been the creed by which the great powers that have undone the Sith in the past have lived by; the threat is over, but not extinguished. The conflict, while quieted for now, ever remains. The Crusaders of the Ashlan Goddess are not...
  5. Isla Draellix-Kobitana

    Dominion  Thawing out the truth | AC dominion of Cadomai and Lur

    Thawing out the truth As The Sith Empire collapsed, several safe routes began to open into their former territories, and once suppressed communications started happening from the planets closest to the Ashlan border, they called for heroes to save them from the suffering that the Sith had...
  6. Cedric Grayson

    Invasion  The Tools To Reforge The Galaxy | AC Invasion of TSE held Ventooine, Oricon, Eol Sha |

    Oricon, once home to the Dread Lords, homeworld of the Phobos devices, a symbol of the terror the Bogan has wrought across the galaxy. This world and all on it must be brought to justice. The psions of terror will be brought to charge, the guilty judged righteously, and the ancient designs of...
  7. Cedric Grayson

    Invasion  Guillotine's Fall | AC Invasion of WOTS held Brosi, Kamar, Weken |

    With the Warlords routed and the Sith Empire bruised, the Ashlans move to push the finish off the remnants of the warbands. The Holy Ashlan Fleet sets forth from Ziost, stopping briefly to resupply at Bosph before scourging its way across the remainder of hostile warlord space. The newly crowned...
  8. Isla Draellix-Kobitana

    Dominion  Through the gates of hell - AC dominion of first new nether hex

    The Ashlans felt the calling like everyone else. The darkness of the nether had breached the material realm and threatened life itself. The main crusade must remain a priority, but what was the point of fighting for a universe that would be torn asunder from another dimension. At the very least...
  9. Heinrich Faust

    Invasion  Kill Them All and let God Sort them Out: AC Invasion of TSE held Ziost, Mirial, Ruuria

    The message was ignored. An offer of mercy rescinded, the compassion of the Ashla rebuked with degenerate hubris as it so often was. No longer would the servants of the faithful be forced to bow to the wanton desires of tyrants and despots. No longer would the sycophants of the great enemy be...
  10. Heinrich Faust

    Invasion  A Crisis of Faith: AC Invasion of WotS-held Ninn (Helgard, Trian)

    Confrontation in the Tingel Arm! The Ashlan Crusade has seen the destruction wrought by the Warlords of the Sith within the Tingel Arm, and have decided to take a stand. Forces gather on the planet of Ninn in an effort to stop the expansion of the Warlords before they become a bigger threat to...
  11. Harli (018-A)

    Private  New home amongst shields of faith and swords of light (AC)

    Location: Bosph Another day, another refugee shuttle bringing the tired, broken and lost. Many fleeing the Sith or some other form of tyranny, others had watched their homes turned to ash and had nowhere else to go. Whatever the case, many arrived here with the same goal. Find somewhere safe to...
  12. Cedric Grayson

    Invasion  A Crisis of Faith | AC Invasion of WOTS held Ninn |

    We cannot coexist. Tolerance is something the Sith cannot comprehend. Their god is dead, and soon they will sleep alongside his corpse. Where the Sith Empire was offered mercy, the Warlords of the Sith would receive none. Zealots and servants of dark gods, they stand in direct opposition to...
  13. Cedric Grayson

    Invasion  Kill Them All And Let God Sort Them Out | AC Invasion TSE Ziost, Mirial, Ruuria |

    They laugh away mercy, and so they shall receive none. The Crown remains unbroken. The message was ignored. An offer of mercy rescinded, the compassion of the Ashla rebuked with degenerate hubris as it so often was. No longer would the servants of the faithful be forced to bow to the wanton...
  14. Cedric Grayson

    Dominion  Awaken The Hive | AC Dominion of Empty Hex |

    Elements of the 2nd Crusader fleet had moved toward open space to perform exercises in preparation for the coming conflict with the Sith. The first week went by as expected, a few ships suffering slight damage from the exercises, but the fleet otherwise continued its tasks unbothered. That was...
  15. Dart the Amaran

    Amar Cybernetics

    Corporation Name: Amar Cybernetics Headquarters: Amar Locations: NA Operations: Droid and cybernetics production. Rationale: Amar Cybernetics was originally founded by Banjo and Snicks, the mother and father respectively of the company’s current owner, Dart. The company has been around for...
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