Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Ellie Mors

    Lonely Like Me (Jemmila Kyrgen)

    Few worlds in the Galaxy harbored a moon with as much history and with such deep roots in the dark side as the Onderon moon of Dxun. The large satellite was known as a sister planet to the inner rim world by many whom were aware of their annual joining of atmospheres, and it was avoided like the...
  2. Eliza Downheart

    Looking for a master in Cryokinesis

    I am looking for a master in Cryokinesis. I have started with telekinesis but I have much to learn, if anyone could help me out that would amazing. I cannot control it, when I get to hot I cool the air without knowing it and I am afraid of hurting someone. Please help!
  3. Mindy_Moonlove


    I was hoping to find somebody to help me with Electrokinesis. I need to work on my skills and learn to control then. If anybody could help that would be lovely.
  4. Valduin Izbien

    Sith Apprentice seeks a new master [EMPIRE]

    Valduin is searching for a new Master. I would hope for the relationship to be established through role play. Valduin's bio can be found here: Thank you and looking forward to responses!
  5. Curupira Hawk

    Lexis Ferran

    BIRTH NAME: Shana Draclau KNOWN ALIAS: Lexis Ferran NICKNAMES: Lex, Brownie AGE: Twenty two (Thirty five all together) SPECIES: Near-Human, Changeling RACE: Shi'ido/Nagai Hybrid (1/2 Shi'ido, 1/2 Nagai) with alterations to appear Human FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes FACTION: N/A RANK: Neutral Apprentice...
  6. Garza

    Jedi/Sith master

    i am looking for a jedi or sith master for my character i would like to make some RP of me becoming an apprentice. i am currently in no faction and a frelance netural Jedi i have been trianed by daxton slightly (via holocron koltak-path-of-the-scorpion) he has a two lightsaber fighting style...
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