Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Kiff Brayde

    Approved Location  Arkanis Naval Academy

    A R K A N I S N A V A L A C A D E M Y OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To flesh out the new location for the Arkanis Naval Academy. Image Credit: x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: Fizzle | Kasava Delight Fizzle | Juicy Jogan Fizzle | Spring Shuura SETTING...
  2. Vytal Noctura

    Private  A Tempered Heart

    Location: Kooriva, Inner Rim, Confederate Space On the outskirts of one of Kooriva's thriving cities the Solanaceae had setup a small training camp. An experienced Witch taught some young Acolytes about the thriving ecosystem of the world; of its similarities and differences of the many other...
  3. E

    Confederacy Quarterly | PREVIEW

  4. Kiff Brayde

    Encrypted Transmission II - Bassadro Sector Armada

    Archive Date: [REDACTED] 860 ABY. Time: 0830 Hours. Location: CNS [REDACTED]. Recipients: HIGHCOM [Begin encryption sequencing Forn-Besh-Mern-Qek] mxowu exmovvo rahnvb bf mt ggophixjmthau kf ngo jtk ffcin bu rdofmgep mmo nolvvfwi ab phkyf dkhhw mpipas jj wqgtmk. lg pdx vptlqb caay, heb upa...
  5. Cali Ziiva

    Private  Shades of Red

    Location: Garde Noire, Illyria A low thud rhythmically shook the ground. Those with their heads down or occupied in tasks about the camp could only rotate their heads in vain trying to discern the source, which direction it was coming from, and whether they needed to be concerned. A lack of...
  6. Ascendant Muse

    Dominion  CIS | The Red War: Naalol

    NAALOL For many years, the Western Systems had known an unconventional peace. An alliance of outer planets kept the most ruthless forces at bay, ensuring that their member worlds knew peace within their borders. However, as the alliance fell inward, that peaceful reality came to an abrupt end...
  7. Amelia von Sorenn

    From the Office of the Grand Marshal - NAVCOM

    From the Office of the Grand Marshal - NAVCOM Archive Date: 860 ABY Time: 1800 Hours Location: Office of the Grand Marshal, Naboo Recipients: HIGHCOM, Office of the Vicelord, Office of the Exarchs, Sector Commands - NAVCOM CC: Ceasar Kenway, Minister of War; Luna Terrik, Grand Marshal...
  8. Ascendant Muse

    Dominion  CIS | The Red War: Dorvalla

    DORVALLA For many years, the Western Systems had known an unconventional peace. An alliance of outer planets kept the most ruthless forces at bay, ensuring that their member worlds knew peace within their borders. However, as the alliance fell inward, that peaceful reality came to an abrupt...
  9. Kiff Brayde

    Encrypted Transmission - Bassadro Sector Armada

    From the desk of Kiff Brayde, High Marshal of Bassadro Sector Armada Archive Date: [REDACTED] 860 ABY. Time: 0830 Hours. Location: Bassadro Sector Command, Fondor Recipients: HIGHCOM [Begin encryption sequencing Foxtrot-Beta-Mike-Quebec] mxowu exmovvo kxhpbu -- ibkogy paih - huatwv twz...
  10. Xazzex Xivar

    Approved Tech  Vigilence NavSats

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Long Range Ship Identification and Tracking with Regional Navigational Mapping and Guidance. Image Source: Wired, ESA/P. Carril Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: SW Wiki - Interdiction Field SW Wiki - Ukian Satellite Network SW Wiki - DTX...
  11. Ascendant Muse

    Faction  Crown Jewels | The Confederacy

    THEED A Time for Dusk. A Time for Change. For many years, Naboo had been a quiet member of the Southern community - that is, until glorious purpose was thrust upon it. When the Confederacy sought a new haven for the representatives of their midst, it was the verdant world which opened its...
  12. A

    Private  The Abrion Pact

    Following the events that transpired across Confederate space, Vylmira faced a catastrophic loss of life before the neighboring worlds could intervene and help to save the people from the force of corruption that was turning people, particularly force users into strange beasts. Scarif and Kamino...
  13. Cardinal Rachne

    Faction  The Buried City of Yvaduin | Solanaceae

    EOS On the forlorn world of Eos, a band of explorers unwittingly stumbled upon a buried city. The volcanic crust of the world gave way under their feet; one of their number lost into the glowing depths of the hidden world far below. While grieving for a loss of a journeyman, they reported this...
  14. Kiff Brayde

    Approved Tech  Confederacy Naval Command Standard Uniform

    N A V C O M S T A N D A R D U N I F O R M OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a standard naval uniform for the Confederacy. Image Source: x Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Confederacy of Independent Systems Affiliation...
  15. E

    Dominion  The Wind Bares Ill | CIS Dominion of Taloraan Hex

    Taloraan. A hot planet, and one of the rare gas giants which had the ability to support organic life. Diving in and out of the gaseous orb’s decadent cloudscape, one might see any one of a number of large beasts to include Fleft-wauf, Island-beast, Sleft-chuff and Thafsalnu. But be weary, for...
  16. Bastille Rommer

    Faction  Trailblazing | Viceroyalty

    T R A I L B L A Z I N G Dazzling rays of light from Naboo’s sun shone through the high-vaulted windows of the temporary Viceroyalty chamber that had been erected in Theed. Infrastructure had not been the first thing to be considered when the Confederacy’s government had relocated from Geonosis...
  17. Bastille Rommer

    Private  Forging New Paths

    N A B O O Tag: Alessandra Malvern | Faye Malvern Bastille Rommer was on Naboo again, but this time not to celebrate a little coronation. No, Bastille was actually about something in the Confederacy's new Capital; a first of many for the Kemotar of Ra'Katha. He traditionally preferred to keep...
  18. Hester Shedo

    Faction  Day one...

    Day One Inevitable was a word laden with expectation. It was a heavy, deliberate word that would weigh heavily on anyone person that was confronted with it. She had been told her ascension to the highest office in the system was ‘inevitable’ since she had been a teenage girl. She did not...
  19. Eternal Rapture

    Dominion  Gangsters' Paradise | CIS Dominion of Korbin Hex

    Lawless. And without a government. That’s what the brochure said, anyway. Or was that the Travel Advisory? If you come looking for trouble, you will undoubtedly find it on Korbin. Yet, despite being a wretched hive of scum and villainy, you will find the Spaceport of Pleasant City to be a...
  20. Aspect of Defiance

    Faction  Unspeakable [CIS Adventure]

    STEWJON | TEMPLE FOREST | EVENING The sun had not yet set on the near primitive world of Stewjon. Cerulean skies were just beginning to shed their cool hue for the vibrant and warm palette of pinks, reds, and oranges. Some would say the sunsets on this world could rival that of any planet...
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