Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Galactic Alliance
The galactic alliance is very cool
The galactic alliance is very cool
The galactic alliance is very cool
The galactic alliance is very cool
The galactic alliance is very cool
  1. Adhira Chandra

    Major Faction  The 865 ABY General Election | The Galactic Alliance

    THE 865 ABY GENERAL ELECTION Chancellor Adhira Chandra (Federalist Bloc) will face off against Senator Annasari Vahl (Independent, Populist Bloc), Senator Gat Tambor (Corporatist Bloc) and Senator Marlon Sularen (Imperialist Bloc) as they compete for greater legislative majorities in the...
  2. Liedran Kathause

    LFG  Alliance Commodore with a Carrier looking for Starfighter Pilots

    Got myself a Liberator Class Star Defender and some other ships, and well, I can hold 8 fighter squadrons on my flagship. Any G.A pilots want to book a spot in the hanger? Flagship's name is Pegasus, if that'll help to make everything a hundred times cooler.
  3. The Galactic Alliance

    The Galactic Alliance

    THE GALACTIC ALLIANCE "A peaceful Galactic Alliance is the strongest pillar of a peaceful galaxy." — Luke Skywalker DOING THE RIGHT THING. The Galactic Alliance is a lightside-aligned federal republic that combines elements from the Clone Wars-era Galactic Republic with the old-school...
  4. Aloy Vizsla

    Private  Face to Face

    Face to Face: The Mandalorian Several days ago: An encrypted message had been sent to Loreena Arenais personally through channels unknown, Carefully hidden from Imperials and other prying eyes. Tracing the message to it's source led back to a tourist trap on Shuldene, Centered in neutral...
  5. Romi Jade

    Approved Lore  The Eremitian Promise

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To expand on the territory around the Jakku Jedi Enclave Image Credit: X - X Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: Eremite Valley of the Eremite Jakku Jedi Enclave Romi Jade GENERAL INFORMATION Media Name: The Eremitian Promise Format: Document...
  6. L

    Interest Check: High Republic

    Alright, round two. I'm going ahead with the idea and asking any and all interested parties - hit me up. We are deep into the development stages of the High Republic, with a lot of collaboration between writers of all backgrounds. We will be taking undertones from all Light-side factions in...
  7. Adhira Chandra

    Interview with Senator Chandra RE: Skako Election

    "Welcome back. I'm Oba Rautha and this is HoloNet News. If you're just joining us, I am joined this evening by Adhira Chandra, Senator from the planet of Balmorra. Now, Senator, before the break we were discussing the current ideological 'battle lines' that have formed in the Senate. You are...
  8. C

    Character  Cuyan'ika Rook - The Galactic Alliance Mando-Jedi [semi-wip]

    Padawan Cuyan'ika Rook The Last True Rook “Be careful hunting monsters, lest you become one yourself." --- The Jedi Code --- Meerd, a mirjahaal Mirdnaas, a mir'tra Ori'aal, a naak Jaro, a sha'kajir Kyr'am, a Jetii'dral ---Resol'nare--- Ba'jur bal beskar'gam, Ara'nov, aliit, Mando'a...
  9. Gir Quee

    Approved Tech  Gundark II-class Power Armor

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To provide power armor to equal the playing field for characters facing the Bryn'adul Image Source: HALO armor pieces mis-mashed together through "Vanity" application and then modified by your's truly Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A...
  10. Ala Crescent

    Approved Tech  KG-04 "Yeti" Tensor Rifle

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a lethal cold damage weapon. Image Source: Destiny Video Game Series Canon Link: Tensor Weapons, Osmotic Field Permissions: Primary Source: PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Kiribian Systems Armory Affiliation: Closed-Market Model: KG-04 Yeti...
  11. Spirit of Hope

    Dominion  A Change of Pace | CFA Dominion of Kaikielius Hex

    A Change of Pace Kaikielius, once home to the Interstellar Protectorate, has found itself agreeing to join the Core Federation of Free Alliances. Through careful negotiation, Jedi Master Lan Graendal and his latest padawan, Ryv, have managed to bring the planet into the fold under oath the...
  12. Alleycat

    Max Darksun

    ** WIP** NAME: Max Darksun FACTION: Alliance Remnant RANK/OCCUPATION: Flight Operative/Pilot, Mercenary, former Farmer CALLSIGN: Reaper SPECIES: Human; Chandrilan AGE: Mid-upper twenties GENDER: Male; Heterosexual MARITAL STATUS: Widower HEIGHT: 6'0" WEIGHT: 175 lb BUILD: Tall, lean...
  13. Laertia Io

    Approved Tech  Pilot's Chitin

    Intent: To create a more specialized armor for Jedi in the AIE Image Source: Canon Link:
  14. Darth Carnifex

    What Are Friends For? [The Rescue of Darth Isolda] (Sith Empire, Alliance-in-Exile Welcome)

    The Alliance has fallen. And with it, hundreds of star systems are left to fend for themselves against the encroaching tidal wave of darkness sweeping in from the Tingel Arm. Pirates and bandits run rampant across trade lanes formerly protected by Galactic Alliance warships while roaming bands...
  15. Taeli Raaf

    Poll for Aryn's Message

    As has been suggested by multiple people, making this poll on the board itself. Aryn, for whatever reason, wasn't able to make it so consider this post the actual poll for what he was discussing here. Disregard the straw poll link in that post.
  16. Komoda

    Badlands Syndicate

    Komoda sat in his Nalrobian encampment bathing in the sunlight, appreciated the warmth of his homeworld. His "Communications Officer" approached. "Um K-komoda si-i-iir?", he stuttered. Komoda loathed when he did that, he was lucky he wasn't served to the guests for lunch, as a gift. "Speak."...
  17. L

    Lightning Squadron

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a Space Superiority squadron consisting of RZ-1 A-wings to RP around Jarck Image Credit: Star Wars Rebels Role: Space Superiority Squadron Links: [Provide links to any relevant threads, characters, companies, locations, etc here.] GENERAL INFORMATION...
  18. Salvador Grim

    Approved Tech  Anti Orbital Cannon

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To design a Anti Orbital Cannon Image Source:Deviantart by blueroguevyse Canon Link: N/A Restricted Missions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Privateers Alliance Model: X-13 Anti Orbital Cannon Affiliation:Closed-Market...
  19. Allana Badeaux

    This is just not an alliance but an invitation for fun!

    The Hapes Consortium has been a little too quiet and is gearing up for some great story lines. The minor faction of the Consortium does recognize there was a political dominion where the Mando’ade has brought relief aid during a time when the Consortium was in crises. The Consortium where many...
  20. Vincent Sharp

    Vincent Sharp

    Vincent Sharp NAME: Vincent Allen Sharp FACTION: Galactic Alliance RANK: Field Operative SPECIES: Human AGE: 32 SEX: Males HEIGHT: 5'9" WEIGHT: 195 lbs EYES: Brown HAIR: Dark Brown SKIN: White FORCE SENSITIVE: No...
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