Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Ali Kare

    Private  Back to School

    The shuttle touched down on the landing platform at Kirima Academy before the sun had risen above the tall, icy mountains. Ali yawned as she unbuckled her crash webbing, then stood up to stretch. The ride had been a couple of hours, and in that time she'd taken an amazing nap. After her stretch...
  2. Lestra Thairk

    LFG  Back into the swing of things?

    Want to try and get back into the swing of things with my little dude. Up to really do anything with him right now but I don't want to get into anything too serious/heavy right now. Just kinda want to try learn stuff with, make friends, maybe rivals or enemies. Stuff like that. Oh yeah, should...
  3. Noah Corek Jr.

    LFG  Hello Chaos! I'm Back!

    Well it's been a bit of time since I've been fully on the site but I'm back! Some of you know me and some of you don't but my name's Noah! Been on Chaos for a long while, over a decade now, and I often take long breaks without tell anybody or explaining them to anybody. Usually I just quietly...
  4. Nighthaunter

    It's been a while

    Hey guys, I haven't posted or been on this forum regularly since probably 2021. I'm looking to get back into the swing of things, but I am unsure where to start or what the best place would be for this character. I will be revamping him today or tomorrow. I am leaning towards slowly creating...
  5. Shan Pavond

    First Reply  Back on the Streets

    No time for rest. Shan could rest when he was dead. For now, the people of Coruscant were going to need aid. There were still plenty of chaotic occurrences going on, crime, assaults. Of course, Shan knew he wouldn't be able to deal with all of that. It would be a long while before Coruscant was...
  6. Teynara Jeralyr

    LFG  Looking to dive back in... (Jedi)

    Hey guys, I'm looking for some fun people to write with, now that I'm back and willing to scrape off the rust of my writing skills. Needing to bring my character into the mix of things (and, let's be blunt, I've no idea what's going on with the Jedi, given that the last time I was here, the...
  7. Teynara Jeralyr

    Popping my head back in...

    Hello everyone. Been a while. Well, actually, now I look at it...close to six years since I last stopped by. Crazy how time flies! Anyway, I thought I'd drop in and have a look, see how things are going. It's nice to see that Chaos persists, as I rather hoped it would. I'm not yet certain if...
  8. Alina Tremiru

    Private  I'm Back

    All of her plans and preparations had fallen to the wayside. Realization. Understanding. She'd heard it finally, the call of the Force. It wasn't like anything she'd expected, an actual voice speaking, calling for her to find it. A secret, her memories, something. And she'd found it. True...
  9. SpectralOrbit

    Hello, I came back with the art supplies

    I've been lurking on the discord for the past couple of days, so this isn't much of an introduction and more of "I'm here now." Though to be fair its also because I'm 90% sure I posted on this website before, because its familiar, but not so much so that I remember anything. Or perhaps my bad...
  10. Naivia Neryn

    LFG  Back into action

    Hello everyone! It's been a while since i rped last time, so I would love to seek out new adventures and make new awesome connections ^^ Neryn is a pretty enthusiastic person always ready to experience what it means to be on the cutting edge of any situation, and is quiet curious about how the...
  11. Drego Ruus

    Approved Tech  Drego's Back Shield, Hra'ne Choruk

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To Create a shield for Drego Image Source: Show Me Your Brave Heart (here) Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Drego Ruus Affiliation: Drego Ruus Market Status: Closed Market Model: N/A Modularity: N/A...
  12. Gatz Derrevar

    Less LOA, More Stepping Back

    For the foreseeable future, I'm not going to be engaging in anything on this site in an OOC manner. I don't feel comfortable writing anything but an actual RP post at the moment. I likely won't be responding to LFGs or DMs here on site. So for those of you who write with me, or have been...
  13. Aithne Charr

    LFG  The Hoots is Back, Long time no See

    Hello everyone, its been a while. Ive returned and would love to get back into RP, and to that effort I have a few options that would be amazing. 1. Alexandra - My Long time Grey Jedi living on Alderaan is of course the go to when it comes to threads. I would love to get a bunch of scenes with...
  14. Valery Noble

    Junction  [GA/SO] Caldera Crisis — The Alliance Strikes Back | GA/SO Junction of Barkhesh and Kiffu

    The Caldera Crisis continues! Following the battles of Celanon and Yavin, the terror of the undead army continues to spread despite great efforts to stop them! Their path through Celanon was severed, and the Mandalorian Protectors block the hyperspace lane from Yavin, but the Tingel Arm is...
  15. Navu Myther

    Private  Finishing What Was Started

    (OOC: Dantooine: 16 years ago) "What do you want to be when you grow up?" The boy stared at the woman his bright blue eyes staring up at the tall, smiling woman. They were sitting on the tall, grassy plains of Dantooine away from the orphanage. The orphans were busy having fun against the...
  16. ManlyMan56

    LFG  Who wants to bring back the Hutts?

    Is anyone interested in making a Hutt Empire or Cartel faction? I am looking for a group of writers that are interested in being nothing more then a cesspool of scum and villainy. My discord is master of the eye emoji, I am in the main discord for here but also in the Mandalorian Protectors...
  17. Tragic Writer

    I'm Happy (I think) To be back

    Been a while...Can't Enter the Discord (Banned, Never told why Thanks Tefka) But I want to get back in the grove and back into RP...Right now I am willing to be a bit in anything so I can find some writing and Story flaws in My current Character and round them out.
  18. Cremek candorus

    LFG  Looking for friends, enemies, and perhaps acquaintances

    It has been some time, has it? I seem to have forgotten this site even existed! well, out of sheer luck, i've rediscovered this site, and am currently looking for threads to enjoy and shake all this annoying rust off! i'm down for basically whatever, as cremek is quite flexible with his goals...
  19. Connel Vanagor

    Private  The straw that broke the Ronto's back.

    An eye for an eye only ends with the whole world blind. [Any text in brackets signifies comm-link usage and not face to face conversation] COMPANION: Buster SECTOR: Vendaxa MISSION: Fun in the sun? TAGS: Lord Kizash | Darth Ira Vendaxa has always been home to rolling plains, picturesque...
  20. Caltin Vanagor

    Not back yet, but...

    In need of a Sith or two that want to really hurt Caltin's son Connel. I'm talking never be the same again, beaten to within a centimeter of his life. Tried doing this in 4 event threads and they all petered out before anything could happen (NO ONE'S fault) so yeah, I want to do this in an...
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