Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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akio diachi

  1. Akio Diachi

    For it all was but a Dream

    Her face was perfectly calm. Calm at last. There was no contortions of agony, no suffering in her once-glowing red eyes. The ever-present slick layer of sweat was gone from her perfect blue skin. If someone could see her now, they would have found it hard to believe the suffering she had gone...
  2. Akio Diachi

    Harmony and Chaos

    The galaxy. It is full of strange and wonderful things that were beyond explanation. Terrors, wonders, beauty, and joy. And often the most wonderful of it all are just around the corner. A drop of water--the most mundane of objects that many beings took for granted--was a wonder in itself...
  3. Akio Diachi

    A wardrobe change--Making a Jedi Pt 1

    KRO VAR Amid his time holding a seminar on Jedi Focus Discipline, Akio had been asked by a padawan to give him dedicated time and training. Of course the Blue Pilgrim would oblige, he owed it to those around him to give back to the community, to the Jedi he knew to pass along what he knew...
  4. Akio Diachi

    As The River

    KRO VAR "As the River Flows, so do our lives," Akio wrote on the parchment before him. It was rather outdated to write anything at all, but to write in an old tome leather-bound with pages made of aged filmsi, well that was archaic in this world of technology. But Akio, it could be argued...
  5. Akio Diachi

    Approved Tech  Blade of Guidance

    Image Source: Pintrest Intent: A unique sword for Guidance Development Thread: (dominion of Hast--Akio finds the blade in a solo mission and uses it to rescue a young woman from a force ghost) x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Manufacturer: NPC Jedi of ancient history Model: none Affiliation: personal...
  6. Akio Diachi

    Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting

    KRO VAR Akio Diachi stood on his perch atop the dojo hall in a low twist stance. His body was clad with a very simple but unconstricting set of robes that allowed for both flexibility and comfort. His red eyes stared ahead in a cold, detached gaze. He was in a deep meditative trace, one that...
  7. Akio Diachi

    Approved Tech  VoidShaddow Dueling Armor

    Image Source: Dracula Untold Chainmail Intent: To Create Anti-Force Armor Development Thread: Mining for the Stones Manufacturer: Akio Diachi Model: VoidShaddow Dueling Armor Affiliation: Personal Modularity: Moderate; gauntlets may be traded out, helmet may be altered to user's specification...
  8. Akio Diachi

    Mining for the Stones

    The public transport let out a soft ding and Akio was pulled from his meditation. The ship was over packed, almost past the point of safety regulations, with miners, prosectors, and colonists alike all inbound for the glorious planet of Elrood. It had a fairly lovely climate with great fauna...
  9. Akio Diachi

    Approved Tech  Qoinmalae (Slayer) Manriki Gusari

    Image Source: Google "Manriki" Intent: A personal Weapon for Akio Diachi Development Thread: Recovering the Armory, Part 4 Manufacturer: Akio Diachi imbued it, the manriki itself was crafted by an unnamed NPC Model: None Affiliation: Personal Modularity: None, just appearance when appropriate...
  10. Akio Diachi

    There are No Accidents

    Akio Diachi stood beyond hopelessly lost. He hadn't been in a building this big in quite a while. For many reasons he was avoiding most all of the major planets and settlements. For one, it felt good to connect with nature on a deep, personal level. For the other.... well the police for one...
  11. Akio Diachi

    You always come home

    Dantowine. After the Primeval had destroyed the planet Akio had been devastated. Here was his home-world. Here he was raised, even if it was a terrible life. He had been raised as an assassin by the assassins of his tribe. He had been taught to worship death and killing. From a young age he had...
  12. Akio Diachi

    Approved Tech  Guardians of Tython

    Image Source: Dis guy Intent: For Akio To Practice Force imbuedment Development Thread: Here Manufacturer: Akio Diachi Model: N/A Affiliation: personal Modularity: Moderate—the user can really make it look however they want, because pretty Production: Semi-Unique (5 where made) Material: Force...
  13. Akio Diachi

    Creating Paths--Pt 1

    Mygeeto. For once the Chiss had chosen his location, instead of being directed. And his choice was not hap-hazard, nor was it random. There were rumors of Crystals that grew beneath the surface. They were able to be changed and grafted each into their own right to be used for weaponry or even...
  14. Akio Diachi

    Learning the Ways of the Force--Pt 3 The mind of the Warrior

    Felucia It was a haplessly inhospitable planet, but one that Akio had been drawn to all the same. His reasoning was the same as it had been many times--the Force had drawn him. He tread across the jungle, taking in the beauty of the deathly place. Everywhere here there was chaos, there was...
  15. Akio Diachi

    Approved Tech  Shuudoushi No

    Image Source: Dis guy Intent: A weapon for Akio Diachi Development Thread: Ultrachrome obtained here Manufacturer: Akio Diachi Model: N/A Affiliation: Personal Modularity: Moderate: the chamber which holds a crystal may be interchanged Production: Production: Unique Material: Ultrachrome...
  16. Akio Diachi

    Approved Tech  Csipet Ch'avr

    Image Source: Dis Guy Intent: A personal weapon for Akio, and to build upon his story Development Thread: Here Manufacturer: Unknown Force User Model: Force Imbued blade Affiliation: Personal Modularity: No Production: Production: Unique Material: Force imbued Durasteel Classification: Short...
  17. Akio Diachi

    Approved Tech  Kimono of FarSight

    Image Source: Dis guy Intent: Meditation robes for Akio Development Thread: Here Manufacturer: Akio Diachi, [member="Matsu Ike"] Model: N/A Affiliation: Personal Modularity: None Production: Unique Material: Force-Imbued Cloth Classification: Jedi Robes Weight: 5 kg Quality: Blaster: 1 Slug...
  18. Akio Diachi

    Learning the Ways of the Force--Pt 3 A second meeting

    Swift as a waterfall. Cunning as the serpent. Fierce as the fire. Cool as the snow. Calm as the ocean wave. The words echoed through Akio's mind as he twisted airily through the Kata in a mobile meditation. The katana in his hand cut through the air swiftly, too fast for eyes as the blur of...
  19. Akio Diachi

    Learning the ways of the Force--Pt 2 Ghosts from the Past

    Xavka stared at Akio for a short while, considering whether or not to answer immediately or to leave the answers for later, after food had been prepared. Eventually he sighed and, though a gesture pulled a cloth bag towards him from the shadows. "The answer your question as how I got in...
  20. Akio Diachi

    Recovering the Armory pt 4 (PM for invite and Details)

    The body fell back, its head rolling away as blood sprayed across the wall. Akio leapt over the chasm void it was hurled down. His hand reached out and took hold of the pipe overhead. He swung off it, gaining more momentum before somersaulting over the rest of the way. Blaster fire...
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