Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Linori Pryde

    Sketch Requests

    Hello! I'm an amateur artist always looking for something to draw, so why not draw people's characters here on Chaos? I only really have time for quick sketches, but feel free to post a reference/description and I'll see what I can do! Ex.
  2. Christian Slade

    Something new seems appropriate

    So I've had the sig you can see below for some time now. I really like it and I think it's got quite a good feel to it, but I have been sporting it a while. I was also curious to see what other artists here at the site have to offer, so if any of you want to take a crack at it then by all means...
  3. Tefka

    Art & Design's Faction Spotlight: Mandalorians

    Any requests for anything concerning the Mandalorian faction or any Mandalorian characters may be posted below. I invite other artists to join me, but so far I'm the only one on board here. Since it's the latter part of January, I'll just mark this for February when the time comes. Artist List...
  4. Christian Slade

    I'm feeling a little... old

    I'm feeling like I need a big of a signature update. I used to have Photoshop or I'd take care of it myself, but alas, I do not have it any longer. Anyone feel like helping a brother out? :P
  5. Donatos

    Sigs and Art by Donatos

    Hi I’m Donatos, Don for short. I am an aspiring graphic designer and I love star wars! So designing Star Wars related artwork is something I love even more! Post details of artwork (character, concept art), sigs, and avatars you might like and I’ll see what I can do to create them. This will...
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