Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Irwin Vuull

    Request  Business Relations

    Hello, I am running Irwin as a business man. At the moment I am looking for potential militaries or factions to work with. While I have nothing yet I do plan on adding more and will be taking requests if wanted. Though this does come with the fact that it has to be closed-market and may be...
  2. Jax Thio

    Private  A Humble Business

    Location: Coruscant, Level 3204 Equipment: Travelling Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Third Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain Tag: Morrigan Jeth Jax stepped inside the empty building taking a look at the remains of an empty diner. He could feel the memories that still resided inside...
  3. Jho'Henig

    LFG  Back to business.

    Hello there! It's been an incredibly long time since I posted anything as this two-headed guy and I would like to change that. Meet Jho'Henig, an incredibly greedy two headed smuggler with earning as much money as possible as his main priority. He does not care about allegiance. So, I'm looking...
  4. Rulonom Laborr

    Private  Nothing Personal, Its Just Good Business

    Location: Borealis Terminal Thread Partner: Trajann Vemec The small holographic chamber on board Borealis Terminal would provide the senator with a moment of reprieve from the daily hassle of coordinating the vast sums of currency and trade flowing through federation aligned planets. However...
  5. Die Shize

    LFG  Sith business

    Looking for some 1x1 roleplay with my Sith Drane T'keen. Can go for Sith-Sith or any combination, including Jedi. I'm not opposed even if our chars are. For me it's all about storytelling! Here's what I'm thinking: Two Sith on a mission to hunt artifacts, maybe in some ruins, where they have...
  6. Mairéad Solus

    Faction  Business Reunion on Noverskaa

    Location: Nocerskaa Objective: Reconnect Tags: Arturo Sylas Taff Mairéad had not dealt with Mirdirmorut before but she had prepared herself well with the documentation. This manufacturer had once had a strong relationship with the Family, but with regime change and the distances of time...
  7. Jessa Haran

    Private  Shady Business Under the Twin Suns

    Location: Cantina, Mos Eisley Outfit: xxx Tag: Judah Lesan Jessa's small ship set down in the desert of Mos Eisley. As she stepped down the ramp, the heat was oppressive... but it felt good to be under the twin suns. For the past several weeks, she'd been working to restore an enclave on Abra...
  8. Jim Pehico

    Private  Uncharted Business

    Location: Level 1238, Coruscant, Home of the "Angry Acklay." Jim walks into the bar confidently. After letting some of his underground contacts that he is available as a Pilot-for-Hire he feels for the first time in a long while that he is back on his game. the bar had a certain charm about it...
  9. Thelma Goth

    Approved Tech  Dedata’s Business Suit

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a suit for Dedata. Image Source: Etsy and Etsy Canon Link: N/A Permissions: Transparent Shield Weave [Permission From Creator] FAE/A-07 Energized Neck Piece [Permission From Creator] Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer...
  10. Zengel Felgreen

    Duel  Just Business (Kera)

    Tag: Kera Location: Just outside Fort Ypso, Vandor Zengel Felgreen carefully watched the small frontier town through the lens of his KiSteer Projectile Rifle from his perch on a nearby mountain. The town had certainly grown in size since the days of the Empire, but it still had quite a bit of...
  11. Jester

    Private  Keeping business in the green

    Location: Deep space rendezvous Objective: Make a delivery Tags: Lliara Daeva Inventory: In bio Jester's ship drifted silently in deep space several parsecs from Denon, attached to another vessel belonging to her client. The woman knew next to nothing about this client, only that she too was...
  12. Jadcasa Leesib

    Public  Bombad Business: Agents and the like | Open | Hop in!

    Tatooine 2300 Hours Mos Eisley It'd been a very, very long day for Jadcasa. She regarded at the Rodian, fingers cracked and bent all the way to the rear. It hadn't taken much to make him flip. A beating here and a beating there, and the shrewd suited woman was on her way to her final...
  13. Kahlil Noble

    LFG  Jedi Business

    You know how it goes. I like writing threads, and I want some more for Kahlil here. Ideas include: Beating up Sith Beating up Pirates Beating up your Sith Beating up your Pirate Exploring ancient ruins Exploring abandoned Sith labs Exploring new worlds Meet and greet some politician type folk...
  14. Marcella Fiora

    Approved Tech  Kosa Nostra Coinage

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create & submit an exclusive economy for use by The Family. Image Source: Martechi (DeviantArts) Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A Links: 'The Family' (Group), 'The Family' (Lore). PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: The Family (x)...
  15. Mrir'ik'amorn

    Private  Chiss Business Sucks

    "Could you look any gloomier? I mean, come on, it's not that bad, is it?" Mrir'ika'amorn turned her red gaze towards the Jedi she'd snagged for this little trip, a frown on her face. Jedi were supposed to be.. Fun? Yeah! Fun, quirky, sly, that kind of thing. Cheeky, even! Not this one though...
  16. Gatz Derrevar

    LFG  Smuggler, looking to do a little business.

    Looking to dive headfirst into some roleplay. Gatz is a former Jedi Youngling turned smuggler who spends most of his time ferrying spice from Nar Shaddaa into more civilized parts of the galaxy. He's no stranger to seedy jobs, and risking his neck for profit. He does, however, draw the line at...
  17. Bazette Royalblaze

    LFG  Bartender from a Sith-like Cult looking for business... somewhere

    Looking for a public RP to either make or join honestly
  18. Ragos Terrek

    Private  It's only business

    Ragos’ commlink buzzed loudly on the table in front of him. He was quick to silence the device not even looking to see who was trying to reach him. He looked around and discovered not a single soul at any of the other tables had even noticed. Made sense. His comm buzzing was not really that...
  19. Iris Arani

    LFG  Shadow Business In All These Wars

    Iris has been going through the many hats phase for a bit, and I plan on having her trim that down and actually focus on one thing (that being Shadow work) for her coming stories and such. She's taken up the code name of her master Valery Noble for this purpose (see Aurorae. Separate account...
  20. Thalira Kiing

    Private  Business Partners

    Location: Hapes Tags: Malani Dahn Thalira walked the streets of a small city on the planet Hapes. This was her first visit to the Inner Rim planet, and she was enjoying the view. The cities architecture was definitely an improvement from the regular dirty places the woman tended to stay at...
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