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breshig war forge consolidated

  1. Shuklaar Kyrdol

    Approved Tech  Breshig War Forge Consolidated PD/AM-01 Pursuit Denial/Anti-personnel Mine

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Here and here. PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Breshig War Forge Consolidated. Affiliation: Breshig War Forge Consolidated and Strill Securities. Material: Baradium, chemical fuze components, electronics, grenade components. SPECIAL FEATURES...
  2. Shuklaar Kyrdol

    Approved Tech  Breshig War Forge Consolidated VSGG-02 Void Stone Glop Grenade

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Here. PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Breshig War Forge Consolidated. Affiliation: Breshig War Forge Consolidated and Strill Securities. Material: Void Stone dust-Glop canister, detonite initiating charge, ,chemical fuze components, electronics...
  3. Shuklaar Kyrdol

    Approved Ranged Weapon  Breshig War Forge Consolidated ML-04E-GA Missile Launcher

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Here. PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Breshig War Forge Consolidated. Material: Duranium frame, Darllorian alloy coated barrel, reinforced Duraplast armor plating, combat de-ionizer, rubberized grip, railgun components, missile launcher...
  4. Shuklaar Kyrdol

    Approved Tech  Breshig War Forge Consolidated TG-02 Trihexalon Grenade

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Here. PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Breshig War Forge Consolidated. Affiliation: Breshig War Forge Consolidated and Strill Securities. Material: Trihexalon vial, detonite initiating charge, ,chemical fuze components, electronics, grenade...
  5. Shuklaar Kyrdol

    Approved Tech  Breshig War Forge Consolidated AWCGG-02 Anti-Energy Weapon Countermeasure Gas Grenade

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Here. PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Breshig War Forge Consolidated. Affiliation: Breshig War Forge Consolidated and Strill Securities. Material: Pressurized anti-laser aerosol and dampener aerosol, chemical fuze components, electronics...
  6. Shuklaar Kyrdol

    Approved Tech  Breshig War Forge Consolidated NGG-02 Nagnol Gas Grenade

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Here. PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Breshig War Forge Consolidated. Affiliation: Breshig War Forge Consolidated and Strill Securities. Material: Pressurized Nagnol gas cannister, chemical fuze components, electronics, grenade components...
  7. Shuklaar Kyrdol

    Approved Tech  Breshig War Forge Consolidated IG-02 Ion Grenade

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Here. PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Breshig War Forge Consolidated. Affiliation: Breshig War Forge Consolidated and Strill Securities. Material: Ion charge, electric fuze components, electronics, grenade components. SPECIAL FEATURES Two...
  8. Shuklaar Kyrdol

    Approved Tech  Breshig War Forge Consolidated EG-02 Electronet Grenade

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Here. PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Breshig War Forge Consolidated. Affiliation: Breshig War Forge Consolidated and Strill Securities. Material: Ultrachrome electronet w/ micro repulsor flight stabilizers, pre-stressed plasteel cannister for...
  9. Shuklaar Kyrdol

    Approved Tech  Breshig War Forge Consolidated CG-02 CryoBan Grenade

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Here. PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Breshig War Forge Consolidated. Affiliation: Breshig War Forge Consolidated and Strill Securities. Material: CryoBan cannister, detonite initiating charge, chemical fuze components, electronics, grenade...
  10. Shuklaar Kyrdol

    Approved Tech  Breshig War Forge Consolidated PG-02 Incendiary Plasma Grenade

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Here. PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Breshig War Forge Consolidated. Affiliation: Breshig War Forge Consolidated and Strill Securities. Material: Incendiary plasma gas-medium cannister, chemical fuze components, electronics, grenade components...
  11. Shuklaar Kyrdol

    Approved Tech  Breshig War Forge Consolidated GG-02 Glop Grenade

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Here. PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Breshig War Forge Consolidated. Affiliation: Breshig War Forge Consolidated and Strill Securities. Material: Glop, chemical fuze components, electronics, grenade components. SPECIAL FEATURES Two Operation...
  12. Shuklaar Kyrdol

    Approved Tech  Breshig War Forge Consolidated BG-02 Baradium Grenade

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Here. PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Breshig War Forge Consolidated. Affiliation: Breshig War Forge Consolidated and Strill Securities. Material: Baradium, chemical fuze components, electronics, grenade components. SPECIAL FEATURES Two...
  13. Shuklaar Kyrdol

    Private  Two Sides of the Same Coin

    Friendly Units: SB-01 Darasuum Morut-class Super-heavy Battlecarrier Darasuum Morut Vornskr Mirshir-Jurkad Rammikade company Kyramud Tag(s): John Locke [slide] John Locke. The man, the myth, the legend. One of Visanj T'shkali's best friends. He had heard a lot about the man during his...
  14. Shuklaar Kyrdol

    Approved Tech  Breshig War Forge Consolidated 'Utrel'a'nayr'ika' Communications Suite

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a scaled down version of the Utrel'a'nayr communication suite for use on vehicles, large droids and ground installations for sale and use by Breshig War Forge Consolidated and use by Strill Securities. Image Source: N/A. Canon Link: N/A...
  15. Shuklaar Kyrdol

    Approved Tech  Breshig War Forge Consolidated OL-02S Ordnance Launcher

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create an over the shoulder armature mounted slaved ordnance launcher for sale by Breshig War Forge Consolidated and use by Strill Securities. Image Source: Here. Canon Link: N/A. Permissions: N/A. Primary Source: N/A. PRODUCTION INFORMATION...
  16. Shuklaar Kyrdol

    Approved Tech  Breshig War Forge Consolidated ETL-02S Energy Torpedo Launcher

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create an over the shoulder armature mounted slaved energy torpedo launcher for sale by Breshig War Forge Consolidated and use by Strill Securities. Image Source: Here. Canon Link: N/A. Permissions: N/A. Primary Source: Energy Torpedo. PRODUCTION...
  17. Shuklaar Kyrdol

    Approved Tech  Breshig War Forge Consolidated Shev'la Kyram-class Glide Bomb

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a new low-profile gliding bomb for use by Strill Securities and for sale by Breshig War Forge Consolidated. Image Source: Here. Canon Link: N/A. Permissions: N/A. Primary Source: Proton Bomb. PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Breshig War...
  18. Shuklaar Kyrdol

    A Bounty Hunter's Best Friend

  19. Shuklaar Kyrdol

    Approved Starship  Breshig War Forge Consolidated LES-02 Tra Oya'karur-class Light Enforcement Ship

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a advanced fighter with a prisoner transport pod to function as a Light Enforcement vessel for discerning professionals to be sold by Breshig War Forge Consolidated. Image Source: The is gif cut from this video, the other three are from here...
  20. Shuklaar Kyrdol

    Approved Tech  Breshig War Forge Consolidated RRC-01 Rotary Ripper Cannon

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create an advanced rotary ripper for use on vehicles, large enough droids, emplacements, starships and installations by Breshig War Forge, Strill Securities and select others. Image Source: Here. Canon Link: N/A. Permissions: N/A. Primary Source...
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