Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Kuben Woods

    Approved Tech  Damian's Custom Combat Harness

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a custom multi-purpose combat harness for Damian Frost Image Source: Gallery Canon Link: None Permissions: Darth Maliphant use of Open Market Armor Primary Source: S-5 Juggernaut Battle Armor PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Damian Frost...
  2. Irratar Hemstagon

    Approved NPC  ACU-MK 1 Droid Regiment

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create an auxiliary battle unit for the Athysian League Image Credit: Credit Role: Support troops, Guards, Occupation Force Permissions: NA Links: ACU-MK 1 Combat Droid GENERAL INFORMATION Unit Name: ACU-MK 1 Droid Regiment Affiliation: Athysian League...
  3. Beltran Rarr

    Approved Tech  OS-141 "Venom Series" Heavy Combat Droid

    OS-141 "Venom" Heavy Combat Droid OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a heavy battle droid for combat operations. Image Source: Here Canon Link: Droideka Permissions: N/A Primary Source: OS-A100 Series Droid Brain PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Obsidian Star Technologies...
  4. Callum Saville

    Approved Vehicle  "COB" Cateran Heavy Combat Walker

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a hard hitting combat walker that is made to kill. Image Source: Canon Link: N/A Permissions: Locke and Key Mechanics and Breshig War Forge Consolidated Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Court of Blades Company...
  5. V

    Approved Tech  RG Combat Shield Mk. II 'Scutum'

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create the shield for the Rim-Guard Order. Image Source: Star Wars: The Old Republic Concept Art Canon Link: Knights of Zakuul, visible shield generator Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Shield, Personal Shield Generator PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer...
  6. Gat Tambor

    'Storm Recon' Universal Combat Platform | NIO

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Update NIO Scout Trooper armor. Image Source: Guillermo Talbot | ArtStation US Six Tone Desert Camoflauge Edits by me Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Storm Armor Mk. IV PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Kuat Entralla Engineering...
  7. Tathra Khaeus

    Approved Tech  The Bryn'adûl | Ungulloi Combat Harness

    The Bryn'adûl | Ungulloi Combat Harness [Left to right: Soldier, Major, Engineer, Spec Ops] OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a basic armour for the Ungullou Image Source: x Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: The Bryn'adûl...
  8. Callum Saville

    Approved Vehicle  "COB" Chaos Medium Strike Combat Walker

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a hard hitting combat walker. Image Source: Canon Link: N/A Permissions: Locke and Key Mechanics Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Court of Blades Company Affiliation: Court of Blades Market Status: Closed Market...
  9. Callum Saville

    Approved Vehicle  "COB" Farlek Heavy Combat Walker

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create an anti-armor bipedal walker that can also assist ground operations. Image Source: (x) Canon Link: N/A Permissions: Locke and Key Mechanics Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Court of Blades Company Affiliation: Court of...
  10. A

    Approved Starship  OMEGA SQUAD - PG-3515 "Pegasus" Stealth Combat Transport/Gunship

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a multi-purpose Stealth Combat Transport/Gunship for Omega Squad Image Source: Roberts Space Industries / / Hoplite Canon Link: N/A Permissions: Gir Quee Primary Source: Tech From Lucerne Labs PRODUCTION INFORMATION...
  11. Sarah Atellies

    Approved Tech  Primus-Class Combat Defender Droid

    "Viper Robotics - Fangs Around The Future!" Primus-Class Combat Defender Droid 3000 Credits (NO PURCHASE RESTRICTION) Command Module - +500 credits (NO PURCHASE RESTRICTION) OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a droid capable of the following factors: Able to hold strategic...
  12. Darth Velox

    Private  The Sith and the Warrior

    With a catastrophic boom from the ship itself, the lights within its corridors started to flicker. The rapid flashes of blaster fire were all that lit up the darkness before a sudden flash of red quelled all noise. The massive amount of pirates aboard their ship had decided to try and take a...
  13. Credius Nargath

    Approved Tech  ZMD-C3 "Saturn" Tactical enforcer droid

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Creating a tactical heavy combat droid Image Source: Canon Link: Droideka Primary Source: ZEUS Droid brain PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Nargath Holdings Affiliation: Closed-Market Model: Zeta-Type ZMD-C3 aka...
  14. Voices of The Deep

    Silence of The Lambs [TSE Open Training]

    Sith Temple of Korriban [X] [member="Valin Stryder "]| [member="Lark"] | [member="Darth Murn"] Kruger Chaos theory said things fall apart, chaos theory said everything is random, everything is atrophy and unknown and there is no way you will ever control it or understand it. That...
  15. Shredd'r

    Calling Clones (and friends of clones)

    Looking to start a story involving an ancient criminal ring bent on galactic chaos through the use of the same technology that gave the Fett clones their inhibitor chips. I bit of a heist theme with lots of combat- and a few monsters. Reply with interest!
  16. John Locke

    Approved Tech  Legionnaire Droids

    Intent: To submit a combat droid for productions, use and sale by Locke and Key Mechanics Image Source: Pinterest Canon Link: N/a Primary Source: N/a Manufacturer: Locke and Key Mechanics Affiliation: Company Name: Locke and Key Mechanics | Closed Market Model: Legionnaire Droids Production...
  17. Curtis Learchin

    More than a Match

    Ever since Curtis's master had left the public eye, he had been alone. No tutoring from anyone, no new skills taught by a Dark Lord. This had led him to take matters into his own hands, which meant going off on his own in search of power, be them artifacts or shrines. And as it happened, he had...
  18. Huxy

    The 101st "Wolfpack" Stormtrooper Legion

    The 101st "Wolfpack" Stormtrooper Legion [ OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION ] Intent: To expand on the legions located within the Core Imperial Confederation Stormtrooper Corps and to allows for Stormtrooper and Clone PC's to have a legion to call there own for their characters to use and operate...
  19. null3

    ...In a Galaxy Far Far Away

    The throne was at long last fully refueled and the parade was done. Harris had seen the nationalistic pride brought about by the event and loved it, leading to him staging a get together on his warship. The event would tour local space and observe the territories the Fel Empire once held...
  20. Lirka Ka

    Group Bonding, of the Violent Variety

    It was a fine day, a handful of the Confederacy’s warriors had been brought into the coarse and sandy arena below: Lirka Ka, the beloved Confederate berserker, had tried her best to assemble whatever powerful warriors that could come to have a proper test of mettle. It was a proper gladiator...
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