Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Darth Solipsis

    Work In Progress  Akar Tsis

    "At last the GREAT ERROR has been corrected. The time of victory is at hand, the time of the Sith." Intent: To build a new Sith Citadel over Akar Kesh. Image Credit: Headers by Ingrid L'lerim-Vandiir DIV coding by @Darth Mori Throne of the Sith submission picture: Destiny Hive Throne by...
  2. A

    Character  Asha Sar'andor, Master of the Je'daii Order

    SOCIETAL Name: Asha Hex Asha Vynea Asha Sar'andor Alias: Keoz Titles: Voidwalker The Eternal Wanderer Child of the Void The Dandelion Prophet Ranks: Master of the Order Je'daii Master Je'daii Steward Temple Master of Akar Kesh Homeworld: Space Current Home: Tribunal Station...
  3. Darth Carnifex

    Private  You Can't Run Away [ Asha]

    The doors parted open uneasily, the mechanisms in the right door having been broken long ago and never repaired. It stopped about a third of the way, metal grinding against stone as it tried in vain to retract into the wall. A hand reached out, gripped the edge of the door, and forcefully shoved...
  4. Cotan Sar'andor

    Private  By Night And By Dayark

    Dayark, Uninhabited Forest Dayark was certainly lovely this time of year. Lovely if you liked rice paddys, rolling plains, or better yet, empty swamp-forests filled to bursting with all sorts of plants and animals and gigantic mud pits. Sure, the plants were great and interesting, many of...
  5. A

    Character  Asha Seren, The Weary

    SOCIETAL Name: Asha Seren-Ordo Asha Lorr Alias: Ash Blue Cery Lautha Titles: Je'daii Master Jedi Master Temple Master The Serene The Returned Homeworld: Panatha Cadinth Current Home: N/A Faction: N/A Force Sensitivity: Fractured Force Rank: ?? Force Alignment: ...
  6. Djonas Vile

    Private  Gunpowder [Asha]

    img src: Phillip A. Urlich Between the fantastical cities of Yedagon, a state of Adumar, lies lush forests and beautiful plains. The same could be said about any of the Adumari states in truth. Yedagon did have something the others did not currently have, however. At this very moment, the...
  7. Asha Allard-Corek

    Character  Asha Allard-Corek

    NAME: Asha Melissa Allard-Corek FACTION: N/A RANK: Doctor SPECIES: 1/2 Human and 1/2 Morellian AGE: 46 Standard Years SEX: Female HEIGHT: 6'1" (1.85 Meters) WEIGHT: 165lbs (74.8 Kilograms) EYES: Brown HAIR: Brown SKIN: Tanned FORCE SENSITIVE: No STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2...
  8. Elijah Beckett

    Talia "Asha" Beckett

    "It is too late for pacifism, the Darkness has rooted itself deep into the galaxy." GENERAL INFORMATION _______________________________________________________________________ Known Name: Asha Real Name: Talia Beckett Rank: Jedi Master Age: Late-30s Homeworld: Unknown Affiliation/Loyalty...
  9. Jsc

    Cards of Aurum

    Aurum Karen Roberts sat in the Hanger Bay playing cards. To her left was Tom. The skinny old man fiddling with his glasses. To her left was Ossa. A brown Wookiee with feathers in her hair. The three of them were playing Rojac So. A game about trying to be the first person to place all fifty of...
  10. Lief

    Let This Circle Be Broken Another day on Korriban. How much of her life had been scouting out this world alongside [member='Jericho']? He had enjoyed walking through the Valley of the Dark Lords, roaming the rocky tombs in search of information, relics which had to be...
  11. Alkor Centaris

    Approved NPC  Asha Sasi

    Name: Asha Sasi Loyalties: Currently the Mandalorian Crusaders, [member="Keira Ticon"], @Alkor Centaris Role: A Mercenary in the employ of the Warmaster and a reliable shot. Development Threads: Memories - Asha gets the Beskar'gam of her mother from her father. And there were Three - Asha meets...
  12. Alkor Centaris


    It was a cold night. The Sasi family had only just settled in for the night as the wind picked up, and Asha huddled closer to the fire for warmth. "You never decided to install a heating unit," she observed in a half bitter voice, offset by the chattering of her teeth. "It's nearing winter...
  13. Lief

    Falling Down

    Her feet dragged along the rain soaked path. In the distance a flash of light was met with the heavy rumble of thunder, causing her to wince. Weather was not something that was ever on her side, it seemed. Then again what did she expect from a world prone to violent storms? Asha's arms...
  14. Lief

    The Dreamer And The Dreamt

    Iminec had just begun to rise on the horizon, casting a faint yellow hue to the sky and the body of water ahead of her purple. Asha stared long and hard at the delicate ripples which plagued the otherwise peaceful surface. In the depths finned creatures swam, oblivious to the worries of those...
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