Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Thurion Heavenshield

    Ye Olde Heavenshield Art Shoppe

    A long, long time ago, in a Chaos™ far, far away, a young n00b by the name of... well, me... posted a humble little topic where I saw to everyone's needs in terms of artwork and photo manipulation, be it for signatures, avatars, profile pictures or stuff for the Factory (there was only the...
  2. Celestia Von Nacht

    Sig's on Demand.

    Hey i'm willing to do some fancy pancy Sig's for people, just post your Model/Avatar and any quotes you like. Requirements are only that you have more then 1 picture available, sometimes if it's a really good one i can work it but for my best work please have some options available for me...
  3. SamSakurai

    Sam's Art

    I've done drawing stuff for a long time. ... BACKSTORY OVER, let's throw some art up there. To start though, just a note about requests; I love getting requests, but those are mostly just inspiration for me. Unlikely I'll do most. I'm also infinitely more likely to draw something/someone...
  4. Alric Kuhn

    Chris Makes Borders

    Right so, i get bored every once in a while and when i do i usually practice photoshop. Usually its with Signatures and such and i've learned to make quite a few good ones. I also dabble in making the borders for said signatures and my avatars, recently i made a whole bunch of em and decided to...
  5. Cryax Bane

    Recolors and Photomanipulations

    Hey all, Since photoediting is one of my hobbies, I thought I'd offer up my photoshopping skills for recolors of people's avatars and such. I can do basic recolors of skin tones, eye colors, etc., add some bells and whistles, basic stuff. I'm happy to try my hand at tougher stuff like horns...
  6. Nyxie

    Nyxie's Little (Graphics) Shop of Horrors

    I've grown to hate roleplay lately but also rediscovered my love for graphic arts and photo-manipulation, so here it is; I present to you, Nyxie's Graphics Shoppe! I do signatures and userbars and virtually any other form of editing. I DO NOT make tags! Sorry, but I can never get the font...
  7. Curupira Hawk

    Ruu's Workshop ~ Sigs/Tags/Avatars

    ~ Because everyone is doing it so why miss out on all the fun? LOL. Jokes aside, I mostly do signatures, avatars and as of recently tags. I don't do animated ( I used to but it's a pain so I stopped). Lemme show you a few things! Signatures are just for show, tags are free for all...
  8. Anija Betna

    Anija's Art Corner [Sigs, Avatars, Rank Tags, Title Bars, Logos]

    These guidelines MUST be followed, or your requests will be delayed. Before making a request, please check my blog for the current work que listing. I will try to keep this up to date. Due to increasing requests, and my limited time, I will not accept a total of more than 2 requests at a time...
  9. Ignatius

    Erin's Signature, Avatar, and Rank title shope

    Hello all! Recently I have been getting quite a few likes for the way that I make my sigs. A few of them are intricate and nice looking, others are almost standard and simple. For all of you I will make sigs for those who ask. It is a first come first serve basis, and I need the pics that you...
  10. EmKay

    Rhoujen's Sig Tag and Bar Shoppe

    RHOUJEN PRESENTS Yet Another Tag Shoppe! With a bar! Welcome to Rhoujen's Sig Tag (Rank Title) and Bar Shoppe! Here you can select from one of the images below, or request something entirely new! I'm pretty well-versed in creating images for forums and users, and willing to tweak and...
  11. Ket Van-Derveld

    Ket's Rank Title & Tag Shop

    Need a Rank Title? OF COURSE YOU DO! Everyone seems to want a new custom rank title these days, whether it's something just not readily available already, a specific tag with a new twist, an animated version, or something specific to your character. So, as per requested by a fair few...
  12. Ra Vizsla

    Part I: How To Make A Yuuzhan Vong Character

    This tutorial is for members who wish to have a guide to making a Yuuzhan Vong character. HOW TO MAKE A YUUZHAN VONG CHARACTER By [member="Tsavong Kraal"] Please follow this tutorial if this is your first time making a character...
  13. L

    Aaralyn's Photoshop Corner

    Alright, just as the title says, I'll do just about anything. I have alot of examples floating around. Here are a few. Borders (NEW!) Titles Faction Related Ranks Slim-Lined (NEW!) Company Related Ranks Slim Lined Character Image Changes I can also do major and minor edits...
  14. Ayden Cater

    How to build a Starship 2.0

    This guide is archaic and has rules in it that are either outdated or no longer in use. This guide's rules are not to be adhered to unless posted under official Staff threads, ie the Starship Template. -Tef Original guide created by @[member="Mia Monroe"] Guide 2.0 created by @[member="Ayden...
  15. Tefka

    Tef's Art Resources

    Avatars/Signature Resources Download Basic Avatar Border PSD: Download Signature Border PSD: Download Animated Signature PSD...
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