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We don't often celebrate events like this, I often feel it's not our place. I see some factions, some discords celebrating various things from time to time and that's totally their right - I've always held Chaos more neutral in this regard.
As I've said before, we're not exactly the place to...
There were a number of Mandalorian factions and groups, all with disparate and varied goals these days. And, to Ijaat, this was good, finally. All slowly learning to work together, to be one out of many. If not peaceably, then out of necessity. But one group he had not visited yet was the...
It's been years since I left the Jedi order. My master had joined the Dark Side, and he was determined to get me to join him. The council saw my potential and my anger from the past and decided that I could not continue training, not with the risk of death to their people. I went into hiding on...
It's been a trend for a while. If a major faction isn't well liked by enough other MFs, you get invasions with a "This is the story deal with it" attitude. I don't know how far back it's been, but I have seen it happen three times personally. The Dominion, The Jen'ari, and The UCM. It always...
Here I am, yet again.
The Void Trooper Corps are slapped together and lurking in the codex. But they need their logo
Anybody fancy drawing one up? I'll pay you in thanks and appreciation :)
Trooper Corps: innit
Gray was being pulled apart in every direction between his two businesses. He had moved WESTAR once before after he first obtained it in the auction. There was tension between the United Clans and the Mandalorian Empire at the time, which still was not completely gone, so he had the company...
I know I know, but I have just one more image I forgot about that I was hoping could be made into an avi with a border for me as well.
Image is Here
If it's even possible. I know it an awkward angle, but if anyone would be able to then I would greatly appreciate it.
Name: Evelynn Dorn Zambrano
Alias: Beatrice Govan
Rank: Sith Knight
Species: Human
Age: 48, physically 28
Sex: Female
Height: 5' 5”
Weight: 106lbs
Eyes: Green
Hair: Blonde
Skin: Pale
Force Sensitive: Very
[+] For My Birthday, My Parents Got Me Midichlorians - Evelynn is the child of two...