Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Connel Vanagor

    Approved Tech  "Alpha" and "Omega" Connell Vanagor's twin sabers

    "Alpha" and "Omega" Connell's Twin Sabers OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create customized "Twin" sabers for Connell Vanagor (though one is regular blade-length and one is short. Image Source: Here Canon Link: Lightsaber Wiki Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION...
  2. Kossak the Hutt

    Approved Location  Alpha Minerals Au Complex

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: A source of income and resources for the Hestilic Kajidic Image Credit: Hristo Rusanov's concept art Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: N/A SETTING INFORMATION Mine Name: Alpha Minerals Au Mining Complex Material: Aurodium Location: Sullust | Ruisto | Altor...
  3. Kossak the Hutt

    Alpha Minerals

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: N/A Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: N/A CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: Alpha Minerals Headquarters: Nar Shaddaa Locations: Bandomir, Lirra, Sullust, Ruisto, Teth, Sriluur, Yurb Operations: Mining, refining Parent Corporation: Hestilic...
  4. A

    The North Remembers.

    Freyja ( Ritual & Meditation Music ) without waterfall A traitor amongst her pack... A stain on the legacy and banner she carried forth... The North never forgets... Three weeks had passed since a sizeable portion of her pack was slaughtered at the Hljóðleva Encampment, and Astrid wasn't...
  5. The Clans of Islimore

    The Clans of Islimore

  6. Kardek Alpha

    Character  Kardek Alpha

    Kardek Alpha (Theme Song: The Pretender by Foo Fighters) OCCUPATION Leader of the Hellmakers FACTION The Family RANK Veteran Soldier (Made) SPECIES Cybernetic Human AGE 32 SEX Male HEIGHT 6.0 ft WEIGHT 200 lbs...
  7. Åsmund Ótta

    Character  Åsmund 'Oz' Ótta

    IDENTITY BIOLOGY NAME Åsmund Ívarr Ótta / Osmond Ivar Ottum NICKNAMES Oz TITLE(S) Alpha of Clan Ótta | Kaiha RANK Force Adept HOMEWORLD Islimore BIRTHPLACE Islimore SEXUALITY Heterosexual GENDER Male MARITAL STATUS Unmated LANGUAGES KNOWN High Galactic, Galactic Basic, Wufi LANGUAGES SPOKEN...
  8. Kalie Alverez

    Approved Location  Ashmarr Alpha (Lujian Forces & Fleet Headquarters)

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a military base and Navy Station to further develop the Lujian armed forces and fleet presence within the Galactic Alliance. Image Credit: Here, Here Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: Kalie Alverez (Tiresh Kobitana), Planet of Lujo, Kobitana...
  9. Kalie Alverez

    Ready For Judge  Ashmaar Alpha (Lujian Forces & Fleet Headquarters)

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a military base and Navy Station to further develop the Lujian armed forces and fleet presence within the Galactic Alliance. Image Credit: Here, Here Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: Kalie Alverez (Tiresh Kobitana), Planet of Lujo, Kobitana...
  10. Callum Saville

    Approved NPC  "COB" Alpha Battalion

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To provide a skilled force for use on my Armored Walkers in the Court of Blades. Image Credit: (x) Artist: Muhamad Faizal Fikri Role: These are a special strike force in use of Armored Walkers the Court of Blades use which in addition, are the skilled users...
  11. Haon Hafey

    Quad Wrist Armament "Alpha"

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a unique attachment for droids for brawling and close range combat. Image Source: (x) Canon Link: N/A Restricted Missions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: (Kuat Drive Yards, BlasTech Industries, [Character Name]...
  12. Dax Perl

    Of Old and Ancient Things

    Location: Golgotha Alpha, a moon orbiting Golgotha, Sirat Wen System The icy winds whipped around Dax, his nose running from the intense cold. He pulled the snow jacket around him tighter, better to fend off the cold. What made him think that he could find anything of use here was beyond him...
  13. A

    The Smuggler's Moon

    Nar Shaddaa Deep within the heart of the immense city, a city encompassing an entire planet, a lone Mandalorian stepped amongst the thieves and the smugglers, the murderers and the gunmen. Everything gave off an aura of sleaziness and uncleanliness, but somehow it reminded him of Seleheyron, of...
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