Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Kal

    Bounty  Termination Order - Seka Binreth | Homegrown Garden

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Add a bit of flavour to a Public thread. Compensation: 10,000 Underworld Credits Shared equally unless otherwise agreed if collected by a group. Cause(s): Treason, Abduction, Murder, Illegal Experimentation. Target Involvement: N/A, NPC. IN CHARACTER...
  2. Don Belkora

    Bounty  COMPNOR message to the Galaxies poor

    - Encrypted transmission from unknown source... Disaffected citizens and members of the underworld, This transmission finds itself in the hands of capable individuals such as yourself, all united by a mutual distrust and shared experience of persecution and neglect under the corrupt...
  3. J

    Private  All The Bounty of Bracca

    All the Bounty of Bracca "... and that is why you are trespassing on private ground," the man said. At least, Jenny thought it was a man. Whoever it was, they were buried under so much plastic-y wrap that they could've been anything. Man. Woman. Rancor. "The Scrapper's Guild of Bracca has...
  4. Cassus Akovin

    Suggestion  Bounty Target List Based on Monthly UCs

    Inspired by another Bounty/UC-related suggestion (suggested by Cord), I decided to look back on the old Bounty Target list introduced a little under two years ago (has it been that long??) and I had a small epiphany. Almost all of them were the same faces I saw when it first went up, aside from...
  5. Cord###

    Suggestion  Subsidize Users who Select "Yes" on the Bounty Toggle

    Howdy, new user here. Let me know if my suggestion is already in place, or unnecessary. So, in looking around I"ve noticed that the addition of Underworld Credits/UC/"Uck" is a fairly recent thing. Looking at the Staff Meeting Minutes I found the following exchanges interesting I think...
  6. Aeshi Tillian

    Bounty  Marque and Reprisal Authorization: Sith & Imperial War Materials

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Get the League more involved with the Age of the Underworld, the Second Great Hyperspace War, embrace the thematic elements of a trade league founded by freedom fighters, half-reformed smugglers, with inspirations from the Hanseatic League and early...
  7. Yularen Nova

    Bounty  Yokai Bounty - CorSec Bounty

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Bounty on local Corellian Gang Compensation: 800 - 3000 UC [Maou] Cause(s): Recently they have become more dangerous and have become too much for local CorSec forces to handle on their own. Target Involvement: Maou [ Kaito Kiyoshi ] IN CHARACTER...
  8. Yularen Nova

    Bounty  Bounty on Kaito Kiyoshi - Sith - Armed & Extremely Dangerous

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To get a little help regaining Corellia's honor and to use the new UC system Compensation: 40,000 UC Cause(s): Aided the Brotherhood of the Maw in their attack on Coruscant Implicated in the destruction of the Desert Dawn at Kuat Murder of Jedi Knight...
  9. Taeli Raaf

    Bounty  Bounty on Bryn'adul Specimens and Tech

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To provide additional incentive for anyone wanting to roleplay in the former territory that was controlled by the Hordes. Compensation: 5,000 Underworld Credits Cause(s): To further study the Horde and its various specimens, and to, knowing Taeli, experiment...
  10. Ashin Cardé Varanin

    Bounty  Bounty on the Drengir (5,000 UC apiece)

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Get people fighting Drengir, Star Wars' nastiest villains in ages. Distribute some cold hard ucks. Compensation: 5,000 UC apiece. (50,000+ for progenitors, the big ones — or PC Drengir.) Cause(s): The Drengir hunt Ashin for various reasons involving hubris...
  11. Damsy Callat

    Bounty  The Mind Killer of Coruscant

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To codify the continued questionable choices of Damsy Callat Compensation: n/a Cause(s): this + other similar off-screen instances Target Involvement: yeah, come at me IN CHARACTER INFORMATION Name of Bounty: Damsy Callat — but the name is not publicly...
  12. Gwyneira Vizsla

    Bounty  Bounty ~ Gwyneira Craft, the Estranged Daughter.

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To give my character pain character development. Compensation: N/A Cause(s): Gwyneira's past and her father, Arvanon, desiring to kill her. Target Involvement: My character is the target. IN CHARACTER INFORMATION Name of Bounty: Gwyneira Craft, aka...
  13. Dantum Kryszar

    Mercenary, Assassin, or Bounty Hunter For Hire

    Mercenary, Assassin, or Bounty Hunter For Hire Dantum "Dan" Kryszar is a bounty hunter currently looking for work. Skills: Sniping, piloting, hand-to-hand combat, tactical thinking. Price: A rational price, in relation to the mission's difficulty. He is willing to bargain. Acceptable Missions...
  14. Kiff Brayde

    Bounty  Cards of Chance

    S C O U N D R E L Royal Flush Casino Starshine District Fondor By all accounts, Kiff Brayde -- scoundrel, cheat, naval extraordinaire -- should have been enjoying his early retirement on some resort world far from the center of anything in the galaxy. After all, more or less, he had earned it...
  15. B

    Bounty  Bring Me Back My Son! | Bounty on Brandyn Sal-Soren

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To generate interest in upcoming open threads with Brandyn Sal-Soren Compensation: IC Credits Cause(s): Brandyn ran away a few IC years ago, and has thus far evaded his family and not contacted them. Runaway thread: In Due Season Target Involvement: Yes...
  16. Bernard

    Bounty  New Sith Order Bounties | Galactic Sith Hunt

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create more opportunities and causes for folks to write stories together (and to keep Bounty Hunters off my back.) Compensation: Tier III - 5,000 "7 Tier IV - 25,000 "7 & one of a set of exclusive weapons Tier V - 250,000 "7 & one of a set of artefacts...
  17. Darth Solipsis

    Bounty  Bring Me Your Jedi

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To inspire fun intrigue on the board and add fluff to the Broadcast from Exegol. To make it more dire for the Jedi. Compensation: 1 Unique Item - Alchemically made by yours truly, 1 Unique State-Of-The-Art Stealth Craft made by myself with all the...
  18. Isidor Justeene

    Bounty  Hutt's Ransom (Open to Bounty Hunters)

    Location: The Palace, Tatooine NPC: Dehurk the Hutt Tags: Open Bounty: Isidor Justeene It was midday and it was the hottest week in the history of Tatooine, so much so that the Jawas were seeking shelter from the heat, even the Tuskens were cowed by it. The Cantina was packed to capacity with...
  19. Felix Aquila

    Bounty // Suu Gara

    B O U T N Y // S U U - G A R A Location: Lessu Equipment: - Light-saber - Personal Shield - Armourweave Clothing Lessu hadn't ever looked the same since the bombing, many of the larger buildings were rife with scaffolding and droids that were in varying states of repair, many of the droids...
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