Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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azula tindara

  1. Judah Dashiell

    Private  Ghosts

    SALEUCAMI Fire crackled as he sat outside. Stiff drink in one hand, Judah had just finished typing a message to Danger Arceneau regarding his return to the fold, so to speak. As far has he knew, everyone in the family was out in the Centrality Sector on a space station. He himself had drifted...
  2. Makai Dashiell

    Private  Reconnoiter

    Location : Panatha , Salacia Consolidated Pacanth Reach Outpost Humidity enveloped the high-up landing platform like a thick blanket. Between the sounds of mining equipment and starships, the jungle was loud, a symphony of insects and animals making themselves known in the small attempt at...
  3. Judah Dashiell

    Private  Cloak of Deception

    Grumani United Charity Gala | Jutrand, Jutrand System | Azula Tindara A string quartet was working tirelessly off to one side of the room as beings of all walks of life filtered through the cavernous space. Glasses clinked as those in attendance eagerly took advantage of the libations...
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