Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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character development

  1. Mereel Vaun

    To-do list

    In Progress: To Start: - Become Clan Vaun A'lor - Become a Jedi Knight Trial of Skill Trial of Courage - Takodana totally counts even if it never ended Trial of Flesh - checkeroni in Shadow's Fall Trial of Spirit- faced on hopefully uneventful scouting mission Trial of Insight - see past a...
  2. Jasmine Zittoun

    Axis or Ally

    Jasmine waited lazily for her guest to arrive. Although dressed in one of her custom luxury dresses, she laid out, belly up, on one of her reclining beds watching one of the low quality programming channels on the holonet. It constituted of some fake drama between sisters, but she liked the...
  3. K

    Special delivery for prison

    FN-6767 "Scars" Endor Surface, Enroute to Penitentiary Center, TX-225C Armoured Personnel Carrier Scars keeps one hand firmly wrapped around the Cupola swiveling the Repeating blaster to the right and leaving her view of the leading tank in front of her own armoured personnel carrier...
  4. Ara Zambrano

    To Bury the Castle

    Location: Coruscant, Slum District G17 Continued from: Young Volcanoes She lives in a fairy tale Somewhere too far for us to find Forgotten the taste and smell Of a world that she's left behind It's all about the exposure the lens I told her The angles were all wrong now She's ripping wings off...
  5. N'Jay Crowe

    Ryloth,where it all began [non-canon, character develpment]

    if any one would like to like to join this one just let me know here
  6. Sara Lee Jones

    Romantic relationship with a active duty pilot?

    Alright, I've had Sara for about a month or two I believe, anyways I believe it's time for Sara to start looking for that special someone, she is a active duty pilot with the first order and a little bit of a xenophobic person (first order upbringing) but don't let that step you my xeno friends...
  7. Luna Vega


    In a manner of speaking, most of the things she saw or did was done well past inebriated. So who was to know if it was something conjured from her whiskey-tickled brain? Separating fiction from fantasy was not one of the pirate pilot's strong points. In fact, Luna would rather it stay that way...
  8. Alkor Centaris

    I can show You the World...

    From where he stood atop the apex of a Halbegardian tower, Alkor sipped his ale leisurely. The gentle wind flowed past him as he watched several fighters go through routine flight exercises on the horizon. Late day sunlight bled orange and red over the city, and the rivers looked like veins. A...
  9. Y

    Help getting out there.

    Hey! Sorry i know a lot there are a lot of these kinds of requests on here! But i thought there would be no harm in asking. I am not new to roleplay or this site. However this is my first time making a more combat orientated character so i am a bit lost on where to start. I was wondering if...
  10. Vakarian

    A Personal Development Idea

    I realize that we are on a board that promotes freedom of choice and self development, but I wanted the opinion of some of my fellow Silver Sanctum members on a character idea that I had. I'm not sure if it's original or not, but I would like to see if it is a viable option in this faction...
  11. Xanatos

    Looking for New Faction, More Character Development & Training in the Force.

    Sorry for the long tittle. It's been a while since I post any thing in the forums, looking to come back and to start role play again. What I'm looking for is place/faction where I can develop Xanatos even more then I could, which sadly wasn't a lot in the past. I feel there's more to his...
  12. Corey's OOC


    Marek Starchaser/Peregrus didn’t know what the feth to do. All he knew? He needed to get the hell out of dodge. After the Geonosis battle the Foreman of the Techno Union took off. He had his personal ship aboard one of the Techno Union’s command vessels, took the Flow, took his armor and...
  13. Narfi Hróðson

    Hello looking for (Un)fortunate scavengers to

    Hello I'm looking for one or two individuals to perhaps roleplay the counts reawakening to the Galaxy, some of it is on his character bio. So in essence I'm looking for at least one engineer to be a member of a crew of scavenger (willing or otherwise) That come upon Azriels ship as it drifts in...
  14. Xyl'Myrr

    Character Playlists

    does anyone ever make a playlist of specific songs that remind you of one of your specific characters? i find it useful to listen to in the midst of character development or plotting. music helps get those creative circuits a'firing ya know?
  15. EmKay

    Buffed Boots and Roughed Roots

    AGAMAR SOME DINGY CANTINA The shot knocked against the back of Rilus' throat and cascaded into his belly, where the liquid transcended its existence and morphed into liquid courage. The young human turned in his seat and made his way through the throng of Cantina-goers to where a quiet...
  16. Coren Starchaser

    The Final Entry

    Last Entry in the Starchaser Datacron. Begin Holographic Immersion. This was the last place he wanted to be. Coren looked around and shook the stars from his head. How long had he been down? He looked around and the Tachyon Rising was in shambles. Everything aboard the ship was thrown around...
  17. A

    Beer and Friends

    "Ay'o, Mate! Ya don't shut up 'bout my mum I'll hav'ta put a right hole in yer teeth!" That's how the fight started. Some big guy wouldn't keep his mouth shut and Rilus was drunk tonight. The point of riling up Rilus was to get him into this fight, of course. Someone had the great idea...
  18. Boethiah

    Unto Me

    How long has it been? I was a child.. "I remember clearly now what it is to be without a home, to be without love, without happiness. For which I was born for had no purpose other than that unto which I was made. I am a puppet and without mercy I was cast into this world without compassion...
  19. Varus Shatterstar

    The Whiskey Sodden King(Open/OOC) Lemme know if you want to join, or... just join. ^_^
  20. Varus Shatterstar

    The Whiskey Sodden King(Open)

    Coruscant Bard and Baylor's Bar Alcohol... One release that would always bring peace to a man like Varus, though with a temper like his it could always become something else. Something ugly and even violent. Something...
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