Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. DreadRedd

    Hey all!

    Hey all! My name's Redd, nice to meet you. I'm a recent Star Wars fan (getting here through SWTOR, ironically), and have been wanting to rp in the Star Wars universe for a while. Finding that this place existed was amazing, and so I jumped at the chance to join in. I'm 24, I use she/they...
  2. Amani Serys

    Private  A Monument To All Your Sins

    Etti IV Mondder outskirts Nightfall No rest for the weary. That’s what Amani kept telling herself, anyway. Accepting that mantra as a fact of life makes the endless workload she burdens herself with easier to reconcile. Kept her from fighting with the “why” of it all. For the last few weeks...
  3. Jhira Mereel

    Private  When all else fails, there is always diplomacy.

    POLITICAL REGION: CIS SPACE LOCATION: Korunnai Heretics Temple, Shattered Mountains, Malastare Objectives: Save Tundra Nexu. Talk Loreena into opening her Zoos to a Nexu breeding program. Discover lost lore. Protect Loreena. TAGS: [ Loreena Arenais-Valhoun ] Jaster’s Delight sat in its...
  4. Strider Garon

    For all you RL and in game Witches!

  5. Eulogy Jones

    Hello All, Man Out Of Time here

    Looking to have Eulogy RP with some of you fine folk here, force sensitive, open to either light or dark storylines with the character :D First RP will be him being woken up from cryo sleep by someone on Tatooine, anyone interested?
  6. Heath Valhoun

    LFG  Looking for all the owners of the Canon "Big corporations"

    Hey all! I'm looking for the leaders, if there are any, for any big corporations from canon. Specifically: *The International Banking Clan *Sorosuub *Incom *Kuat Drive Yards *Corellia Shipyards *Sluis-van shipyards *The Techno Union *Commerce Guild I ask because I would like to follow the...
  7. Salazar Niminen

    Approved Tech  VX-1 All Purpose Blaster Rifle

    VX-1 All Purpose Blaster Rifle OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Primary Weapon of 1st Regiment "Infiltrators" of 19th "Viper" Legion Image Source: Shot 1 Shot 2 Shot 3 Shot 4 Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Canyon Defence Ltd...
  8. Isla Draellix-Kobitana

    Public  Message to all TSE worlds East of Thule - from Ashlan Crusade

    On behalf of The Ashlan Crusade Silently, a mixture of Frigates and Corvettes from the Grand Fleet of Ashla had slipped across the border and covertly entered Sith Empire held systems. They had positioned them at the very edge of the systems, remaining undetected until the time was right. Some...
  9. Cedric Grayson

    Invasion  Kill Them All And Let God Sort Them Out | AC Invasion TSE Ziost, Mirial, Ruuria |

    They laugh away mercy, and so they shall receive none. The Crown remains unbroken. The message was ignored. An offer of mercy rescinded, the compassion of the Ashla rebuked with degenerate hubris as it so often was. No longer would the servants of the faithful be forced to bow to the wanton...
  10. Tefka

    Staff  May the 4th Be With Us All

    Happy Star Wars Day.
  11. zzFurrow

    Hello all

    Hi all, Have roleplayed for many years and been a huge star wars fan all that time. Have designed and had approved my first ship and excited to come and meet you all. I am based in the UK for the purposes of timezones
  12. Ket Van-Derveld

    Once, there was a time, where He could have changed...

    There He stood. He wasn't sure why He kept coming back. Retirement, it was amazing. It was desired over all the bantha poodoo of the galaxy that kept coming his way. He wasn't one to give a flying womp rat shat. He was one who sought the solace of his homeland. Yet somehow, the Galaxy kept...
  13. Ket Van-Derveld

    The Lone Wolf Vs. The Galaxy. (Open to ALL)

    Coruscant Lower Levels Sector 4B-801 The Last Stop Bar 8:09 PM, Local Time This bar had meaning. It had history. It had been setup by a Dug to look like an old Human watering hole. Truth be told, Ket didn't even know who had authority on this shathole of a city-planet anymore. Didn't matter...
  14. Dr. Eann Mallocomb

    Jurassic Kark (Open for Everyone)

    Eann Mallocomb, Mathematician, Scientist, and survivor of the Felucian "Rancor Park" incident, was walking home with that night's groceries. The small store he was leaving was only a couple of short blocks away from his apartment, here on the metropolis city of Coruscant. Although tonight...
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