Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. XaraXunia

    Campaign  Hivemind Conquest of Koboth: The Ship Graveyard

    Image Credits: HotPot.AI. The planet of Koboth was barren, rocky, and swarming with insectoids. Xaraxunia, his tribe, and the entire force of the Koboth's Hivemind flew towards the Mamarock Coast, where the majority of lighter-skinned Kobok bug beings lived. They had come from the sun-kissed...
  2. Laphisto

    Private  Conquest Agenda Roll stats

    just a place to do rolls off-screen for background stuff Owens status total crew = 1690 spread thin among 10 ships [1200 spread amongst 4 hammerheads.[300 per ship] in 7 Forray class Corvettes [70 per ship] currently in the Kalinda system Aurora Station Condition: 13/20 drydocks in use. 7...
  3. EFCOM

    Dominion  Rise of the Eternal Fleet - Part 3: Conquest of Lorta (Eternal Empire Dominion of Lorta)

    WAR! The galaxy has been in a state of war for the better part of the last decade, in the form of the Second Great Hyperspace War. While the Eternal Empire has involved itself within the titanic conflict alongside other notable powers, such as the Ashlan Crusade and the New Imperial Order...
  4. EFCOM

    Dominion  Rise of the Eternal Fleet - Eternal Empire Conquest of D'rinba IV

    In the wake of the Invasion of Panatha, It became all the more clear to STRATCOM that they were still wanting in many respects. For a band of Mandalorian radicals to strike so close to the Imperial heartland was unthinkable, yet they did so successfully. While this alone is enough to cause more...
  5. The Monster

    Approved Tech  Conquest Bows

    ..........FREEBIRDS.. INDUSTRIES.......... OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To resubmit an old factory sub to comply within Factory Template standards, with minor Image Source(s): Gallery Canon Link: None Permissions: None Primary Source: Original Sub PRODUCTION INFORMATION...
  6. Valiens Nantaris


    This morning we have something new in the galaxy of faction conflicts. One of the major engines of faction activity is Dominions, but they lack a certain something gained by opposition. Invasions deliver that, but often lead to high stakes and a lot of barely contained drama. So why not offer a...
  7. The Subnet

    True Silence is White Noise (Open to OS, Others Ask For Invite)

    The cold, decrepit darkness of space was nothing new for Elian. This had largely been his home, even when he'd been among his people. It felt pleasing to him to be among the stars, soaring from one planet to the next in search of knowledge, truth, and understanding. When he'd left his home, he'd...
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