Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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caedyn arenais

  1. C

    Private  They are the future [Aris Noble]

    The Jedi Temple of Coruscant is a peaceful centre within a world busy with millions of people, their concerns, needs, and movements, going about their day-to-day activities. Where the everyday citizen was concerned more with matters such as getting by on their individual income, choosing what...
  2. C

    Private  You've got a friend in me [Valery Noble]

    CAEDYN ARENAIS Location: Coruscant, Jedi Temple Gardens. Tagging: Valery Noble. The cool night air was refreshing, and the open garden brought an appreciation for the outdoors and natural splendours of life that Caedyn Arenais had always greatly admired. His Homeworld, Commenor, had been a...
  3. Inanna Harth

    Private  Jungle Creatures

    Jutrand, the Outer Rim The Shi’ido gazed out at the ecumenopolis, her eyes scanning a skyline studded with starscrapers as tall and shiny as Coruscant’s. This was the jewel of the Outer Rim, she supposed, though no one actually called it that. Inanna had never much liked city-planets—something...
  4. D

    Private  Erasing the Past

    Darth Ahriman Target: Caedyn Arenais. Location: Ervosa Civilian Space Station. The truth behind the creation of Valen had been the greatest insult to the Sith Knight, far greater than one he could have imagined when roaming Arcadia-N-30 alongside Zeptepi Zambrano; He had envisioned the likely...
  5. C

    Retirement - A Peaceful Conclusion.

    The Jedi Temple of Mnemosyne, Temple Outskirts. Caedyn Arenais stood outside of the small shelter, overlooking the expansive grounds belonging to the Jedi Temple and all who resided therein upon the world of Mnemosyne. This was a world raised by his parents in secret, a constitutional monarchy...
  6. C

    Journal Entry #12: Kyra Perl

    Subject: Kyra Perl. Location: The Jedi Enclave of Svivren. This is something I wished to separate from my previous entry for ease of looking back on and not being convoluted by all else happening around me. My Padawan...-That is, my former Padawan Kyra Perl has finally decided that the Jedi...
  7. Ingrid L'lerim

    Private  Rescue Mission or Death Trap?

    Lady Ingrid L’lerim-Ragal Empress Regent of the Eternal Empire, Overlord of the Eternal Empire, the Emperor's hand The Red Witch; Director of Blackwatch; Baroness of Vengard, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium Location: Space Station, Trenwyth Equipment: 2x Sigra vibroblade |...
  8. Vanir Eris

    Private  A Garden, Blue Sky and the Sharing of Knowledge.

    The Healing enclave wasn’t usually a place one might think of for a lesson in gardening, but to Vanir it was. This place boasted one of the largest and extensive collections of healing herbs within Confederacy space. In fact, some of his own collection and notes had found itself added to their...
  9. Lief

    Public  Weltschmerz

    She awoke to the shrill melody of a white-breasted vype on the cusp of dawn. Tal was preparing to ease its way above the horizon, a bastion of light and hope which would cascade across the realm, while Phen continued its slumber in the southern hemisphere til the afternoon called it home. She...
  10. Runi Verin

    Approved Starship  Blueshift-Class Assault Starfighter

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To fulfill a custom order for a high-spec Jedi starfighter. Image Source: Caroline Gagné Canon Link: Jedi starfighter, Redshift Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Kuat Drive Yards Affiliation: Caedyn Arenais | Kyra...
  11. Cotan Sar'andor

    The Forgemaster's Fingers

    Location: Aboard the Providence, uncharted system deep in the Unknown Regions In the days since he'd met Asha Hex deep in the Kathol region, Cotan Sar'andor had found himself caught up in some very odd circumstances related to her calling as a Je'daii. He'd been chosen as a liaison to help...
  12. C

    Approved Location  Arenais & Vaashe Estate.

    Arenais & Vaashe Estate. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To describe and give depth to the residence of Caedyn Arenais and Asaraa Vaashe located within the "Outer-Heaven" Civilian Space Station. Image Credit: - Image One (Bedroom). - Image Two (Lounge). - Image Three...
  13. Lief

    Conversations Beyond The Material Realm

    For several hours now, Asha had been sat within her cabin on Cotan's ship in deep meditation. Silence lay all around, Cotan and Rhia off out visiting whichever planet they had arrived at, and down by her feet Azrael slept without sound. She could sense him, that Apprentice of hers, who lay...
  14. Lief

    For All The Time We've Missed

    A new addition had been added to her little piece of heaven. The open aired compound featured several huts, each with its own unique purpose. Each built with Asha's own hands. The fourth and final seemed to take the longest time, or maybe it simply felt that way without Azrael for company. Down...
  15. C

    A Silver Lining, After All.

    Kashyyyk. Seeking out the Silver Jedi Order. The Prophet broke through the Atmosphere of Kashyyyk without a hitch, Caedyn Arenais seated at the controls with Ashla seated in the Co-pilots chair and in the seat behind that at the communications hub was the sleeping ball of fur that was...
  16. Asaraa Vaashe

    Lost in this city

    She wasn't lost...she was just directionally misplaced. That was it, at least that's what her story would be if anyone thought to question her about it, not that anyone had so far. Asaraa sighed, leaning back against a wall as she let her blue eyes slide over the city street in front of her...
  17. Lief

    The Sins Of Thy Father

    Onboard The Prophet That they were traveling was not even remotely an oddity. [member="Caedyn Arenais"] and she had work to do over on Svivren in preparation for the unveiling of the Enclave. A large group session was to be held there in a few weeks time, and there remained many things to...
  18. C

    Caedyn's Corner of Toys & Tinkering (Pre-Fac)

    Cae's Corner of Toys & Tinkering A place for Faction Subs - Works in Progress !
  19. Lief

    I Can See The Pain In Your Eyes

    The Arenais Estate Commenor Guilt ran through her in waves, the likes of which she had never before experienced. Though she knew the reasoning behind what was happening, knowing that she was splitting up a family did not sit right with her. The young Hex wished that she knew of a better way...
  20. WolfMortum

    House Arenais: Humble Beginnings (Caedyn Arenais).

    The Eldritch Estate of House Arenais, Commenor, Chasin City Outskirts. [member="Lady Kay"] | [member="Caedyn Arenais"] | [member="Loreena Arenais"] | [member="Asha Hex"] Today was to be an anxious day for them all, Veiere whom stood alongside his wife awaiting their invited guest whom...
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