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NAME: AC-3168 "Ace"
FACTION: The First Order
AGE: 19.
SEX: Female.
HEIGHT: 5'9"
WEIGHT: 146 lbs
EYES: Brown.
HAIR: Light brown.
SKIN: Pale.
FORCE SENSITIVE: Unknown. (I'm on the fence, so perhaps i'll decide later, depending on how she develops. Until I decide, we'll...
Image Source:
Intent: Advanced Attack Tank
Development Thread: If necessary
Manufacturer: Quill Industries
Model: A.A.T Version 1
Affiliation: Open market temporarily
Modularity: No
Production: Mass-produced
Material: Durasteel...
[member="Artemis Exor"] [member="Naga Itesak"] [member="50H31"] [member="Durza the Zealous"]
Operation Beskar Point
Echoy'la, Beskar Point Camp
Mission Briefing: Intelligence reports are coming in from an informant that a splinter faction of mandalorians still loyal to The Mandalore and the...
Avenger Class Star Defender
Image Credit: by ‘ Drone’
Intent: To create a Star Defender to fill the appalling gap in the Republic’s arsenal. This will be an Assault Star Defender specialising in long range and heavy firepower.
Development Thread: N/A...
Image Credit: MeckanicalMind
Intent: To have Factory ships so people can stop going "lel antiques" at the One Sith
Development Thread: N/A
Manufacturer: One Sith Ministry of War in cooperation with at least:
Arakyd Industries - Weaponry, Targeting Systems, & Controls
FlightUnlimited Group -...
Image Credit: Here
Intent: To flesh out the heavier ranks of the Protectorate fleet in the wake of several Invasions
Development Thread: N/A
Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corporation
Model: Indomitable-class Star Defender
Affiliation: Omega Pyre with Galactic Alliance
Modularity: None...
Image Credit: Here
Intent: To flesh out the Protectorate navy in the wake of several invasions
Development Thread: N/A
Manufacturer: Fondor Shipyards
Model: Kerrigan-class Star Defender
Affiliation: Omega Pyre with Galactic Alliance
Modularity: None
Production: Mass Produced