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Dominion Rise of the Eternal Fleet - Eternal Empire Conquest of D'rinba IV

Eternal Fleet Command


In the wake of the Invasion of Panatha, It became all the more clear to STRATCOM that they were still wanting in many respects. For a band of Mandalorian radicals to strike so close to the Imperial heartland was unthinkable, yet they did so successfully. While this alone is enough to cause more reforms and redoubling of efforts to prevent a repeat incident, the betrayal of the CIS caused an even greater stir amongst High Command and the Imperial Court. Something had to be done in answer to both the invasion and the betrayal.

The Mandalorians would be dealt with in due course, but the betrayal of their former allies would be handled in the more immediate future. By order from the highest levels of the military command structure, the Eternal Fleet has been called upon to spearhead a massive offensive through the former CIS, starting with the world of D'rinba IV. Under the introductory years of CIS rule, the world transitioned from a downtrodden backwater world of little overall importance, to housing a small colony of immigrants from various races who sought a simpler existence, devoid of strife under the protection of their new overlords. Yet, as the Confederacy progressed into the depths of corruption and decadence, the same issues which at one point formed a ‘rallying cry’ for the CIS’s colonization of the planet re-emerged anew. The faces may have been different, but the same crime and exploitation seen across the region reared its ugly head on D'rinba.

To the former state’s credit, their law enforcement agencies did the best they could to stave off the influence and growth of these criminal enterprises. Yet, the cancer of said entities spread regardless to the upper echelons of the planet’s government, even purportedly the planetary ruler himself. The collapse of the CIS was the slight ‘nudge’ the planet needed to descend into a criminal haven akin to the most lawless of systems in the galaxy. Within the larger settlements of the planet, one would carry the impression of being within a typical ‘hive of scum and villainy’. But within smaller settlements of the region known as ‘the badlands’, the notion of a warzone would be more accurate. Criminal cartels have run amok, seizing large swaths of territory for themselves in a large-scale planetary gang war for control of the planet’s natural and ‘sentient’ resources. Areas experiencing the worst of the developing crisis are all but abandoned by civilians, with former waystations and mining colonies reduced to burning slags of rubble.

Settlements remaining intact have either been overrun by these criminal organizations, being relegated to little more than bases of operation for these criminals and being stripped of their hard earned credits and food in exchange for ‘protection’. The few settlements one could say are faring the ‘best’ in this situation have formed militias from the local populace, and are actively engaging these criminal armed groups in what amounts to a highly volatile situation; all while the ‘planetary government’ does what amounts to nothing to help the situation improve. It would appear that the planet could greatly benefit from the stabilizing influence of the Eternal Empire. Standard rules of engagement are in effect - non-combatants are to be given humanitarian aid. All criminal elements are to be purged, and the corrupt government of the CIS’s pestilential rule shall be dismantled. Anyone who resists shall be eliminated, but otherwise those within the government who comply will be arrested and put on trial for their crimes against the people of D'rinba. Order shall be established at all costs.



By order of STRATCOM, Vice Admiral Race Tolsen has been given provisional command of the Eternal Fleet presence being dispatched to the system. Officially, he is being given command by virtue of his rank and status within the Fleet, but unofficially, his unique ties to STRATCOM’s black ops division has come into play due to a secret aspect to the Fleet’s mandate. While the primary objective is to establish naval superiority in orbit around the planet; which would equate to the elimination of renegade CIS ships under the control of the planetary ‘government’ - as well as to provide orbital support for ground troops being deployed to establish order, the secondary objective involves the discovery and procurement of a secret orbital station anchored to a ‘deadspot’ within the system.

Intelligence reports have indicated this station is affiliated with the CIS’s former military intelligence apparatus, and likely served as an observation post for clandestine operations within Eternal Imperial space. The Vice Admiral has received orders to locate this station, and disable its assumed-considerable defenses to allow for a strike team to seize control. While the Vice Admiral has been given provisional command of this operation, other fleet elements normally under the command of other battle groups have been allocated for this endeavor to ensure sufficient power projection and naval presence. This operation cannot fail under any circumstances.


Objective 2: SHOCK AND AWE

Under the mandate of Empress L’lerim, the Eternal Empire has adopted a ruthless posture to corruption and criminal influences. Although vestiges still linger within Imperial space, they do not exist to the extent such things do on D'rinba due to the sheer ruthlessness they are met with when exposed to the open. Given the brazenness in which such entities operate on the planet, no mercy shall be afforded to them as the full might of the Empire descends upon the planet. Bombing runs and ‘hot drop’ insertions will be performed upon the ‘badlands’ of the planet being fought upon by the overt cartels, while full-scale Ultranaut regiments will be deployed to secure the major settlements and starports. Elite units are being specifically deployed to prevent the escape of the planet’s ‘Prime Minister’, a human male by the name of “Herod Vosh”.

The takeover will be swift and overwhelming to dissuade as much resistance as possible. Non-combatants will be given aid as necessary, but any and all resistance is to be met with equal and proportionate force as needed.


Objective 3: INSERTION

Upon discovery of the CIS orbital station, insertion teams will be deployed to infiltrate the station. The primary objective will be to secure the station and eliminate any potential holdouts remaining within it, with the secondary objective being to secure any and all intelligence remaining. Ideally, the station will remain intact and transition seamlessly into Imperial Control, and key staff members will be secured alive for interrogation. Priority intelligence will be any and all records pertaining to CIS defectors to the Mandalorian Enclave, as well as the location of any additional orbital ‘blacksites’.

Objective 4: BYOO


The chaos of a military takeover provides a prime opportunity for nearly anything to happen, whether it is the establishment of more clandestine criminal enterprises, consolidating influence within more rebellious factions, or in exploring whatever secrets within the force the planet may hold.


E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective: Hunt down the prime minister
Location: Surface, D'rinba IV
Equipment: Kiss of the Red Witch | 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | The Soulsabers | Heilagr MK. I Assassin Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tag: Open
[ Soldier of Heaven ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Ingrid arrived on the planet days earlier than the others. She, as a good agent or a spy would do, went ahead to do the reconnaissant work. The other issue is that this work should no longer have been done by the Empress but by others. But the redhead woman still loved doing it. And in addition to her duties as a ruler, it was downright relaxing, essentially for her this was her day off. The only difference was that Ingrid never went to day off; she did not know this concept.

Even when she travelled or was not in the territory of the Eternal Empire, she still worked continuously. The Empress was now in the city where the Prime Minister was. She has been following his movements in recent days; but she did not catch him or kill him. It would have been fun then. No, at the moment, the woman wanted the man to see the consequences of his own and the CIS' actions.

<"Herod, Herod, Herod… or I could say Mr. Vosh, this is not going to be your day."> she said with some amusement in her voice.

On the last day, she had let the man gain an advantage; for the woman, this was the exciting part, the hunt. So she went to the point where the troops were going to arrive and then waited for them here. Don’t get me wrong, she didn’t even have a mind to let anyone else capture or kill the prime minister, she wanted the man to be her own trophy. Sometimes she had days like that when she wanted a target for herself. Other times, most of the time, she passed them onto the younger, emerging generation so that they too could have success.

When the first officers arrived at the woman from the landing dropships, she spoke without turning around.

<"Put the capital under complete quarantine; close all exit routes, spaceports, underground passages. The atmosphere should be constantly monitored and all government buildings should also be kept under quarantine!"> she said the orders. <"If anyone finds Herod Vosh before me, I want the Prime Minister alive.">

The occupation has begun.


Silhana Lolaes'ra
Lynne Tal’kira aka Lady Orchid; The Angel-faced killer
Bounty Hunter, Verd'ika, member of the Clan Cadera; Headmistress of the House Orchid and The Hounty Hunters' Guild
Objective I: Shock and Awe
Location: City, near to the Prime Minister's castle
Equipment: 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | 2x Simple short sword | Light armour | Mandalorian vambrace || Stealth field generator || OPBC-01m
Writing With: Arturo Braga Arturo Braga | Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud
[ Mando music ]
"Galactic Basic" | <"Mandalorian"> | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

This proved to be a very interesting mission, suddenly a myriad of tasks ran into the House Orchid about the fact that there are many people on this planet who have been suddenly shown up on the bounty lists. No, I didn’t use the Bounty Hunters ’Guild for this this time, I kept it in my own narrower circles. I had the advantage of being the Headmistress of both places. No, it wasn’t about wanting to keep it a secret, but it came to the smaller company, I have to think about my own co-workers, I don’t put them at a disadvantage. Especially that not everyone is a member of BHG.

All in all, I notified Arturo Braga Arturo Braga that there was a task here and if he wanted to, tell his people. Last but not least, it was a great opportunity for me to see him. In recent weeks, I haven’t been very close to the Eternal Empire anyway. Maybe I should relocate the House Orchid headquarters to that region. But the only problem with this is that the rest of the galaxy is very, very far from the Unknown Regions. Even a relationship with HPI wouldn’t help much. I still have to think about that.

But not now, because with my ship I arrived on the planet about this size, where I soon arrived at the part where I had to meet Arturo. Already here on the planet, on the way, I learned that members of the Clan Mortui will be here as well. The fan immediately broke out of me and I was hoping to meet their Alor, Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud , who was a living legend and one of my role models among the Mandalorians.

In any case, I arrived at the rendezvous point, where, if all is true, Arturo was already waiting for me. If that was the case, and he allowed it, I kissed him and smiled at him in greetings.

"Hello! I hope you didn't have to wait long for me." I told him.

I tried to arrive as soon as possible, but from the other side of the galaxy, it’s not that easy. The main task did not seem so complicated, to prevent the governor's escape. It seemed like an ideal task to me, too, unless there was a better idea.

"Where do you want to start?" I asked him.

In the meantime, I looked for the other Mandalorians to see if I could find them.



Belisarius Vactovion


Belisarius Vactovion
Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud | Imperator of the Eternal Phalanx | Field Marshal in the Ultranaut Corps
The Black Knight of Vengard


Objective: 2 Shock and Awe
Location: D'Rinba IV, Capital City, Government District, Landing Zone Dorn-1
Equipment: Sk-SH Mark 7, Rex Imperator, Lancer, Shroudsaber
Tag: Open to Friends!

{✠} The Eternal Crusader {✠}
<"High Nelvaanian"> | " voice " | << comm. channel >>
What good could come from a system which allowed anarchy, diversity and individualism on individual and political scale? The Confederacy had been a bred of criminals, oppressors, former warmongers and worse, believing that by joining together they could overcome their past misdeeds. My thoughts were going on about this so called faction which claimed to control a big portion of the Southern Galaxy, fueled by the briefing which happened an hour ago. Now my eyes were staring ahead from within the gunship's cockpit, looking at the world which dared to resist, dared to proclaim crime as highest good and embracing it. Fools. The Empire did not make any exceptions for the narrow minded.

I would not make an exception for the narrow minded. No mercy, no remorse.

The deck of the armored transport was shaking below my plated feet, the atmospheric entry a stress-test for guts and frame alike, but nothing I haven´t done before. Some were affected by flying, by falling from the skies with hundreds of kilometers per hour. A soldier would overcome it, trainin was designed to discipline and make the mind clear of doubt and hesitation. My mouth would offer a slight smirk into the vizor of my helmet. The education of Jedi and soldiers was not that much different, I had to teach my mind to shut up during meditation, during exercises, otherwise those damn masters would not be pleased. They had sensed the thrill and excitement in me.

The idea of battle was giving my limbs fire, energy was pulsating through every last finger tip, my heart adjusting to the incoming adrenaline push which would elevate me above the battlefield and my enemies. The Force was a bystander, a nuissance in the back of my throat, something which became so passive over the years that my time as a Jedi was only a fading memory, even my childhood was closer and more interesting. I learned more before and after that depressing period.

Through the armored hull I could hear the sounds of distant flak-guns trying to snipe the strike teams from the skies. If they would be organised and drilled soldiers, one could believe they would be successful or rather not as unsuccessful, but they were just chaotic remnants of a chaotic failedd state. Fear was not present, even less than the memories mentioned before. I don´t remember when fear crept into my senses, I honestly can´t. Fear is an elemental part of the sentient survival instincts and kinda the base of bravery. Am I not brave?

My smile broadened under the helmet.

<< Marshal. Landing in twenty seconds, scans show our zone to be hot. Shall we proceed? >>

The co-pilot looked up in front of me, his face covered by a respirator and the helmet, but I could not taste or see any fear in his tone and bearing, he was just making sure of his orders. No commander could be more proud of his soldiers, the Eternal Empires army and navy belonged to the most disciplined of the Galaxy.

<< Proceed as planned. >>

My nod would reassure his orders and confirm his iron will. They are serving me well. I am serving well with them at my side. The Empire needs us today.


Landing Zone Dorn was the designation for the theater of the government district and more specifically, the Prime Ministers seat and palace. It was considered to one of the toughest nuts to crack on Montitia because it did not only had a gang of unlawful thugs, but an entire small army who were equally well paid and desperate. The Prime Minister made sure to hoard blood-stained militia and mercenaries around him, enforcing his rule by terror and violence. Belisarius would have been fine with that, but senselessly killing for a wrong goal and ideology was not acceptable. The Eternal Empire did not allow any variation or unlawfulness for no greater good than the own fortune.

The Marshal had taken his own regiment, the 42nd Ultranaut and a good amount of Pyronaut detachments to clear this scum out from their holes. The Navy had done their work to clear some of the outer defenses with serious strafing runs, bombing the hell out of these greedy bastards. It was the Storm War in its not-so-elegant dance, a conjunction of violence, of forces which worked in union to overcome any obstacle. It was a mighty warmachine, if ill used, excellent at grinding down, if properly used it was a spear which could pierce the thickest armor.

Here it was working under the coordination of the Ultranaut commander Vactovion, he was using this spear for years already and would do so for many more years to come. He had selected his ships and the naval air wing which would support his advance, just as he had selected the recruits for his regiment which he led into countless battles already. Now they were pushing out of their dropships, Stormeagles and Styx alike to confront the enemy.

The landing zone was not a cohesive large square, even though there was one which could hold a few dropships, it was an area designated for pilots to find their individual landing points and insert their platoons into battle. Rooftops, backyards, gardens, everything was used to put the Ultranauts to the ground as quick as possible. Safety and protection was secondary, many landings happened under enemy fire, soldiers fell, but the majority made it into cover and returned fire as soon as they touched ground. The squads organised around their comrades and commanders, pushing forward and moving into a striking position.

So did their Field Marshal. He left his gunship a bit more calmly than his soldiers, warriors of Kalidan and Nelvaan, and turned his head to assess the situation. His gunship had landed on a rooftop overseeing the square in front of the governmental building, fire was coming his way, a lot, but everything which hit his armor was just bouncing and ricocheting. From behind his black lenses Belisarius was making his tactic to take this building. His staff kneeled in cover some meters back, waiting to relay and refine whatever he issued.

It was his way. He gave them a direction, an outline for a plan and they would work with it while he was executing the most vital part of it himself. The Marshal always got all information on his battle HUD but he would focus on leading his soldiers into battle, going into the thick of it.

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Objective: Hunt down the prime minister
Location: Surface, D'rinba IV
Equipment: Gau Armour & Equipment | 2x Scherezade Energized Vibroblade | Overseer-pattern HPI Biochip | 2x WESTAR-35 | SR-930 Electro-Fusion Blaster Rifle
Tag: Open

Urail glanced around, currently crouching on the rooftop of a building. He was on edge, not only was there competition for the grand prize of the Prime Minister, but it was one of his first times around Eternal Empire officials since his exile. It's alright, it's alright, it's alright.

"Pull yourself together Les--- Urail."

He muttered. He was getting better at stopping his slip-ups, but over the years he hadn't made any real progress. With that he moved through the city towards the Prime Minister's location. He wasn't fully aware of who he would encounter on this objective, seeing as it had been quite sudden. Field Marshal Krai had requested him personally to attempt this endeavour. Though for a man of his skill it wouldn't be a problem. Perhaps this was a test of sorts? An attempt at recruitment? Who really knew.

As the quarantine order came, he neared the Prime Ministers location. Now I wait. Urail was being particularly cautious with this objective, he didn't know who his competition was, or how skilled they were. For now, he would observe, and once his prey was in his sight, he would strike. He closed his eyes. Who knows, I might even make friends. He smirked at the joking remark.

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Location: Eternal Empire civilian space dock
Equipment: Beskar'gam, lightsabers, healing supplies, 3 thermal detonators, EF-M401e Rampage
Barnaverndari hover pram

Tags: OPEN

Anashja was having a mixed mood today, it should be a day of celebration, this was the first time her full fleet had been assembled in the same place and it felt good. But this had taken so much work and between that and the new baby she was grumpy and exhausted. She was about ready to dump one of the Exodus freighters into a nearby star and have shot of it, but she had fallen into the sunk cost trap, having spent too much of the grant from Brighter Futures on it to waste the ship. From the medical drop ship she was using as an inspection shuttle she floated alongside the hull watching an almost beautiful shower fuel spray out of one of the hull sections. At least the new hyperdrive for it seemed to be reading as normal.

"Baar'ur Anashja, the delivery from HPI has arrived in system, requesting permission to link up with the fleet." her comm crackled from her flagship the Tal'din, she turned the stick on the shuttle and turned it to face the incoming supply tanker. 56 thousand litres of Harris Compound, a new enhanced version of Bacta, it cost a fair chunk of credits, but she was assured the difference in its efficiency more than made up for the increased price over regular Bacta. "Refuelling vessel Gluttonous Star permission to join us, I hope your trip was uneventful, please approach the port side of the Dawn Reproach and begin transfer to their tanks. I will have my corvettes come to you." the tanker gave the affirmative and she saw it lazily drift toward the converted cargo vessel. At least the delivery had arrived on time, she was glad about that.

Several representatives of the Eternal Navy were inspecting the two escort cruisers she had purchased. It was infuriating, but she was still under suspicion from her involvement of the enclave so she expected to have her fleet checked over to see whether it was what she claimed it to be, a humanitarian medical fleet. The two escorts were purely for defensive purposes, and considering they had been partially mothballed, they would need more work before the could even be considered a proper warship. She played ball though, she respected the law of the Empire and if she was to operate miltiary ships in their space she would need the approval of their navy.

"Can you send a message to the Imperial representative please, I would like to meet with him to discuss further arrangements i need to make, oh, and politely tell him, if he uses the term rag tag to describe my fleet again I am throwing him in a bacta tank" she laughed, trying to cheer her up, looking down she saw that Fel'ann was stirring from her nap. Obviously eager to help with preparations
Ex-Pirate. Former Pirate. Truly.

Location: Aboard the ENS Revenge, entering D'rinba IV Space
Objective: Support the fleet action
Equipment: 3 x Pistols, Knives,

It hadn't been just fast and clever talk that had endeared the Hutt to the Eternal Fleet's commanders, but it hadn't hurt to make them laugh a time or two. Chamdar hadn't thought his commission was a sure thing until he'd beaten the Thrawn simulator, twice in a row, just to prove he wasn't green as a commander. Granted the lowest flag rank of Commodore, he had been assigned to a Regency-type Star Battlecruiser, the ENS Revenge, as his command vessel.

There hadn't been time for the newest Commodore in the fleet to organize a flotilla, so he'd ordered the ship to D'Rinba IV, best speed, while his hand-picked command crew had rendezvoused with him enroute, linking up with the ship before the final jump into the system. Chamdar didn't yet know much of his crew, or even the senior officers just yet, so he had brought in a select command crew to salt the Revenge's officers with those he knew and trusted, commissioning them into the Eternal Fleet himself.

Relaxed, clad in his usual leather and fur vest, with shiny new Commodore's insignia his only nod toward any sort of uniform, the young Hutt lounged at the rear of the command bridge, from where his large golden eyes could easily oversee all of the relevant bridge stations, as well as the Revenge's Captain, a trusted Rodian female named Pol. She barked orders to the helmsman, Gar, a Besalisk, who was in conversation with the operations officer next to him, an Ithorian named Bel. She sat in front of the tactical officer, Lis, a shapely Twi'lek female who had made significant adjustments to her uniform into a bikini variant, to Captain Pol's disgust and Chamdar's amusement.

"Bring us out of light speed for planetary orbit." The bass tone of Chamdar's voice carried easily across the spacious command deck, and he smiled, eager to see out his first command as part of the Eternal Fleet. He had proven his mettle many times in combat before, now he would do it as part of a greater military force.



Revenant Warriors

Tags: Chamdar the Hutt Chamdar the Hutt - open


The ENS Blood Knight entered the system along with the rest of the fleet and immediately took its position in the pre planned search for this base. Captain En Kelsani and her ship had been assigned a sector of her asteroid field, the small and agile vessel moved between the boulders the size of mountains. Her small fighter complement ran point on the Assault frigate as she swept the area, it was a good spot for an ambush, the fighters were ordered to immediately disengage and return to the ship if detected, she didn't carry enough to spare, but a cloaked and and heavily armed frigate would be a beautiful suprise for their pursuers. Asaaj was not a subtle woman, not most standards anyway, but her style of naval combat was that of an ambush predator.

"Night Queen, please give me a tactical readout of the asteroid field, please scan asteroids and look for any particularly reflective surfaces." The AI began her work, Asaaj figured that a hidden base would have to use railguns protect itself against asteroid collisions, the internal surfaces of the shattered asteroids would be untouched by the millennia of dusty debris and should reflect the sensor significantly better. It was not foolproof as natural collisions would do the same, but it was better than just peering behind every rock and hoping someone opened fire.

Reports came back from her fighters, small bits of debris here and there, mostly very old, maybe predating the station by a long time. One of the fighters had engaged and destroyed a probe droid, she would be reprimanding that pilot, a captured droid may have given the locations of the station, it had to have come from somewhere, maybe the next one would yield the answers, there was probably dozens of them in system, snooping on imperial activity.

"Captain, one region, approximately 100 thousand kilometres starward shows significant signs of damaged fragments, this is outside of our search zone, I suggest passing this informations to the corvette assigned to that area." Asaaj sighed at the news from her AI, and immediately sent the information over. As much as she was tempted to leave her sector and take a look, she had recently received a warning for leaving the command deck during an active engagement. She was furious, the ship was damaged and disengaging, and she felt she could do more to help planetside. But without authorisation she had left her post, and rules were rules. At least it was only a minor write up this time.


Location: Aboard the ENS Knighthammer, entering D'rinba IV Space
Objective: Total Victory
Equipment: Uniform, Knives, Officers Pistol
Tags: Chamdar the Hutt Chamdar the Hutt | Asaaj En Kelsani Asaaj En Kelsani

"All ships report ready, Admiral"

Admiral Race Tolsen folded his arms across his chest, a smile beaming across his gloomy face "Excellent. Have all Line Commanders reported in?" The technician quickly clacked away at her station, making communication with the fleet once more. Such was the way of fleet command, a stream of communication followed by brief and strict orders, and then success.

It was how it should've worked anyways.

The technician nodded. "Begin the search for the station. Failure is not an option"

Blackwatch was strict about these types of things. While Tolsen had no official rank within the intelligence agency, he was a senior member of their Naval Intelligence arm, and had been tasked with a variety of missions, primary among them being Project: Reaper. Being reassigned, even temporarily threatened to undue the progress he had made designing the behemoth that would spearhead Blackwatch's next operation. Failing here would mean permanent reassignment, or even worse: Excommunication.

By no means would he fail.

Fleet: 1x Acklay-class Cruiser, 2x Dragonsnake-class Picket Cruisers, 2x Refit Ranger-class FACs, 1x Directorate "Ghost" Viper Interceptor, 3x CST Toscan 8-R squadrons, 1x Kessel-class Armed Courier squadron
Objective: Take on the Eternal Fleet.
Race Tolsen Race Tolsen Chamdar the Hutt Chamdar the Hutt Asaaj En Kelsani Asaaj En Kelsani

Kalic stood on the bridge of the Acklay-class that the Rebellion had acquired. He sure as the Force wasn't going to ask who kept getting them equipment like this, but he figured it would be an edge at least. It might have seemed counter to the Rebellion's normal wants to keep the Empire from helping cleanup this system, but there were quite a few of the settlements that didn't particularly like the idea of the Eternal Empire showing up. So with that, Kalic looked at the scanners and.... Dank farrik those were battlecruisers. They seriously sent.... He could work with this. His fleet ships were faster and.... Why was he in a field? Kalic looked around, startled, and would only get a glimpse before feeling a shake on his shoulder.

"Are you ok?" He looked, seeing one of the bridge crew.

"Yeah. Yeah I'm fine." Maybe he should've had someone from the Enclave come with him. Keep him from drifting like this. Either way, the small fleet currently hid near an old station, and the couriers aboard the cruiser were being prepped to investigate. Now though, they'd have a fight on their hands.
Location: D’rinba IV Space
Call Sign: Royal Four
Tags: Chamdar the Hutt Chamdar the Hutt Asaaj En Kelsani Asaaj En Kelsani Race Tolsen Race Tolsen Kalic Daws Kalic Daws


It would be served cold, but the dish was no less potent and satisfying for her to serve, even now. With the fall of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, old memories had reawakened in Bella’s mind, that of the Battles of Rodia and Talay, and the trauma that was the terrorist attack on H.O.P.E. She still remembered handing the list of the fallen to the late Dimitri Lindzinsky, who had been executed only months before for the orbital bombardment on Lwhekk’s civilian centers. Her former commanding officer’s actions and the resulting execution had left Bella distraught, but in her mind, she refused to pin the blame on him. It had been the Confederacy and their brutality, which had left billions dead, that had led to the man she had looked up to and loved falling into moral weakness. While the lives of the Ssi-ruuk civilians who had been snuffed out under a bombardment of seismic charges were ultimately Dimitri’s responsibility, Bella knew that the Confederacy and their savagery had played a part in his failing.

How could they have not?

Jumping into the system with the ENS Blood Knight, a vessel who’s commander had a reputation for bloodthirst, Bella ordered her squadron into a scouting pattern in the midst of the debris field, before driving her interceptor into the field herself.

Whether it was her hunger for revenge against the Confederacy or @Asaaj En Kelsani’s bloodthirst rubbing off on her, Bella felt her own battle lust rise to the forefront of her mind as she twirled her Ballerina between the asteroids, derelict hulks, and bits of wreckage, wanting nothing more than to render the Confederacy’s minions as ashes on the cosmic winds…

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Location: Flying Over Capital City - D’rinba IV
Call Sign: Mermaid Two - “Queen”
Unit Support: FAE/AV-02 “Loralora” Interceptor Swoop Craft (8)
Dialogue Legend: <"High Nelvaanian"> │ “Galactic Basic”
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Belisarius Vactovion

They could not have seen her coming.

The patrol squadron, mounted on Confederate variant KV-109s, maneuvered their way through the streets of the city as the riders set about their mission, to scout the Ultranaut landing formations and assess their capabilities via hit-and-fade attacks. While their bikes were unarmored and as such, could not stand up to a fight, they had already struck at three Ultranaut contingents within the hour, inflicting modest, yet respectable casualties on the heavily-armored troopers of the Eternal Empire as they worked to establish a foothold in the city. They were fast and lethal, so much so that their attacks had gone unanswered.

Until now.

She struck the patrol squadron without warning, twin lances of particle beams slashing through their formation like a vibroknife through butter, their bikes lanced in twain under the fiery assault. The four bikes at the rear of the formation were cut down first, but the four at the front had precious little time to evade the swoop ace’s wrath. They were shot down as well, with the very last pilot, the squadron’s leader, finished off with a precise, penetrating beam to the chest, vaporizing his form as his bike crashed into a parked speeder before going off in a plume of flames. All the while, the swoop ace pulled out of her attack run, sparing not a glance at the scene of death and destruction she had wrought.

<"This is Mermaid Two, on station for close air support. I am on point and ready for tasking, over.">

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Ex-Pirate. Former Pirate. Truly.

Location: Aboard the ENS Revenge, entering D'rinba IV Space
Objective: Support the fleet action
Equipment: 3 x Pistols, Knives
Tags: Race Tolsen Race Tolsen Asaaj En Kelsani Asaaj En Kelsani Bella Bella Kalic Daws Kalic Daws

With the arrival of the Knighthammer and other elements of the Eternal Fleet in local space, the hunt could now begin. Chamdar oversaw the Revenge's bridge from his position at the rear of the command deck, giving orders to deploy what forces he had, preparing to search for the hidden rebel base that Intelligence thought was located in this system.

"Inform the Vice Admiral that we are beginning our search pattern. Launch all strike groups. Begin grid search. I want all wing leaders to check in when ready." Revenge's hangar bay launched eight full strike groups, each group contained a squadron of Haxor fighter interceptors and a squadron of Hornet bombers. These groups fanned out away from the Star Cruiser, each moving to its assigned search grid as linked to them by the starfighter controller on Revenge's bridge.

"Red Lead, standing by." "Gold standing by." "Grey, standing by." "Green, commencing search." "Blue squad, online. "Black squadron, heading out." "Yellow squadron, on our way." came the check-in calls, until the last one. "White squadron, ready to roll."

Chamdar nodded at the expectant look from Captain Pol. "You have the conn, Captain. Let's find the scum." She smiled a predatory and appreciative Rodian smile at her Hutt Commodore, and turned to give several orders to her piratey bridge crew. The ENS Revenge moved into D'rinba IV space, now with eight search groups extending its eyes and ears. Sooner or later, they would have their prize. The Empire's prize, Chamdar reminded himself. Gold eyes gleaming, he watched out the viewports as the fighters and bombers moved away from Revenge, exhausts glowing bright against the starry black of space.


Tags: Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera | Arturo Braga Arturo Braga
Objective: Break the enemy
Links: Beskad Elite | Beskad Warriors | Hellwalkers | AT-AD | Titan Tank | Heavy Walkers
<Mandalorian> | Basic

At long last, they were invading CIS space. Well, former CIS space, seeing as the entity itself had died. But that small nugget of information mattered little to Adenn, it was more for the symbolism currently. That said, it was Adenn also fulfilling an oath he had made during the fall of the Mandalorian Empire, and the United Clans of Mandalore.
"<One day, the systems of the CIS shall know war as our worlds have. And we shall repay the blood spilt a thousand fold.>" Repeating those words now, as his ships loomed over the planet, Adenn smirked. "<Today, ner'vod, we fulfill that oath! This is just the beginning of this campaign, but we shall see it fulfilled! For Mandalore, for our aliit!>"

The ships shook with the rallying cry of Clan Mortui roared back, with fists pumped into the air, and walls pounded in enthusiasm. Oaths were given or renewed, more rallying cries shouted, and excitement positively shook the Mandalorians. Assault vessels departed larger carriers, deploying in formations down to the surface of the planet. In this opening strike against former CIS space, Clan Mortui had come in strength. And as one teeming mass, they swarmed towards the surface, towards the landing zones directed and the locations planned. All around the main city, Clan Mortui landed, joining forces with the Ultranaut regiments present.

There were hardly as many Mandos as Ultranauts present, but they more than made up for it with the experience of countless planets and sieges. Not only that, they had brought along plenty of heavy armor, all of which had proven itself across a hundred battlefields. And as their assault ships landed, encircling the city, this heavy armor deployed in force. Emerging from the depths of various landers marched Heavy Walkers, bearing their usual panapoly of war. Behind or alongside them stomped out the Hellwalkers, those main battle line walkers of Clan Mortui. And behind even them, rolled the Titan Tanks. These deployed in loose formations, many forming up into their artillery or anti air modes, ready to let loose fire across the entire city.

And aside from these vehicles, came Clan Mortui warriors. At their head were the AT-ADs, those heavy droids bearing shields and heavy blasters. There were far more of them than the last battle Clan Mortui had been in, as it was far easier to replace a droid than it was a Mandalorian. Still, beside them marched the Beskad Warriors, resplendent in their void armor. As a clan specialized in siege warfare, these warriors were the front line Mando'ade present, though they only made up a third of the true Mandalorians present. Behind them came the 'regular' Mandalorians, those bearing normal beskar armor. These would act as QRF for the Beskad Warriors, aiding their slower moving vode by striking hard and fast.

It was clear that Clan Mortui was here to prove a point, and to wage war. In the most recent Imperial assembly, they had been questioned if they had the strength of will to support the Eternal Empire. Adenn had told them yes, and gladly so against the CIS. This was simply proof of that. And as Adenn's personal lander came in before the command center, it became clear that he would be joining the fight, personally. With a thud, the assault ship landed, Clan Mortui's symbol proudly emblazoned across the side. Another thud followed as the ramp hit the ground, revealing the twenty Beskad Elite, and Adenn himself.

Marching down with predatory steps, Adenns elite guard formed up around Adenn. Their helmeted gazes searched those nearest, and clearly found them wanting, for their gazes soon shifted towards the enemy positions. Adenn himself simply marched forward, towards the main holo table and whatever other leadership was present. Stopping a step away, his gaze swept across those assembled, helmeted visage boring into each present. Finally, his gaze swung towards the table, with Adenn clearly already wishing to enter the fray. Yet he remained, voice a low growl as he addressed those present.
"Let us wage war."



Objective: IV - BYOO - Medical Fleet Escort
Location: Eternal Empire civilian space dock - Starbase Theta
Tags: Anashja Tal Anashja Tal
Task Force Bagram was a small flotilla composed of vessels from Battlegroup Stygian - the command of Rear Admiral Aximand Sicarus. He stood within the command deck of the newly christened ENS Tiberius, a Regency-Type Star Battlecruiser newly commissioned as his flagship. This voyage was among her first, yet despite the exceedingly high quality of her construction and design, it appeared obvious to all that the Admiral was in a particularly foul mood. It had been a few years since the Enclave’s invasion of Panatha, yet the scars wrought from the attack were still borne by many within the Empire - including the Admiral himself. It was among the last of his deployments within the ENS Retribution, the legendary Callides-class Heavy Carrier which had served as his flagship for many years prior. It was in high orbit over the planet of Panatha that he almost lost her to the forces of the Mandalorian Coalition, which was in turn composed of defectors from the now defunct Confederacy of Independent Systems.

The firepower brought to bear upon the Eternal Fleet was made up for only by the sheer numbers of ships deployed to meet them. Yet, although it seemed inevitable the Empire would break through eventually, they were unable to prevent the Mandalorians from accomplishing their objective. Aximand was not a sentimental man, yet the weight of the hundreds of thousands of Imperial Citizens who met their end alongside the seditionist Epicanthix weighed upon him all the same. That battle was among the first defeats of his career; it was not in him to lose so miserably. Yet, it was also not in him to wallow in self pity or embarrassment. He was a man of decisive action, and among the first items to be addressed was the replacement of his flagship. If he was to meet them head on; which he very much intended to do - then he needed to field a ship capable of doing such.

His former ship had been a serviceable home for him, and had risen to the occasion several times over during that time. As much as he felt it yet another failure to do so, he could not help but admit it was time to hand her over to another commander. It was some small relief that it was within his purview to bestow said command upon his friend, the newly minted ‘Commodore’ Varys Praxxis. Varys had served him loyally as his executive officer for nearly a decade, and knew the Retribution inside and out. There was hardly any other officer the Admiral felt capable of assuming command of the ship, and it took almost all of Aximand’s clout and privilege of rank to force the stubborn kath hound to accept the commission. Yet, he accepted nonetheless, as a Commodore within Aximand’s own 20th Heavy Attack Line. Of course, it meant the Admiral needed to appoint another executive officer to serve alongside him.

Commodore Joram Einar was the most qualified officer for the position, with a reputation of diligence balanced with a strong reputation of respect among his subordinates. He had previously served within the 56th Heavy Attack Line as a senior captain under Commodore Piett, and it was reported he had ambitions to eventually replace his senior officer over the coming years. Although the position was not what Joram would have immediately assumed for himself, he fell into place seamlessly nonetheless. Aximand would depend upon his new executive officer’s professionalism over the coming days, as he was reduced to supervising and escorting a medical relief fleet massing near Starbase Theta near the Imperial Border with the former CIS. At first, he mentally questioned why he of all within the Admiralty was assigned this task. Even those among his detractors would be forced to admit that such an assignment was beneath his reputation. As he mulled over the apparently slight by some anonymous person within STRATCOM who he suspected had it out for him, he soon realized the likely reason for his temporary assignment to this area.

Anashja Tall was of Mandalorian descent, and laid claim to dual citizenship status within the Eternal Empire. Based on records from a fairly recent session of the Imperial Assembly, it would seem that Anashja Tall was currently under investigation, if for no other reason than her proximity to the Mandalorian Enclave. It puzzled the Admiral slightly why she was entrusted with command of any ship whatsoever under such a status, but memory of his chance meeting with Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud came to mind. The Empire had established diplomatic relations with several Mandalorian Clans in the region. For the assembly to overtly investigate and try one of their number would create a drastic diplomatic incident, even for a state such as the Eternal Empire. Perhaps those responsible for such decisions felt an Admiral such as Aximand necessary to keep her in line, and if necessary - to dispose of her and her ships without a second thought.

It was a grim thought to be sure, but one that reassured the Admiral the more he examined the facts as outlined within the dossier in his datapad. Soon enough, he would close the datapad and turn to his command staff, his dour countenance ever present as he issued his first commands:
”Prepare an away team, and signal for the medical fleet’s commander that I will be performing the inspection of her fleet personally.” He let his words hang in the air for a few pregnant moments, before he received a dutiful ‘Aye sir’ from the comms officer.

At that, the Rear Admiral made his way to the hangar deck, adorned in his usual uniform with his sidearm holstered at his side. Commander Aierka fell in with him as he entered the turbolift - his ever conscientious adjutant, as well as his paramour for the past few years. The doors closed, which together with the disarming smirk from the Commander coaxed a slight smile from the otherwise craggy Admiral. The greeting remained silent however, as the pair mentally prepared for the inspection which awaited them. On the surface, it appeared to be routine. But appearances could be deceiving.




Revenant Warriors

Tags: Chamdar the Hutt Chamdar the Hutt Bella Bella Race Tolsen Race Tolsen Kalic Daws Kalic Daws


The mood on the Blood knight was quiet, the lights were dimmed and everyone spoke in whispers. It was absolutely not necessary to behave like this while the ship was cloaked, but maybe it was something buried within the sailors as she found it happened a lot, and she enjoyed it so she always leaned into it in her commands.


Interesting... an active scan pulse, someone must have spotted her fighters and be trying to track them and remain hidden. "all fighters, stay alert, you are not alone out there" she quickly messaged on a tight beam, her voice quite, almost as a whisper, completely unnecessarily.


Another one, she saw the holo of her AI grin at her and mouth the words "one more". Good, she was on the look out for the vessel already. Asaaj walked over to the viewport as if just looking out into the rocks would give her more information, she could see the glowing engines of her fighters darting about, agile little blighters they were.


Another, and somehow more insistent. The Night Queen AI turned and looked at her with a smile on her face. The holographic avatar held out her hand and the holo showed the position of the Blood knight surrounds by large rocks and what looked like a heat map of the area, 'echo density' read the legend. The ship has been listening for millions of echos and micro-echos of the rocks and pinpointed the source of the pings. The girl would get a commendation if she wasn't a string of code in her ships central core.


each pulse gave her AI more data to work with now and she the holo zoomed in to a single large ferromagnetic asteroid, impossible to scan accurately, a good hiding spot no doubt. But the echos were building a picture, maybe a dozen small craft of some description, possibly fighters and two larger ships, the oblong shape reminded her of a particular CIS boarding craft, probably cloaked as well. Little devil's, hiding out here, knowing we would be creeping about and hoping to ambush us. We'll let's spring the little trap.

Pulling up a holo, Asaaj activated the tractors, giving a nearby asteroid a little tug then letting it roll under its own momentum. Her AI gave her a filthy look once she detected the trajectory, but Asaaj smiled wickedly and put her finger to her lips to shush her. A few moments later, the newly errant asteroid careened across her viewport and there was a flash as of released energy as it vaporised against the shields of the Blood Knight causing very minor superficial damage. The Captain deactivated the cloak on that section, "Oopsie, how careless of you Night Queen, driving us into a rock and giving our position away."



They had taken the bait, the new posting map had the contacts detatched from the asteroid, 12 fighters and two boarding craft almost certainly, the boarding craft had stealth tech, but it was fairly basic. On the tight beam again "fighters, enemy contacts at this location, please engage with caution, if possible fight within 150km of my position to allow the Knight to provide flak cover, do not disengage the transport ships unless fired upon by them."

Asaaj looked at the Night Queen, "we will let them board us and give them a lovely suprise, you will turn their data core inside out.... whilst I do the same to their Marines.. " her upper gums ached with the arousal foe the coming violence and her teeth began to grow, she would resist for now. The AI gave her a delightful grin too, clearly looking forward to hunting for they'll base in the poor transport ship's memory.


Location: Aboard the ENS Blood Knight
Objective: Observe, and assist if required
Equipment: Lightsaber, Lanvarok
Tag: Asaaj En Kelsani Asaaj En Kelsani
The dim lighting of the bridge suited Ambrosia's desire to remain in the background, observing quietly while not interfering with the vessel's operations, or her crew. Invited to come along by her fellow Nightsister, whom Ambrosia had been glad to encounter among the Eternal Empire, her new home and loyalties feeling more assured in the company of the familiar presence of a fellow adept in the secrets of Dathomir.

Though Ambrosia Iota tried to mask her excitement and desire for conflict so as not to inflame the passions of those around her, those passions burned hot in her soul, desperately fighting to be unleashed. She kept a tight and rigid control over herself, a swirling torrent of fire burning through her veins, leaving her galvanized and ready for conflict. Silent and calm on the outside, she burned within, watching and listening for the word that her time had come.

When it came, and it would come when the Empire's enemies were revealed, the response would be swift, deadly, unyielding, and perfect. The Empire required information, and it would get it. The enemies of the empire merited death, and they would get it. Soon now, very soon, these Nightsisters of the Eternal Empire would wreak chaos and havoc and woe upon those enemies.

Baron of Tygeria

Location: Aboard the ENS Revenge
Objective: Observe, and assist if required
Equipment: Sk-UL Mk3.3 Shadow Armor, 2x Shroudsabers, HH-38 "Geysa" Hybrid Pistol
Tag: Chamdar the Hutt Chamdar the Hutt

Hi'los Krai stood to the side of the bridge on the ENS Revenge, today was a rare experience for him. His objectives was a welcomed surprise among all of his other responsibilities. The towering Field Marshal observed the warriors at work aboard the ship, he had been behind the helm numerous amounts of times, but it was truly marvellous how men and women scattered across a ship could work so harmoniously.

He glanced at the Hutt in command, intrigued. Interesting. Hi'los was always suprised by the different matter of people he encountered serving the Empire, and he was never disappointed. Though the attention he attracted was unpleasant. His helmet was off, revealing his monstrous face. To think they've never seen a Gen'Dai before. He smirked at the thought.

He keyed his comm towards his escorts comm line.

"This is Field Marshal Krai, be ready for the insertion. Once the targets defences are down we're going in along with various other teams." he paused, "and contact The Speaker to make sure he's on site."

"Of course, sir." Came a swift response.

Urail Gau was another 'interesting' character. A very cautious and secretive man, though very well trained in the arts of combat, deception, and politics. The last one was strange, Hi'los had been able to read him, though no as well as he would have liked, and recognised this in him. Why though? Hi'los was keen on finding out. First though, seems like I have a mission to get through.

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Location: Eternal Empire civilian space dock
Equipment: Beskar'gam, lightsabers, healing supplies, 3 thermal detonators, EF-M401e Rampage
Barnaverndari hover pram

Tags: Aximand Sicarus Aximand Sicarus

"A rear Admiral?" Anashja said aloud to herself as she reviewed the comms from Aximand Sicarus Aximand Sicarus . Why someone so high ranking was inspecting her was interesting, was this a cause for concern? She flipped open her pad and reviewed the details on one of her military escort cruisers, the Quasar, some salvager had ripped out all the transponder tech so she had to reregister the ship, she had done that nearly three days ago, but had not received the paper work, so legally speaking it was an unregistered military vessel. She had confirmation of her application to present to the Admiral if required. The presence of a small but formidable war fleet out there was also fairly alarming, she better watch her manners, the thought, laughing nervously.

"Tell the Admiral I will be aboard the Tal'din in thirty minutes once I have fed my daughter, and send my apologies for the short delay, you know how it is"

Thirty minutes later almost to the minute, the medical drop ship landed i the hangar of the Tal'din, her flagship seemed tiny compared to both her larger vessels and the arriving Eternal Navy, but she had grown attached to its and the layout she had worked out over the last couple of years in command had served her well, not many ships had a park with a swimming pool on board, well, all of hers did, thay kind if therapy was so valuable, but this one was hers. As she stepped off of the Dropship, adjusting her uniform to make sure she looked as professional as possible the tossed a remote fob to a male Togrutan who waited on the landing pad. Their pram obediently followed the fob. "She has eaten, but she needs changing, ok" she shouted over as she walked towards the Admiral's party in her hangar.

"Rear Admiral Sicarus, welcome to my ship, it's an honour to have you aboard. My apologies again for the short delay, entirely unplanned I assure you.". Observing the man she noted that she quite liked his appearance, the Hersir was a bit stuffy for her tastes as she preferred to be able to breathe, so she was glad she wasn't an Imperial Sailor, but their officers did always look so smart and professional which she respected. "I hope everything so far meets with Imperial approval, it would be a welcome relief to avoid any more unfortunate delays and get out there."
Location: D’rinba IV Space
Call Sign: FAE/eI-01 “Ballerina” Star Interceptor Mk. II - Royal Four
Tags: Chamdar the Hutt Chamdar the Hutt Asaaj En Kelsani Asaaj En Kelsani Race Tolsen Race Tolsen Kalic Daws Kalic Daws Hi'los Krai Hi'los Krai Ambrosia Iota Ambrosia Iota

"all fighters, stay alert, you are not alone out there"

“Understood, Captain.” Came the simple and direct response from the Togruta ace. Her squadmates had received the same message, making it unnecessary for Bella to relay it to them in turn. That freed up her attention to continue scouting and picking through the debris field, taking in the detritus of battles past and ancient vessels. Her Ballerina maneuvered with effortless ease through the often-tight confines of the field, but Bella was keenly aware of how hazardous this area would become, when they made contact with an enemy force.

Surviving in this arena would demand all of her skills, focus, and luck.

As if on cue, just as Bella was calibrating the power to activate the Ballerina’s weapons, the voice of the Captain came over the comms, announcing the location of the enemy force in the area. The Blood Knight’s sensor data was immediately relayed to the pilot via the Fleet Battle Net, to which Bella accelerated her machine to attack velocity, while shifting her heading to intercept the 12 hostile craft. Stealth systems concealing her approach and rendering her effectively invisible to sensors and scanners, Bella immediately seized the initiative, pouncing on the formation of Starbird-class fighters from behind an asteroid. Locking onto two of the bandits, her cannons whined to life, the four magenta beams taking a curving arc towards their targets as the tractor guidance system magnetized them towards their quarry. Initially striking the bandits’ energized barriers, it didn’t take long for the beams to chew their way through the shields, which soon collapsed in a burst of energized particles, leaving their hulls exposed.

In the next moment, the two craft were rendered as little more than slag when the arcing beams slashed their way across their hulls, ripping through the cockpits and reducing the pilots to ashes on the stellar winds.

Before the others could respond, Bella SLAM’d her interceptor back into the relative safety of the debris field, forcing the enemy to let her go as the other pilots in the Blood Knight’s complement began to engage the remaining bandits.

“We are engaging the enemy fighters, Captain!” Bella grunted, as she deactivated the SLAM and pulled the Ballerina into a tight chandelle, setting up for her next attack run.


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