Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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amea virou

  1. Evelyn Shaw

    Private  The Lost Guardian

    “So, let me get this straight…” Evie began, pausing as she placed the helmet over her head and let it seal onto the suit. “This ship has just been floating through space, untouched and unnoticed by anyone?” A few months back, Amea had proposed they shifted their focus towards salvaging. It...
  2. Evelyn Shaw

    Private  What's the First Rule?

    Amea was concerned, which wasn’t entirely surprising. But there was something about this that even caught Evelyn off guard. She knew about Amea’s work, familiar enough with it at least. But there was a side to it that the Echani had never touched. There was some form of Underground Fight Club...
  3. Evelyn Shaw

    Private  Honor Among Thieves

    Mere days had passed since returning from vacation, and already Amea had found them a new job to undertake. There was an item that the client wanted ‘acquired’, supposedly something stolen from them and had found its way to a museum. Details had been sparse, but Amea had drawn out enough to feel...
  4. Evelyn Shaw

    Private  A Day in the Life

    Neither Evelyn or Amea were the type to stay in one place too long. Each had their own reasons for this kind of lifestyle and somehow managed to find each other along the way. Both enjoying the simple nature of flying around the galaxy, which as of fairly recently had seen an upgrade. The ship...
  5. Ingrid L'lerim

    Bounty  Eternal Empire Bounty | Runi Verin and Amea Virou

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: The duo killed Adrian Vandiir during the siege of Dantooine, who was not only a high-ranking figure in the Sith Empire, but the prince of the Eternal Empire and the husband of the Empress. Both the TSE and the EE want revenge for this. Compensation: High...
  6. Evelyn Shaw

    Private  Returning to the Nest

    It had been a few weeks since Amea had departed for Dantooine. A small disagreement had arisen then, when it was revealed she’d be going to the planet amid an active invasion. Evelyn wasn’t entirely too thrilled, to say the least. But it left on an amicable note, given this was an inevitability...
  7. Evelyn Shaw

    Private  Calling Upon A Snowbird

    Something’s up, need your assistance. Bring the ship, keep the little guy (if around) away. Potentially very dangerous. Meet me here… On my way, it’ll take me a few days. -x- It had been a fair number of months since Evelyn had parted ways with Amea. She had missed the woman’s company, but...
  8. Beatrice Govan

    Private  Hot Wheels

    Oodles of Noodles, The Streets of Chinesti, Phaeda If one had asked Evelynn Zambrano Dorn what she thought she would be doing on her path of reborn Sith ambition one of the answers that would not have been considered was physical therapy. Ah, the joys of a fractured spine. Now under the usual...
  9. Runi Verin

    Approved Tech  Hand of Holding

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a cybernetic replacement for a girl all too prone to losing her grip with things. Image Source: Augmented Future Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Dimension Shift PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Runi Verin Affiliation: Amea...
  10. Seiryoku


    TOYDARIA Hutt space. Forever lawless with smuggles and other type of criminal scum roaming around, minding their own business to survive their environment. Despite being lawless it was not at the verge of being a chaotic place. That would not be good business for the Hutts and what other crime...
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