Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. BB-610

    Private  A Little Heart to Heart

    | LOCATION: NJO Temple, Coruscant | | TAG: Amani Serys | BB-610 shushed, a synthetic hiss as he tried to half-heartedly silence the ongoing whimpers and annoyingly high-pitched cries of the caged porg behind him, harness wrapped around the lower end of the astromech's head to better drag it...
  2. BB-610

    Private  Built to Last

    | LOCATION: NJO Temple, Coruscant | | TAG: Jasper Kai'el | When it came to a lot of things, droids were often at a disadvantage, especially when one was something as lowly as an astromech. Like the rest of his line, BB-610 was built to repair starships and calculate hyperspace jumps, and that...
  3. BB-610

    Private  Agitation

    | LOCATION: Epicanthix | | TAG: Corazona von Ascania | BB-610's week had felt deceptively after he had visited Ilum with his family. The escalating conflict between the Jedi and the Mandalorians had gotten him on edge, and the idea of accompanying the eldest Noble children on their kyber...
  4. BB-610

    Private  ❝ No Droids. ❞

    | LOCATION: Ilum | | TAG: Valery Noble | BB-610 was no stranger to melancholy, but very rarely was it fused with anger. The droid prided himself on seldom losing his temper, and while he may be one to act on emotions, he had nonetheless resisted the temptation to give in to anger more than a...
  5. BB-610

    Private  Terrible Timing

    | LOCATION: Scarif | | TAG: Jenn Kryze | Scarif was - surprisingly - a planet he very seldom travelled to, but for however sporadic his visits were, they served their purpose well in breaking up a monotonous cycle of similar sights and re-introducing him to the serene sounds of rising tides...
  6. BB-610

    Private  Anxiety Buddies

    | LOCATION: Epicanthix | | TAG: Corazona von Ascania | BB-610, once, would have been able to plead ignorance to the concept of family. Now, however, as he stood loud and proud amongst the Nobles, he'd never felt so strongly about something. Family was his everything; his purpose, his drive...
  7. BB-610

    Approved NPC  Scampi

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To give BB-610 and the Noble family a companion. Image Credit: My art. Header found here. Role: Scampi is a rescue animal salvaged from Wayland, and typically acts as a pet belonging to the Nobles. Permissions: n/a Links: BB-610 and Valery Noble -...
  8. BB-610

    Approved Vehicle  DG-OPT3 "OLYMPUS" Speeder Bike

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a personal speeder for BB-610 to use with his family and friends. Image Source: x Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Aratech Repulsor Company. Affiliation: BB-610 Market Status...
  9. BB-610

    Artist  BB-610's Art(oo)

    I couldn't think of a better title. Artoo's an astromech, right? We'll go with this for now. I guess. I'm not too much of an expert on creating super nifty avatars, signatures, and profile/post templates, but what I really like to do is to just draw! Gonna be using this to house all of my...
  10. BB-610

    Private  Coup de Grâce

    It first started with a stroll through Coruscant. An off day between missions, some much needed downtime for the Noble family to soak in the sun and relish in each other's company. Deciding to give Valery and Kahlil a moment of privacy, BB-610 had offered to retrieve a crate of food. It would...
  11. BB-610

    Private  Better Together

    | LOCATION: New Jedi Order Temple, Coruscant | | TAG: Kat Decoria | A good while had passed since Jedi Master Valery Noble had adopted BB-610. He remembers their first encounter as though it happened yesterday - the trouble on Adarlon, the impromptu dogfight nearing Coruscant space, and the...
  12. Alessandra Io

    Private  Love Is an Oil Bath

    Location: Alessandra’s Droid Restoration and Rehabilitation Clinic - Coruscant Dialogue Legend: <<Technopathy Link>> │ “Verbal” Time: Late Morning Tag: BB-610 It was a place where any droid—no matter their standing or position—could come to be serviced, doted upon, or even rehabilitated for...
  13. BB-610

    LFG  Droid Therapy™

    After finally getting him a home and a family, I think it's about time my roly-poly robot starts trying to fix his issues. BB-610's core problem lies in the fact that his First Order programming kicks in at certain intervals, making him irrationally lash out at anybody nearby. This kink in his...
  14. Valery Noble

    Private  Sabotage

    Temple Hangar Outfit: Factory Link Ship: Link Tag: BB-610 "Alright, Bee," Valery began after stepping down from a very different-looking X-wing, "This is the first ship I had built after being rescued from stasis. At the time, I made it to travel around without having to worry about running...
  15. Mellifluous Magenta

    Approved Starship  BB and Bella's Delta-7B "Aethersprite" Light Interceptor

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To refurbish BB-610’s Delta-7B Aethersprite-class Light Interceptor, for Bella and BB-610 to fly in tandem in an upcoming invasion. Image Source: Delta-7B Aethersprite-class Light Interceptor (Legends) - Wookieepedia (Edited by Algarus) Canon Link: Delta-7B...
  16. BB-610

    Character  BB-610

    Profile Full Body BB-610 Aliases Bee -Valery Noble Homeworld Hosnian Prime Date Created 33 ABY Manufacturer The First Order Model BB-series Class Astromech Droid Height 0.6m (1ft 9in) Weight 18kg Gender Masculine Programming Sensor Medium Turquoise Plating Raisin...
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