Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. H

    Discussion  HNN : Company Listing Instead of Minor Faction?

    Our minor faction page is not seeing much traffic, and has not since it was created. I am wondering if we should move to a company listing like GNN has? Reporters etc can still work for HNN, but we will not have to devote faction forum space that is sitting inactive. Any thoughts?
  2. Corbin Vasher

    Work In Progress  Organization | Deacon Mining Company

    Deacon Mining Company
  3. Naivia Neryn

    LFG  Looking for wholesome company

    Hello everyone! Been wondering if there are any bisexual/lesbians ladies around to spend some time together or maybe take a trip to some far off worlds or get into trouble saving someone important and risking ones own life! Any beautie of any race will be highly appreciated
  4. Westjer Airijac

    Factory  ÆM Conglomerate - Aeronautical and Electronic Medicine

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Made by myself (virtf). I know, my MS Paint skills are immaculate, thank you. Canon Link: Not applicable. Primary Source: Not applicable. CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: Aeronautical and Electronic Medicine Conglomerate - stylized as ÆM...
  5. General Kaarl

    Factory  Sehnsucht Company

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Link Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: N/A CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: Sehnsucht Company Headquarters: Vlemoth Port Operations: Security and Hostage Rescue, Vehicle and Starship Manufacturing, Transport Parent Corporation: N/A Subsidiaries...
  6. H

    hado fine house of laundry and tan also pharmaceuticals and inventions

    hello yes u have reached hado house of fine pharmaceutical also laundry and tan. please also visit hado short term loan and vhs rental store while in town. yes you wondering who is hado of course. yes i am hado purveyor of fine hado business. pls forgive any spelling error porg is often walk...
  7. Chu Bornbazin

    Open Market  Pantora Mining Company

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Source, edited my me. Canon Link: N/a Primary Source: N/a CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: Pantora Mining Company Headquarters: Pantoran City, Pantora Locations: Pantora Mining Company HQ, Pantoran City, Pantora Installation B2,Orto...
  8. 001-A-986 "Nix"

    Approved Lore  Hades Corp Assault and Tactics company

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To utilize multiple Hades corp NPC units to create a army for hire out of them. Image Credit: Mechs & Mercs: Black Talons concept art Permissions: N/A Links: GENERAL INFORMATION Army Name: Hades corp ATC Classification: Combined arms Mercenary force...
  9. Kyra Perl

    Approved Tech  Rave Lights

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create glow sticks, ideal for dancing drunk in a club. Image Source: Glowtopia Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Generic Company Affiliation: Open Market Market Status: Open-Market Model: N/A...
  10. C

    Candu Techuu

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Myself Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: N/A CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: Candu Techuu Headquarters: Coruscant Locations: Slum district G17 (Coruscant lower level) Operations: Technology design, development and manufacturing Parent...
  11. Kyric

    Open Market  Back at it Again: Fund a Team of Superheroes so I Don't Have to.

    With the Underworld Credits in full circulation, and the Age of the Underworld incoming, a bunch of us vigilante writers are in a special position: We get to write an entire event where we can ACTUALLY clash with criminals that aren't Sith psychos trying to beat a planet into submission! So...
  12. Kohlo Ryks

    LFG  New Mercenary Company

    Are you a mercenary looking for a group to join? Do you like taking on dangerous clandestine work? Join the Akul Mercenary Group today! Join today and get your pay!
  13. L

    Locke and Key Mechanics

    A faction for all those associated with the company Locke and Key Mechanics
  14. Shai Maji

    Approved NPC  16th Company

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To make an elite Mando unit for NIO Image Credit: Rammstein logo, helmet from pinterest post(Gave up on finding a direct reference in here). Imperial emblem from NIO faction page. Edited by Avelion Role: Elite unit of the 501st legion Permissions: Zef Halo...
  15. R

    I want to create a faction based around some shipbuilding company. Any takers?

    Hello everyone! So apparently there's hardly any activity around my first character. I'd like to create a second character and a faction based around some kind of corporation that acts as some kind of super conglomerate cum government. Are there any takers? My character is probably going to...
  16. Heinrich Faust

    The WorkForce

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: original image for the Ashlan symbol, with color changes made by me. Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: N/A CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: The WorkForce Headquarters: Bosph Locations: There are converted factories across Ashlan space...
  17. Gir Quee

    Approved NPC  22nd Provisional Commando Company - "The Stormriders"

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To provide the Silver Jedi Concord with a commando unit Image Credit: Bungie Concept Art found here combined with HALO armor pieces mis-mashed together through "Vanity" application and then modified by yours truly Role: The 22nd serve as commandos, mostly...
  18. F

    Thames Repulsor Company

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Created in Canva. Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: Original Thames Repulsor Company Submission. CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: Thames Repulsor Company Headquarters: Galidraan III Locations: Galidraan, Galidraan IV, Naboo, Corellia...
  19. Amelia von Sorenn

    Approved NPC  112th Company | Ashen Guard

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent A specialized unit within the overall Confederate Space Marines that serve as an Elite Vanguard and Personal Bodyguard detachment to the Confederacy's "Dread Queen" Srina Talon Image Credit: [HERE] Unit Emblem created by Gerwald Lechner...
  20. Tsud'Ul'aigh

    Codex Denied  Ul'aigh Company

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create Tsud'Ul'aigh's warband. Image Credit: All art from Credit Role: Vanguard Chargers Permissions: NA Links: NA GENERAL INFORMATION Unit Name: Ul'aigh Company Affiliation: The Bryn'adul Classification: Shock Troops Description: COMBAT INFORMATION...
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