Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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character creation

  1. Tyuk Asha

    Tyûk Asha

    Full Name: Tyûk Asha Faction: None Rank: Apprentice Species: Dathomirian Zabrak Age: 26 Sex: Male Height: 6'4" (1.93 Meters) Weight: 224lbs (102kg) Eyes: Red with yellowish hue Hair: None, 12 horns instead Skin: Red, with multiple black tattoos Force Sensitive: Yes...
  2. Ciara


    //Initializing... //Connecting to Galactic Archives... //Looking up Ciara de` Savona in Domain: Public Records... //1 Entry Found: Datafile 2A30JN29S9. Accessing file... //FILE CORRUPTED. //Scanning for errors... //Repairing... //FILE ERROR. //SYSTEM MSG: Unable to repair datafile. Please...
  3. Talon Sadia'l

    Talon Sadia'l

    Species: Human Skin: Brown/Black Age: 16 Sex: Male Height: 5'11 Weight: 180 pounds Eyes: Violet Hairs: Black at roots light brown at the tips Force Sensitive: Yeah Strengths and Weaknesses: Very Force Sensitive Strong with both light and dark energy, weakness: Stronger connection to the dark...
  4. Sovereign


    Sovereign NAME: Tyhjyys (Void, Emptiness) ALIAS: Sovereign FACTION: The One Sith RANK: Apprentice SPECIES: Human, (Sith Pureblood x Human Ancestry) AGE: 22 SEX: Male HOMEWORLD: Oricon HEIGHT: 6'2" WEIGHT: 190lbs EYE COLOR: Sulfuric Yellow (Normal) Void Black (Dark Side) HAIR STYLE/ COLOR...
  5. Ra Vizsla

    Part I: How To Make A Yuuzhan Vong Character

    This tutorial is for members who wish to have a guide to making a Yuuzhan Vong character. HOW TO MAKE A YUUZHAN VONG CHARACTER By [member="Tsavong Kraal"] Please follow this tutorial if this is your first time making a character...
  6. Yedok

    Tobian Xemo

    NAME: Tobian Sodi FACTION: Unknown (At the moment) RANK: None (At the moment) SPECIES: Kage HOMEPLANET: Quarzite AGE: 26 SEX: Male HEIGHT: 6' 4" WEIGHT: 185 lbs EYES: Yellow HAIR: Silvery/grey SKIN: Pale/grey FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes, but untrained...
  7. Christian Slade

    Christian Slade

    NAME: Christian Slade FACTION: Heralds of Chaos Covenant of Darkness RANK: Sith Master/Master Alchemist SPECIES: Human AGE: 23 SEX: Male HEIGHT: 6'8" WEIGHT: 226 lbs EYES: Golden Brown(Red when angry) HAIR: Long, brunette, shoulder length hair SKIN: Light, fair skin, alchemy circle etched into...
  8. P

    Project X

    NAME: Real Name Unknown. Subject Name: X. Preferred Name: X Alter Ego: Project FACTION: N/A RANK: Fallen Jedi Apprentice SPECIES: Human/Cyborg (cybernetic implants) AGE: Twenty Seven GENDER: Male HEIGHT: 6 Feet 7 Inches WEIGHT: 145 Pounds (without armor) With armor is 321 Pounds EYES: Left Red...
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