Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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clan kaja

  1. T

    Private  Home by Adoption

    The Colossus, Planet Castilon, Tashtor Sector Tag: Kaia Verd Engines roared inside the busy hangar with an aging shuttle taking off. Sparks flew as several engineers with fusion cutters and other tools worked on a light freighter. Amidst the chorus of machinery an armored figure marched...
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    LFG  I am looking for someone to share in an adventure.(Indies wanted)

    Hobbit references aside I‘m indeed up for some roleplay with my new Mando, Tal. Specifically search is independent characters such as smugglers, mercenaries, bounty hunters, wanderers stopping by on the planet of Castilon. Of course Mandalorians not tied to the Sith or Dark Side factions are...
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    Character  Tal Kaja

    Name: Tal Kaja Alias: N/A Occupation: Mandalorian Warrior/Mercenary Birthworld: Nagi Current Home: Castilon Faction: Clan Kaja/Independent(for now) Force Sensitivity: No Force Rank: None Force Alignment: None Race: Human/Nagai Hybird Age: 18 Sex: Male...
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