Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Sikkol Cull

    Private  Body, Heart, and Mind

    SHIP: Helljumper Combat Dropship CREW: Helljumper Crew WEAPONS: Heklerkok FP-01, MAA-011 HjPBP x2, MAA-010 HiPR x1, Lodestone Devices x4 - Rolling Order, Lookout Probe Droid x2 - Rolling Order, Terminus Shiv's x2, Journeyman Knives x4 - Rolling Order ARMOR/CLOTHING: Tinfoil Hat Band, MAA-001...
  2. Krause Zelier

    LFG  Sith looking for Maelibus who want to serve as Body Guard or force sensitive in the TSE

    Sith looking for Maelibus who want to serve as Body Guard or force sensitive in the TSE
  3. Gwyneira Vizsla

    Private  Flooded With Power, Lightning Bolts Through the Body

    Kannak. One could not find a greater hive of scum or villainy in the entire galaxy. Gwyneira sighed beneath her hood, pulling out the contents of the bag. The items in her four digit hands were like a slap in the face. Death sticks. She clenched the bag, glaring down at the man huddled...
  4. H

    Approved Tech  Hei Sogecki's cybernetic body

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: to create full body cybernetics for Hei Sogecki Image Source: Artstation Canon Link: n/a Permissions: n/a Primary Source: n/a PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Unique creation by the rescuer and repurposer of Hei Sogecki Affiliation: Hei Sogecki...
  5. Vora Kaar

    Approved Species  Lazarus Sin

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Sub a body for Darren that would explain his long-lived life. Image Credit: Artstation, Artstation, Artstation, Devil May Cry 5 - Vergil Video Capture Canon: Yuuzhan Vong Atoan Echani Permissions: N/A Links: Darren Shaw GENERAL INFORMATION Name...
  6. Yaadri Osi-Yyn


    Traidaa.01 [hr] [hr] OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a body for Traidaa. Image Source: N/A Canon Link: N/A Restricted Missions: Experiment 13 Primary Source: Droid PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Dr. Straton Traidaa Model: Traidaa.01 Production: Unique Affiliation...
  7. Mariya Pyne

    Approved Tech  Sentinel Host

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create an armored host suitable for Sentinel. Image Source: [ X ] Canon Link: N/A Restricted Missions: N/A Primary Source: Sentinel AI PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] Model: N/A Affiliation: [member="Sentinel"]...
  8. Bat

    Approved Tech  Husk's Body

    Image Source: N/A Intent: To provide a body for Husk [NPC] Development Thread: If Necessary Manufacturer: Husk/Shady Backalley Cyberdoctors Model: N/A Affiliation: Husk Modularity: No. Production: Unique Material: Electronics, hydraulics, titanium alloy skeleton, Duralium-Lanthanide alloy...
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