Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. The Black Oak

    Faction  A Place To Call Home Ch. 3 ~ "Future Perfect" (Epican Chronicles Pt.1)

    Epica, within sight of the western slope of the Matriscan Mountains Months of effort. Millions of credits. Countless days spent under the beating sun. Numerous setbacks; delayed shipments of materials, damaged goods, a (surprisingly) small list of accidents. It had been an immense...
  2. Loxa Visl

    Private  I Roved Out: Ch. 4 - What Dreams Have Come

    Shortly following departure from Kal'shebbol (Ch. 3) Aaris III - a pitstop en route to Exocron New Kastays Spaceport It felt fitting that she should come to this place, drawn only by instinct and a need for a meeting ground. Loxa could not explain what drew her to this planet, but only that it...
  3. Credit Wizard

    A chance to meet the New Hutt.

    I had posted before on the other thread "The New Hutt Lord on the Block". But now I am in need of a person or a group to arrive at my Grand Festival Rp. Allowing people the chance to interact with the relatively new hutt lord that has emerged in the galaxy. The roleplay thread is open to anyone...
  4. Julius Sedaire

    Approved Tech  Coronet Hypernautics ‘Starfall’ Anti-Grav Chute

    Coronet Hypernautics ‘Starfall’ Anti-Grav Chute [CENTER][FONT=Arial] OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: An emergency eject device to keep pilots safe from harm when their ship is wrecked, or to aid in HALO insertions for drop-troops Image Source: HERE Canon Link: Corellian Technologies...
  5. Julius Sedaire

    A way about you...

    There was a certain quality that was needed in business, that unfortunately his hot-blooded brother Julius lacked. Cal had lacked it too, for years. But whereas lack was a flaw eventually ironed out of Cal's makeup.... With Julius it had become a sort of strength and cornerstone. The ability to...
  6. Julius Sedaire

    Approved Starship  Corellian Hypernautics CH-22-B "Bantha Buster" Bomber

    Corellian Hypernautics CH-22-B "Bantha Buster" Bomber Image Source: HERE Affiliation: Select Customers (Originally for the Corellian League) Manufacturer: Coronet Hypernautics Model: CH-22-B Modularity: Payload Cradles/Delivery System & Basic Weapons Mounts, Easy to Modify After-Market...
  7. Julius Sedaire

    Coronet Hypernautics

    Coronet Hypernautics Unique quality & dependability. Starfighters CH-22 "Greenstar": Classic Corellian design & ingenuity come together to make a ship the envy of any Ace Freighters CH-258 "Slice Hound": Freighters - a Corellian Shipwrights staple, re-imagined in such a way as to be...
  8. Julius Sedaire

    Approved Starship  Corellian Hypernautics CH-22 'Greenstar' Starfighter

    Corellian Hypernautics CH-22 'Greenstar' Starfighter [/CENTER] Image Source: HERE Affiliation: Select Customers Manufacturer: Coronet Hypernautics Model: CH-22 Modularity: Weapon Package(s) may be chosen at purchase, otherwise no. Production: Mass Produced Material: Durasteel (Hulling)...
  9. Julius Sedaire

    Approved Starship  Coronet Hypernautics CH-248 "Slice Hound" Freighter

    Coronet Hypernautics CH-248 "Slice Hound" [CENTER] Image Source: HERE Affiliation: Open Market (Originally made for the Corellian League) Manufacturer: Coronet Hypernautics Model: CH-248 Modularity: Yes. Highly. Production: Mass-Produced Material: Durasteel (Hulling) Alusteel (Skeleton)...
  10. Julius Sedaire

    Coronet Hypernautics CH-248 "Slice Hound" Freighter

    Coronet Hypernautics CH-248 "Slice Hound" [CENTER] Image Source: HERE Affiliation: Open Market (Originally made for the Corellian League) Manufacturer: Coronet Hypernautics Model: CH-248 Modularity: Yes. Highly. Production: Mass-Produced Material: Durasteel (Hulling) Alusteel...
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