Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Ryv

    Public  A Sword-Forged Anew | Raid on Kaas City | Open to All

    A SWORD-FORGED ANEW Prequels Three Letters | A Monument to Your Sins | Three Virtues | The Hirata Reformation “I had hoped our sacrifice would buy them more time. Following Darth Solipsis' defeat on Tython, the Brotherhood of the Maw was soon defeated, and the temptation of peace was...
  2. Marcus Riggs

    Private  All In

    Wearing: xxx Tag: Valery Noble Another world, another cantina. This space port was like any other. The booze was as cheap as the companionship, and the people were as fickle as anywhere. It was the life which Riggs had made for himself, trading in on the last name and reputation of his father...
  3. Aeron Dosh

    Public  (VIP protection, Battle, All factions) The assault on Coruscant's senator Zannah

    This takes place AFTER the fall of the imperial empire and palpatine & vader. Imperial remnants exist. Rebels are busy trying to establish their own presence. Senator Zannah of Coruscant is given a bounty on her head, due to her unwillingness to negotiate with the criminal lords of the...
  4. Solan Charr

    Approved Vehicle  KDW Hive All Terrain Transport Walker (ATTW)

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To provide buyers with a Heavy Transport Walker capable of slugging with other large walkers. Image Source: Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Keshiri Driveworks...
  5. Solan Charr

    Public  Planting the First Seeds (Open to all, no faction barred)

    (Please Check out This Thread for use as an OOC and planning thread. All are welcome and the first portion of the RP before the line break is meant to be a galaxy wide broadcast. After the first portion will be the post on the planet itself.) All those who hear this message. The people of...
  6. Mia Monroe

    Suggestion  Merging preferences across all sub accounts

    Is there a way we can have a tickbox/button that allows for us to amend preferences on our write account that auto filters to all subaccounts? When shiny changes are made, those of us who have lots of accounts and want to utilise this, can do so by editing just on account and not multiple. or...
  7. F

    Howdy howdy howdy

    Die Shize sent me here. Hey all - this seems like a fun site. Looking forward to starring and warring with you all
  8. Credit Wizard

    Approved Vehicle  XXG-P102 All Terrain MegaCaliber Six Walker

    XXG-P102 ALL TERRAIN MEGACALIBER SIX WALKER OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Make a Formidable AT-AT Walker Design Circa 902 ABY Image Source: Aurebesh Font Lettering All Terrain Megacaliber Six Nen-Carvon Canon Link: All Terrain Megacaliber Six Permissions: Permissions Gat...
  9. Mia Monroe

    Faction  Moti Tome [Open to all Mandalorians]

    A few clicks north of Keldabe, the wastes began, stretching as far as the eye could see. Muted tones of ochre cracked earth, long replaced what had once been green forests and lush mountain ranges. It was here the moot was to be held, far enough outside of Keldabe that if things did go sideways...
  10. Sylas Corak

    Public  Under the Bright Sun (Open to all)

    Sylas was exceptionally grateful he had brought clothes fitting for a trip to Jakku. The heat beat down upon him even wearing a simple tan tunic, so he could hardly imagine what it would feel like to brave the sands wearing his usual dark garb. Despite the nearly unbearable temperatures, Sylas...
  11. Lya Saleté

    Private  Burn It All Down

    Nar Hutta. The Criminally Good Eatery One of the best restaurants in all of Nar Hutta, Criminally Good Eatery was a high end, gourmet restaurant seated in the most stable sector of Nar Hutta's capital. It was rolling in business, tailoring to visiting nobles, luxurious slave owners, and...
  12. Cale Gunderson

    Public  All Roads Lead Here

    Tython Jedi Temple A small trickle flowed between moss-laden stones, carrying away sticks and dirt as it went. Cale watched the newly liberated brook he’d made with the shift of a stone grow with a satisfied smile. He didn’t look as old as he was, or as old as he felt. Eighty. He was eighty...
  13. Lily Rhodes

    LFG  All the threads please...

    Hello! In a nut shell she's a former coruscanti street rat who recently acquired her own ship (with the help of Velok Brokentusk ) and training in telepathy from the Nagai in the firefist galaxy. She's new to the force and pretty naive but she's learning fast. I'm looking for pretty much...
  14. antebellum


    Heyo, everyone! I'm Antebellum, and I'm here to bring your regularly scheduled dose of Imperial RP... but with a twist (to be expanded upon later)! I've had some experience on various forums under various names, and am excited to see what this site is about. Thank you very much for your time!
  15. Corazona von Ascania

    Private  All the Rage

    Cora grunted as she sent her fist crashing through the screen of a holotv. Stance wide, she pulled her hand back with a hiss of satisfaction, heedless of the glass slivers that pelted her protective goggles. "Oh, I like these." She murmured in approval, holding one heavily gloved hand up to...
  16. G

    Hello All!

    Greetings to all who seek Chaos! My character is known as Gabriel Volker. I have used this character, in different forms on various sites. A Veteran of the first SWRPG Beta, my RP experience goes back to late 2007 when I started roleplaying there. After the site was shut down, many of us...
  17. Chloe Blake

    Mission  Ain't all buttons and charts, little albatross

    A U R O R A H A W K L A E K I A "So, I can give you the two-credit tour, or Trextan can. Up to you," Chloe relayed to Kyra Perl, the Warden of the Sky, leading her and Trextan Voidstalker from the primary hanger to the communal area. The footsteps echoing down the hallway gave way as the...
  18. Kahlil Noble

      It's The 5k Feedback Thread You've All Been Waiting For

    5k is a big number. There was a point where Kahlil's posts compared to the posts of the other characters on this writer account were neck and neck, but he's long left that in the dust. 5k really just drives that home. So, it's feedback time for him. He's by far my most consistent now...
  19. Cato Demora

    Faction  All Quiet on the Northern Front | Squad 831 [SO]

    Planet: Mala Base: Artorius-Beta Time: 1800 LST Cato walked into the barracks with a heavily exasperated expression. Sweat soaked through his grey shirt, making portions of it black. He tossed it aside to his bunk and sat on one of the metal chairs with a heavy, exaggerated fall, letting its...
  20. Alina Tremiru

    LFG  Interactions Of All Kinds

    I'm looking to get a couple more threads with Alina here. So let's go run down time: She's a Sith! That's probably the biggest part of her character. As the apprentice to Taeli Raaf she's started to get into Sorcery and Alchemy, making monsters and learning how best to empower herself. There's...
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