Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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ashur harth

  1. Cato Harth

    Private  Private Ceremony

    The Vonnuvi Enclave's council chamber had been cleared out this morning for a special occasion. The Harths had requested a private ceremony for Inanna's knighting, and the opportunity was granted with little holdup. The Harths had more than earned their keep as part of the Vonnuvi Enclave, and...
  2. Cato Harth

    Private  Second, Third, Fourth Chances

    Then, Nar Shadaa Sleep came rather soundly to Cato Harth. For all the chaos that was Nar Shaddaa, his home was an impenetrable refuge. What's not to love? A comfortable bed, a beautiful woman in his arms, and no Gurt busting through his door in the early hours of the morning. Until he was. The...
  3. Inanna Harth

    Private  Father's Day

    The Vonnuvi Orphanage looked similar to the rest of the housing in the Residential Sector, if a little larger in size than the typical home. There was nothing to outwardly indicate that the place even was an orphanage, probably for the sake of privacy and safety. “Okay, Serena,” Inanna asked...
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