Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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bovo yagen

  1. Elias Edo

    Private  Gemini Feed

    Bovo Yagen Cloning Facility Elias Edo crept along the tree line, hidden among the vines and branches of low-hanging jungle flora as he scanned the perimeter ahead. Admittedly, he had been quite skeptical of the intel he received, but it was impossible to deny the existence of the unmapped...
  2. Darkwire Prophet

    Faction  In the Jungle, the Quiet Jungle [Darkwire]

    Three standard days ago, a new signal joined the cacophony of communications leaving the planet Bovo Yagen. That much was not entirely unusual. After the once-beautiful resort world of Belazura was strip-mined into utter ecological devastation, the Corporate Authorities of Denon had begun...
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